Dunkin Donuts Launches 4 New Coffees

Given Enough Coffee You Could Shake The World!!!
This is what Dunkin Donut claims as they launch some very interesting new coffees. Its not a very regular thing when innovation with coffee happens. We may visit different cafes, and they might name their coffees differently, but they all end up tasting the same, with hardly a difference to make out.
To bridge this gap, Dunkin has really gone overboard in their research and come up with not one but four new coffees, and these coffees are of the kinds that we normally don’t get in coffee shops.
Mr. Dev Amritesh, President and COO, Dunkin Donuts, India along with their coffee expert Barista Phelix, hosted this exclusive session for food enthusiasts.

Each coffee had its own story to tell, which was communicated through AV medium and elaborated by quick witted and very lively Dev himself.

The first coffee is named Bangalore Start-Up Coffee. As the name suggests, its for the night owls busy working on ideas that will one day(hopefully) change the world. A 100% Arabica roast coffee beans decoction, in piping hot milk, inspired by South-Indian filter coffee and the start-up culture. But you really don’t need to be in a start-up to drink this one.
This coffee reminded me of the coffee I drink at home every morning, which is basically coffee added to a warm glass of milk. To get this kind of homely taste in a coffee shop, is something we never expect. We go to coffee shops for fancy coffees, but sometimes what you really need is that feeling of home comfort, home like taste and Bingo, this coffee gives you exactly that.
The next coffee, is meant strictly for bold and daring people, because this guy is tough and its actually named Tough Guy Cappuccino. This coffee is like the real friend who has no sympathy for you, he is like the friend who tells you, your face is dirty and you look like an idiot, when other friends like your pic on the social media, this coffee makes you wake up and smell the coffee. The triple shot of dark roasted espresso with a tint of brandy is so tough that you can’t escape the reality. Do not drink this one if you are clear-headed!
I personally liked this coffee the most, though the comfortable Bangalore Start-Up Coffee reminded me of home like taste, this one truly became my best friend. The aroma of coffee, the tint of brandy, made it a more than perfect combination when in need to think clear. I am gonna go back a lot to Dunkin for this tough guy, because you don’t find guys like this easily these days 😉
 I even clicked a selfie with this one 🙂

What do you do, when somedays you felt like being held, you hold a cup of fuzzy mix of chocolate and coffee, with whipped cream for some extra love and cinnamon for the feeling to linger. This is the coffee you hold when you need to be held. Its your partner in therapy, its called the Therapeutic Cappuccino.
And just as the name says, it is that therapy you need when sometimes you are too low or even too happy, its a coffee, you at back and relax with. Its a coffee that makes you forget things happening around you, its a coffee, that even after its finished, makes it difficult to part with. So its really not a coffee, its a therapy, its a coffee spa, its a massage, that you want to go on and on with. The chocolate and coffee mix, the sweetness of whipped cream and that dash of cinnamon, all put together make it more than a perfect combination of tastes.

And last but not the least, came the coffee which had no story, it was too direct and straightforward. Simply a no nonsense stuff, a straight up black coffee, minus the bitterness. This is one thing that we all drink black coffee for, for it being straight, strong and directly hard hitting, and at the same time, we still dislike the too much of bitterness it comes with. I am personally very fond of black coffee, but yes honestly speaking, the bitter taste it leaves me with, is not quite liked. Duncan has really found a solution to it, and come up with a coffee, which is black, but doesn’t taste bitter. And to substantiate the difference, we were served a Dunkin Black along with a regular Americano Black Coffee. The difference was very very evident and Dunkin gives me another reason to go back to them.

In fact Dunkin has really given me 4 new reasons to go back to them again and again and I definitely will. I am very sure that these four new coffees will give coffee lovers a lot of reason to visit Dunkin Donuts soon and I recommend tasting all of them, so at least 4 visits for that and then keep going back for one or the other 🙂

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