Day: December 8, 2017

4 Daily Tips That Will Improve Your General Health & Fitness

Staying fit & healthy is all about getting into a routine. You must have a few things that you can do everyday, to keep yourself in good shape. There are certain things – like going to the gym – that you can’t really do all the time. However, I have four daily tips that will help you improve your health and get you into a good routine.


By running or cycling to work, you get yourself moving more, the blood is pumping, and the calories are burning. It’s worth advising that you dress appropriately for this, make sure you have all your high-vis gear on so cars can see you, and a helmet on your bike. Also, run on the pavement and use cycle lanes if you can. The last thing you want is to end up in an accident on the road and spend the next few months in a hospital bed talking to a personal injury attorney on the phone. Be safe, and you will start every day in a very positive way. As well as bringing health benefits, this can also make you feel more awake and energized, ready to be productive at work.

Stand Up Every Hour

A very simple daily tip is to stand up every hour. That’s it, that’s all you have to do. Get up from your seat at work and stretch out a little bit, maybe have a quick walk around the office too. This goes back to what I said about a sedentary lifestyle; we sit too much, and it’s bad for us.


By getting up every hour, you ensure your body doesn’t get stuck in a seated position. This can cause all kinds of muscular imbalances, and leave your upper and lower back in a lot of pain. As a result, you pave the way for other conditions as you age. Stand up, walk around more, and stop yourself from sitting for long periods. Trust me, your all round health and wellbeing will improve.

Drink Two Large Bottles Of Water Per Day

Water is your best friend. In fact, it’s more than your best friend, it’s something you simply can’t live without. By drinking lots of water every day, you will see untold health benefits. Water keeps you hydrated, which stops you feeling tired and fatigued. When most people complain of tiredness, it usually because they’re slightly dehydrated. Furthermore, water floods your skin cells full of essential nutrients, keeping your skin clear and healthy.


There’s always talk about how much water is enough water per day? And I believe the best way to get enough is to drink two large 1-litre bottles. They’re very easy to carry around with you, and you only have to refill it once to get your daily dose. Do this, and watch your body transform.

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Take A Multivitamin Every Morning

Vitamins are so helpful in getting our bodies to function at their absolute peak. There are so many health problems that can be counteracted by vitamin consumption. Vitamins can help lower your blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, promote healthy hair growth, protect your eyesight, and so much more. By consuming more vitamins, we will have a much healthier internal system.


The only issue is that it’s expensive and quite hard to take loads of different vitamins every day. Plus, which ones are the best? This can easily be solved by taking a multivitamin. This is a supplement containing numerous vitamins in one tablet or pill. Simply take it with your breakfast, and you’re good to go.


All four of these tips are designed to be daily. They’re things you can always do, and they’re also very easy to do as well. So, you have no excuses for not doing them. The hardest thing here is not driving to work. But, once you get into the swing of things, you won’t think twice about it. Everything else requires zero effort, yet will make a huge difference in your life.



How To Stay Healthy As You Continue With Life

We all age. It’s a fact that some people may not like hearing much, but it is undeniable. However, it shouldn’t be a cause for feelings of despair. Yes, our bodies change as we get older, and we may not be able to do some of the things we could do in our early 20’s. But before you panic and start searching for affordable IVF plans because you think you’ve left it too late, or trying to find out if there is such a thing as a stylish zimmer frame, consider that with age comes knowledge, wisdom, and (usually) a fuller bank account.

 (Source)    Nonetheless, it’s never too early, or too late, to  start caring for your body and your mind. Below are a few tips to keep the spring in your step and the sparkle in your eye as the years come and go, allowing you to pursue your passions.


Stay Active

The adage goes ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it,’ so make sure you keep using it. Your body is an amazing thing, so keep it fit and healthy by exercising it. There is plenty of information around to help you find a workout routine that fits your goals, fitness levels, and interests. The most important thing is to find a way of exercising that you enjoy; if you’re not having fun, you’re less likely to stick with it. Just half an hour of exercise a day to make you out of breath and a little bit sweaty can make a vast difference. You could try doing some form of resistance training too. Not only will it keep your muscles and heart strong, but it can also help strengthen your joints and ligaments and even combat the onset of osteoporosis by subjecting your bones to an unfamiliar workload, causing them to increase in density. You could even try attending a fitness class. Not only does it keep you healthy and active, but is a great way to meet new people.


Watch What You Eat

The food you eat is the fuel for your body; it allows you to do all the activities you take for granted day to day. The right food can even help keep you looking younger. If you want to get the most from life, you need to pay close attention to what you’re putting on your plate. As an example, the brain will burn through over 300 calories per day. It may burn through even more if you are concentrating and thinking hard at work, so it’s important that not only is it getting enough nutrition, but the right kind. Everyone knows the five food groups, which should be represented in every meal where possible, but it is also important to have the right balance between these groups. A well-balanced diet should be made up of around 60% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 20% fats. If you are exercising regularly, it is important that your body has enough energy (carbohydrates) to support the activities you are doing – even if you are exercising to lose weight. If you are incorporating resistance training into your routine, it might be worth considering upping your protein intake slightly, as the protein in your diet is what helps your muscles recover and get stronger. The essential element here though is to make sure you eat healthily and regularly. Only then will you have the energy to spend your day exactly as you please.


Be Mindful Of Your Mind

As you get older, your life tends to settle into a routine. This can be great for your stress levels and time management, but it can be less than ideal for your brain function. Much like how you become weaker when you are bed bound for a few days due to illness, your mind can become less keen when it is not effectively used. Keep your mind active by training it to think in different ways than it is used to, doing so will keep you agile and able to cope with any challenges that life may throw at you. You should also be careful not to neglect your mental health. Making sure you have adequate downtime is key to keeping yourself happy and healthy. While exercise (as mentioned previously) and fresh air can help keep your serotonin levels in the right place, pursuing other activities that bring you joy will go a long way to keep some balance in your life. If you don’t have a hobby, consider finding one. Going to the theatre or attending painting classes are just some of the options when it comes to adding some variety to your free time.


Remembering that being aware of your health and wellness is not reserved solely for the very young, or the elderly, is an important step. We should all be mindful to intertwine our physical and emotional well-being into every aspect of our lives.

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