6X Green Tea- The New Revolution..!!

I have never ever been fond of tea in my life, and when I say tea, I mean the regular tea. I may have tried flavoured teas on and off but I am not the morning tea, office tea, or evening tea type of person. But since past 2 years, green tea is something I am hooked too.

I have tried a lot of brands and flavours and my reason for switching to green tea is primarily because it helps in detoxification and weight loss.

Recently Four Fountains Lab has launched 6X Green Tea which has 6 times higher antioxidants and is amazingly helpful for weight loss.

Obesity and weight gain is one of the biggest problem of urban India. 6X green tea is infused with high potency antioxidant that boosts metabolism and protects the body against free radicals oxidative stress. The antioxidant potential of 6X Green Tea is 6 times higher as compared to normal green tea. Thus it is much more effective than normal green tea for weight loss.

Exposure to pollution, medicines, eating too much junk food and stress, altogether increase level of toxins in the body in the form of free radicals. The free radicals are reported to be the precursor for almost all lifestyle disorders including heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Consumption of 6X green time on regularly increases antioxidant levels in the body and flushes the toxins out. The best part it is devoid of caffeine and so can be consumed daily.

For any other green tea to be effective, you need to consumer 4-5 cups in a day. With 6X Green Tea you just need to have one cup and that provides you all the antioxidants you need for a day.

How to use:

Open a sachet and pour the contents into a cup. Add 150 ml hot water and your 6X Green Tea is ready.

You may not take a liking for the taste immediately because its little different from the regular green teas that we are used to, but regular use of the same, and you will adapt to the refreshing change in taste easily. I just enjoyed my cup of tea, when are you enjoying yours..

Its easily available on Amazon, so don’t waste time, order now!

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Goa, India