Tag: Globe Trotters

Holiday Nightmares: The Dangers Of Travelling Abroad

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Imagine the scene: you have saved up your money to go on holiday. Excitement is bubbling over, and you cannot wait to leave your home town and jet off abroad to whatever country you have chosen. Sun, sea, rest, and relaxation await. Oh, the fun you will have, the memories you will bring back with you, the stress you will feel slide away from your tired mind…unless you are caught up in one of the following holiday nightmares and those memories will be dark ones and the idea of fun will slip away, being replaced with the stress you thought you had left behind. Gulp!



Nightmare #1: You have an accident or injury


Your home may be a child-proofed fortress, but your health and safety know-how needs to be adapted for a holiday abroad. There are many dangers, from slipping over at the hotel poolside to hurting yourself on unsafe roads. Not every country adheres to the safety requirements you practice in your country, so you need to be prepared.


Tip: Pack a first-aid kit with you before you leave and carry it with you everywhere you go. From bee sting creams to a maritime tourniquet, carry something for every eventuality, keeping you and your travelling companions safe from added harm should an injury take place.


Nightmare #2: You have a stomach upset


We told you in a previous article that travelling is good for your health. It is, but when travelling in a foreign clime, you need to be careful. Stomach upsets are common, especially if you drink from contaminated water sources or eat foods that are unfamiliar to your delicate stomachs.


Tip: Bring plenty of bottled water with you, or buy store-bought water while abroad, rather than drinking from the tap or any other water source. Be careful what you eat too – while it’s good to be adventurous with your food options when abroad, be mindful of what your stomach can normally stand and only eat in reputable food eateries.


Nightmare #3: You get mugged


Tourists stand out like the proverbial sore thumb, taking snaps with their smartphones, and dressing in clothing that is clearly alien to local custom. The chances of a tourist getting pickpocketed (or worse) are high.


Tip: Stop looking like a tourist! Wear clothing that helps you blend into the country, and don’t do anything that gives your tourist credentials away – standing in the middle of the street with a giant map is a big no-no for starters. Try and travel in groups as well, and don’t go anywhere unpopulated alone at night. You need to keep yourself safe, as well as your precious belongings.


Nightmare #4: You end up in a war zone


This is the biggest nightmare of them all, and something we all need to be aware of. Every day we hear of terrorist attacks in foreign and neighbouring countries, and some countries are prone to political unrest. Your life could be on the line.


Tip: Keep an eye on the news. If you discover your holiday destination is potentially unsafe, don’t take the risk unless your holiday operator tells you otherwise. Check out this list of dangerous countries too – with the risk of terrorist attack and tourist kidnappings; these are definitely places to avoid, no matter how much of a risk taker you think you are.




We have given you a whistle-stop tour of some of the holiday nightmares that await you. Still, we aren’t trying to put you off travelling abroad. Most of you will have a fantastic time. However, it pays to take precautions, so whatever you do this year, take care of yourself and those around you when making your holiday plans.







When Health Changes The Travel Game

When people think of health in the context of travel, they tend to focus on mental health and the benefits of travelling. Indeed, in the Victorian times and until the glorious 1930s, most wealthy families tend to consider travel as a cure to common health complaints. If you were feeling tired, you just needed to spend a few weeks by the sea to feel re-invigorated again. You’ve been struggling with the flu? Plan a trip to the mountains and make the most of the fresh air available. Travel was perceived as a cure for a lot of health issues, including some more serious ones such as cancer – which, before it was properly diagnosed, was thought to be cured in the marine breeze. But, the health discoveries of the previous century have forever created a divide between travelling and healing. However, if travel doesn’t change anymore our approach to health, new health requirements are transforming our approach to travel every day.the game is risky without having knowledge of results. if you don’t know teer result quiet well then it would be not healthy.

Security check in Munich airport

Travel comfortably and within the baggage regulations

When you are sitting in a plane for hours, you need to make sure that you can travel comfortably. Unfortunately, for a lot of airline companies, comfort isn’t a priority, and you might find yourself cramped into a seat with barely any room for your legs. You can’t easily demand to be upgraded to a more comfortable seat, but you can certainly consider bringing some comfort items on board, such as a blanket and a pillow for long flights. There isn’t currently any restriction on pillows. However, you need to be careful as more and more small airline companies are trying to limit passenger to one hand luggage in the cabin. As regulations evolve rapidly, you might be forced to leave your pillow behind, unless health organisations include comfort as a primary factor.

No, you can’t take your pet, but you can keep your ESA

Unless exceptional circumstances – such as a crisis situation – you can’t take your pet with you in the cabin. Pets need to be put in the hold, and they need to be transported by freight if they are over a certain weight. However, if you have an ESA certification for your pet, aka if it’s an emotional support animal, airlines have to let you travel with your pet in cabin. However, there are certain restrictions that rely on common sense. For instance, if your ESA pet is a horse, it’s likely that the airline will refuse to take you on board as the animal will not fit the cabin space.

The 100ml rule – what does it apply to?

If you’re a frequent flyer, you know about the 100ml regulation for liquid in cabin luggage. However, there are health-related circumstances in which the rule can be broken. Indeed, baby milk can be taken on board with more than 100ml as it’s indispensable to the health and survival of your baby. Similarly, you can transport medicines of more than 100ml with a prescription from your doctor. However, you will need in both cases to present all elements to the security check station.

You can take more than 100ml baby milk

The health challenges that people face are changing the way the travel industry functions. Hopefully, in the long term, requirements such as personal space and mindful seating will also be part of new people-centred travel regulations.


How to get a perfect travel look..

While travelling, we bloggers are often very conscious about our looks, because we all want to travel in a comfortable manner and yet at the same time, we want to look our best and coolest possible for all those travel selfies, groupies and videos. The best way to achieve this look is to make your travel essentials stand out, from the backpack you carry, to the cargos you wear, or the shoes and even your everyday eye glasses. If all these elements reflect your quirkiness or style, you are sorted. Lets take a look at some of the essentials that can bring style statement to your regular travel look

Shoes– These days men aren’t behind when it comes to wearing shoes in different styles and colours, but when it comes to traveling, most people opt for the regular sports shoes. But here is how you can make the difference, opt for colourful and comfortable loafers instead and add the element of funk to your look. You can choose from bold colours like red and orange or stick to the basics like tan and brown too, but whatever the colour may be, they will surely help you look more stylish and yet remain comfortable.

Women too can easily opt for nice and comfortable looking lighter sports shoes, which are these days available in lot of colourful options as well, and keep that one statement piece of shoe or sandal for a night out during your travel. A pair of boots or comfortable bellies are also good for traveling keeping in mind both comfort and style.

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Bag– Whether you are fond of backpacks while traveling, or carry light with just a sling bag, the bag can bring about your personality and make a style statement like anything. Quirkiness or classiness, the choice could be yours, but while choosing your bag, keep your personality trait in mind and settle for one statement bag than to carry too many of them.

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Eye Glasses– Those who wear eye glasses, often resort to lenses while traveling, thinking that their glasses make them look boring, and yet wearing lesses all the time could be cumbersome. But now all thanks to brands like Titan, choosing a right kind of frame from your glasses is just a click away. With the Titan Eye Plus Wayfarer Eyeglasses range, there are lot of options available for everyone. Wayfarer typically means a person who is on foot, nomadic in nature, a traveller or gypsy and hence its one of the best suited eye wear range for travellers. With so many designs to choose from and that too in a decent budget, now dont shy away from flaunting your glasses and create a statement look. Whether you talk about different shapes or colours, they have plenty to offer and you will surely find glasses reflecting your true style. In fact placing an online order is very simple through their user friendly website and you can avoid going all the way to an optician and all those hassles.

With these accessories, you can surely bring about a considerable change to your routine look, remain comfortable and yet be stylish even while traveling. So what are you waiting for, start adding them to your collection now!

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