What Truly Matters On Your Wedding Day

There are only really a handful of things that matter on your wedding day. So many couples agonize over the very smallest detail, when in reality, these things don’t matter at all. It isn’t about wedding favors, chair ribbons, or anything like that. They may make a nice addition if you want to, but they won’t make a difference to how great a time your guests have.


Here’s what truly matters on your wedding day, to put things into perspective:


Your Guests

Your guests are one of the only things that truly matter on your wedding day. If you plan on getting married just you, your husband, and a few witnesses, then more power to you! Nothing is saying you can’t get married like that if this is what you want. However, most couples end up inviting the majority of the people they know. If you plan on inviting people in this way, then you need to make sure you think about them in most of the decisions you make. How do you want them to talk about the day afterwards? You want them to say they had an awesome time, of course! Make sure that’s what you set out to do, to thank them for celebrating your special day with you.


Your Photographer/Videographer

The photographs of your big day are one of the only things that will last forever. Your grandchildren’s grandchildren could end up looking at these pictures, so it’s a good idea to select a photographer that you love. Every photographer has a different style, so check out portfolios and see what suits you as a couple. Make sure you look at testimonials to ensure they are reliable too.


The Food

Everybody will eat the food, your guests, you, your vendors. The food is one of the things that can make a wedding a ‘wow’ day or a bit of a let down. People will be relying on you to give them enough sustenance to feed them through the night. This doesn’t mean you should pay for a 5 course meal for each guest – you could have a buffet if you wanted to. It just means you should take into account the theme of your wedding, any allergies and dietary preferences, and then select a caterer that has amazing reviews.




Your Venue

Your venue can be the perfect backdrop to your big day. If you choose a place like Liberty Grand banquet halls, you may even find you can cut down on the decorating side of your wedding, and simple use as it is. You could save money on decorations, and time decorating the venue – your time is all important when you’re on a wedding planning schedule!


Your Wedding Outfits

Your wedding outfits will affect how you feel on the day. If you want to feel your best, then you need to make sure you’re wearing something you absolutely love, that you feel suits your personality. It should be in keeping with your venue theme too. Make sure you take into account things like whether you’ll mind a friend having to help you to the toilet if you have a long train.

 Is it a Gay Wedding, read more about it here

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