Day: September 12, 2016

Take a Healthier Path by Choosing Right Water Purifier

It is a common notion for people to put a great deal of thought on consuming clean and healthy drinking water mainly because most of the deadly diseases are water borne. Needless to say that the water supplied to city and town homes through the water distribution system is not pure enough for drinking.

The tap water which people receive may look clean and dirt free but it has a lot of dissolved impurities capable of causing serious harm to the human body. That is where the concept of water purification comes in. Boiling the water is one of the oldest and most commonly used water purification method but is quiet costly if one takes into account the cost of the fuel and labor gone behind this process. That is where modern purification processes comes in.


A few modern, effective and affordable water purification techniques are-

  • RO or Reverse Osmosis
  • UV or Ultraviolet
  • UF or Ultra Filtration

RO or the Reverse Osmosis filtration system is one of the most popular modern methods probably coz of its effective results and affordable prices. This method makes the water pass through an RO filtration membrane that filters out all the dissolved impurities from the water while making it germ and bacteria free. Hence purifiers with the RO mechanism like Aquafresh water purifier should be the go to option for all those looking to up their health quotient.


Here are a few special features of Aquafresh RO which will make any person, aware enough about the water borne health hazards, opt for it.

  • This purifier delivers water in its purest form and is hence good at dealing with brackish water or water with a higher saline content which depends on the local water resource.
  • Nowadays when chemical contamination in water is a rising concern, RO serves with the best solution as this technology is excellent at dealing with chemical contamination.
  • Getting rid of TDS or total dissolved solids is another forte of the RO purifier.
  • All these points along with Aquafresh’s free, quick and easy installation process makes this the best defender of water borne diseases.

RO water purification system has a reputation of being the best in its field. Be it for military purposes or for residential ones, it has proved time and again about its capabilities. All those who are yet to avail the best services associated with an RO purification system should contact Aquafresh.


Mystical Mondays- The Joy is in Details, By Manoj Lekhi

Knowledge and Awareness:

Why is it so that knowledge is given so much of importance all over the world? Why is it that Goddess Saraswati is given so much of respect and importance?

Increase in Knowledge may not necessarily mean Increase in Awareness


Increase in Awareness definitely means Increase in Knowledge.

Further, Awareness can be divided into two types:



Outside Awareness :

An expert mountaineer is aware of each and every minute change of climate from heat to rains to snow. Likewise an expert Musician is aware of every sound he uses in singing and making of a song.

An expert artist is aware of the different shades of color that can describe his idea best through his painting, similarly a successful businessman knows all in and outs of his business and that is one of the major reasons he is a great Micro-Manager (also known as Micro-Management).

Be it any field you are part of, mastering whatever you do is one of the key aspect that makes you an expert or experienced person in your field.

An expert cricketer is aware of the field placements and his players, this allows him to play shots in between the gaps. A practiced dancer is extremely aware of small minute steps and hand movements which makes a beautiful performance in front of an audience. The same goes for a skillful actor and director, the actor is aware of each and every angle and pose he needs  to shoot in front of the camera while the director is fully aware of his cinematography.

This way we have thousands of fields where people will give great importance to details and end up being highly successful in terms of money, fame or expertise. Some may end being famous like Amitabh Bachan or maybe one like Sachin Tendulkar or a famous actor or cricketer or Musician. When you do, whatever you do, do in depth, it makes you happy, confident and creates an eagerness to achieve more and more. They enjoy the small joys of detailing. There is a different blissfulness that you receive when you master your respective field. Any person who goes into  learning every minute detail, he enjoys his life to the fullest. Success may or may not happen, but they enjoy and are passionate about their work/professional life because joy lies in the details.

 Inside Awareness:

However the above set of people who are into detailing may enjoy their professional place but might end up disturbed, unhappy and dissatisfied, if their planned goals  aren’t achieved. Let’s say it as their inner awareness. Where a person who is aware of his inner-self and he is fully contained, satisfied and successful. For him, what matters is knowing everything inside- outside rather than just the outer world.  Aware of his body movements, more aware about his breath, even more aware of his thoughts, even more subtly aware of his feelings and emotions and more aware of his intentions before he takes any action. This person enjoys the detailing of his inward self. He does not need any goal, nor does he target any destination, detailing itself is the destination. His or her joy is in the process of discovering the inner-self, inner-intentions, feelings,  thoughts, words, which designs his actions for any responses. His behavior is an outcome of his words which is an outcome of his thoughts, feelings, intentions, understanding details. For example, the person who is aware of inner-self is aware of every single thing he does, for instance drinking water and feeling fully satiated. 


The one who can comprehend the inner-self is automatically the one who can solve the outside world’s puzzle. The one who rises in inner consciousness rises in the level of outer consciousness too. He is master of his own universe. But the reverse need not be true.

A person who is very alert in his inward journey puts his complete attention also in his outward journey. His inside vibrations transmit to outside.

Both ways are wonderful, when you go from inside to outside, it becomes much easier, because it is not dependent on outside factors, while in outside awareness the person is dependent on various other factors. He does not need an outward goal or outward validation, target, destination. His/her Joy is in the inner self- understanding. Go the inward to outward journey which is simpler, easier, joyful and guaranteed success. Outward to in is long, tedious, hardworking and cannot be guaranteed to be joyful. Go for subtle inwards and express it outwards.

Little Things = Great Joy

It is self fulfilling to know each and every pulse and breath of work or things you are into. The joy lies in the details. When you know inside- outside, you enjoy everything you do. This understanding is a medicine that can solve various issues in your life. From simple tasks like cooking to holding a big time business, when one is involved in every minute aspect of the task one’s joy multiplies manifold


Know this. Practice this. Experience this.

The joy is in the details.



About the Author

Manoj Lekhi is a truth seeker at heart and a guide to thousands Indians all over the world. At the age of 25, he met Guruji Shree Rishi Prabhakarji, creator of the Siddha Samadhi Yoga (SSY) program. Under Guruji’s guidance and as his key disciple, Manoj Lekhi himself has blossomed into a Business and Life coach.


He is a passionate trainer in areas like management and leadership development. He has been teaching management mantras to many corporate honchos for business expansion for over a decade. In the last two years he has conducted 250 programs across 11 cities and touched the lives of 15000 fellow Indians in India and abroad. His passion for meditation and SSY has inspired him to adopt an entire village near the foothills of Pune. He has also started a school there inspired by the Gurukul structure. The Gurukul encourages community living and inspires everyone to become a contributing member of the society. The entire community stays, works, meditates, serves and plays together amongst the rustic dwellings and wide expanse of sprawling greens. Apart from this he is also the author of the books; ‘Your Child is your Parent’ and ‘ Money Wealth and Abundance’. Manoj Lekhi’s love for Silence and Solitude makes him an obvious nature-lover. He loves trekking and loves taking a walk in the mountains and forests. Apart from this he also enjoys listening to the modern day Western spiritual and professional Gurus like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer on one hand to ZigZiglar and Brian Tracy on the other.

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