Avoiding A Hole World Of Trouble With Cavities

If you’ve been worried about your potential for cavities as of late or your dentist has let you know that you might develop one if you don’t change things, then it’s important to know that there is plenty that you can do. Here, we’re going to outline the main steps you can take in managing your oral health and preventing the cavities that can affect all of us.

Brush effectively (and with the right toothpaste)

The very best thing that you can do to protect your teeth from cavities is to brush them in the morning, night, and after eating. When you eat, you get plaque that builds up on your teeth and the bacteria from this plaque can cause the release of acids that wears away at the enamel on your teeth. Brushing clears away this plaque and fluoride toothpaste, in particular, is good at neutralizing the acids produced while also helping to strengthen your teeth.

Make flossing part of your routine

Most people brush their teeth without issue. However, a lot of people have trouble getting into flossing. It is, however, crucial, as it reaches all of the places that your brush can’t reach and it’s in these little nooks and crannies that cavities can most easily form. If you have had trouble flossing your teeth before, then there are options like automatic flossers that can handle it for you, so read more about your options. Whatever the case, whether with floss or pressurized jets of water, you need to more effectively hit the places that you’re not able to reach with your toothbrush.

Get a regular cleaning from the dentist

There is only so much that you can do with your home routine. If you haven’t seen your dentist in a while, then now is the time to organize a visit. Most people should have a trip to the dentist for a professional cleaning at least once a year. This is because while you can clean away the plaque that sticks to your teeth, sometimes it can harden, becoming tartar which is much tougher to remove with basic home oral care. Tartar contributes to cavities just like plaque can, so getting it cleaned off at least once a year (or more if the dentist recommends) is vital.

Quit the sugary and acidic drinks

Acid is the biggest culprit behind the problem of cavities since it is what wears away at the enamel of your teeth. Sugar produces the bacteria that give off acids, as well. Cutting down on these drinks can do you a world of good. If you find that you’re not able to cut out your indulgences completely, then you should at least make sure that you’re drinking water to rinse out your mouth after. Water can very effectively flush away the sugars and acids that you drink.

If you do have any cavities, there are treatments available, with fillings being the most common, not to mention an easy and quick procedure to organize. Prevention is, of course, the best cure, however.