How To Stick To Your Exercise Routine

You may have the desire to want to work out and get fit but you might also not be good about sticking with what you set out to do. In this case, it may be useful to review ideas and tips for ensuring you continue to exercise even when you’re feeling defeated or uninterested.

The following pieces of advice will help you stay on track so you can get the results you want. No one’s perfect and there will be setbacks along the way but all that matters is that you pick yourself up and start again.

Set Goals

You can stick to your exercise routine by setting goals for what you want to achieve. Write them down and review them daily to keep this matter at the forefront of your mind and thoughts. Not only record down what you want to accomplish but also specifics about how you’ll go about meeting each goal. For instance, maybe it’s that you’ll wake up and exercise in the morning five days per week or that you want to incorporate more weight training into your schedule.

Find Activities You Enjoy & Make it Easy

Make exercising and working out easy on yourself by setting up a home gym and finding activities you enjoy doing such as biking. Check out the products and options that Hoist Fitness offers so you can get started with your fitness journey immediately. The easier you make it to exercise and fit it into your daily schedule the more likely you are to do it.

Identify Your Motivation

Another tip for sticking to your exercise routine is to identify your motivation for wanting to get fit and in shape. For instance, maybe it’s that you want to look good in a swimsuit when summer rolls around or to fit into a pair of jeans that you haven’t been able to wear in years. All that matters is that it’s something that gets you off the couch and working out so you can begin to transform your body. Think about this motivation often and maybe hang a picture on your fridge to remind you what you’re after.

Reward Yourself & Your Efforts

It’s about working hard when you’re trying to get fit and exercise more but also about taking breaks and rewarding yourself and your efforts. Monitor your progress and how you’re doing and be proud of yourself when you see the scale going down. Find healthy ways to reward yourself such as taking a nap, investing in new workout clothes and gear, or making a nutritious smoothie to enjoy. Pat yourself on the back once in a while and take a step back and be proud of yourself for making forward progress.


Sticking to your exercise routine isn’t easy but it is possible. Applying these tips is an excellent way to get started on the right path and they’ll keep you going strong even when you feel like slacking or quitting. Have fun with it and enjoy your new physique and the boost in your mood that comes with you putting your health and well-being first.  

13 thoughts on “How To Stick To Your Exercise Routine

  1. These are great tips. I am walking in the mornings again, and these tips can help me get up and get it done each day!

  2. Great tips on how to stick to your exercise routine. I have to say that perhaps one of the biggest ways is to actually keep score! What I mean is that there are so many people that go into the gym not knowing their weight, not knowing how much they can lift, or how far & fast they can go on the cardio machines. Now this is fine if you are there for a bit of fun, overall health, and general benefits.
    But I find if I handwrite my daily routine, write down my starting weight (1x a week is fine), then write down how much I actually lifted for for how many reps or how fast & what levels I did on the cardio machines, then it give me motivation to return to do better, beat those scores or at least maintain!

  3. There are some times when I really want to start a workout but after few days, I will be out of motivation to keep it going haha. This will help a lot. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Setting goals and doing something I enjoy for a workout is definitely what helps me stick to it. These are the most important for me when it comes to establishing and maintaining an exercise routine.

  5. Thanks for the tips. I’m trying to get in sync again with my exercise routine as I had to stop last week for my vaccination.

  6. Setting goals is what helps me with my exercise routine. It’s hard especially during lazy days but with my goal in mind, I lift my butt and workout!

  7. Exercise is not that hard but it’s hard to keep and retain a routine. Good point and appreciate that you have shared some very useful and insightful ideas. – Knycx Journeying

  8. I think its all in the mind too! It’s hard if we are at a lazy cold weather here 🙂 LOL! Thanks for the tips!

  9. Sticking to exercise routine can be really hard but setting goals and rewarding work really well for me. Thanks for the tips

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