Tag: Vacation Planning Tips

Reasons To Consider Renting A Cabin For Your Next Vacation

Family vacations don’t come around often enough. Because of this, it is important to make the most out of the time you get. There are many lodging choices to consider. While each has its own benefits to consider, there are extra advantages that come with planning a cabin vacation such as with Beavers Bend cabin rentals. They have many great cabins to choose from on their site at www.beaversbendlogcabins.com.


Peace And Quiet

While getting a hotel room is a go-to when planning a family vacation, there is an appeal of cabin rentals that you cannot get with staying at a hotel. One great benefit of staying out in a cabin is that you will get lots of peace and quiet. Most hotels are crammed to capacity with noisy guests and events. A cabin is set out in the woods with much less people around.


A cabin will offer you a lot of beautiful scenery to enjoy on vacation. Depending on where you rent your cabin, you could have a view of a beautiful lake or mountains in the background. At night, the distance away from the city will allow you to see the sky and stars more clearly.

Space And Privacy

Most cabin rentals will offer more privacy and space compared to many hotel rooms. There are a variety of sizes and styles that can accommodate most families and budgets. If you are planning a huge family vacation, there are cabin rentals that can fit up to 30 or more people.

Pet Friendly

If you want to bring your family pet on vacation, the best option would be to get a cabin. If you have a dog, they will have plenty of room to run around and play without worrying about parking lots and other guests putting them in danger.

There is nothing wrong with staying in a hotel on your family vacation. However, if you want a unique and relaxing experience, a cabin rental is a great choice. You will notice how amazing it really was once you get back to the city and notice the difference.

Top Travel Safety Tips for 2018

Traveling is definitely something we all look forward to in order to rejuvenate ourselves, but sometimes travel also comes with its set of anxiety and panics. Lot of people that I know panic over the safety issues involved while traveling, and in a way they are all relevant. Safety is one of the prime concerns while traveling especially to a different country. But all I wanna say is that if one is careful and the planning is perfect, one can overcome all anxiousness and travel safely throughout the world. I recently came across this comprehensive article on travel safety and I feel its a must read. Let me know your feedback and experiences in the comments below. Read the article here


An infographic showing all the common risks faced by travelers


Awesome Northern Lights Vacations All Over the World

To experience the mesmerizing colors of the Aurora Borealis is the dream of every traveler. It is a bold claim that Northern Norway is the best place to fulfill this very dream. Other than Norway, other places flaunting this beauty are various Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Greenland,andAlaska.

These magnificent Auroral displays occur in many colors, pale green and pink being the most common. There are many shades of red, green, yellow and blue emitting in the night sky around the poles. The light appears in many forms from scattered clouds of light to shimmering arcs and sometimes even shooting rays that light up the sky with a stunning glow.

What causes the Northern Lights?

The understanding of Northern Lights is no rocket science. It is a simple process that occurs when our planet earth revolves around the sun, there is a small fraction of solar wind that is intercepted by our planet.  Almost 98% of these solar particles are deflected by the earth’s magnetic field and are drifted downside towards the Northpole and the South pole.
The excitation of these atoms is caused when they hit the molecules present in the earth’s atmosphere. This collision creates many glowing rings of auroral nature around, known as auroral ovals. The distinctive color of light appears during the disintegration of these particles to their original state.

Best destinations to experience the Northern Lights

Experiencing the Northern Lights is a spiritually uplifting experience. Every form is different, displaying a multicolored shifting dance of nocturnal rainbows. This  ethereal sight can be witnessed from some of the most beautiful Scandinavian countries. To see the celestial moves in the night sky one has to travel north towards the Arctic.


Listed below are some of the top-notchdestinations-


The best-guaranteedexperience of the Northern lights is in Sweden. NorthernSweden is situated in a weather shadow surrounded by a mountain range providingan 80% chance of witnessing the auroral lights. The famous AbiskaNational Park situated in Swedish Lapland delivers the best experience of the Northern lights.

The stupendous mountain range prevents the orographic rains and keeps the sky almost clear and pollution free. It is no wonder that Lonely planet announced the Abiska, world’s most illuminating experiences in the world.


Being a native to Iceland has its own privileges. They are, without a doubt, most privileged ones. Northern lights here are clearly visible for eight months a year, starting from September to the end of April.

On the contrary,it is just a matter of luck to see any such aurora activity as it depends on the local weather conditions and solar activity. Iceland, therefore, is an optimal destination in order to tick seeing the Northern Lights off of your bucket list.


Canada boastssimilar experiences as Iceland since it faces longhours of darkness in winter. However, the dense cloud cover prevalent in these areas decreases the chances of aurora activity. Places like Whitehorse, Yukon in Canada is illuminated by the northern lights as a shimmering cosmic dance across the night lit sky.

Yukon is no doubt the top-notchdestinations for travelers seeking spiritual upliftment in this natural wonder of nature. There are many prime lodging options in Yukon flauntingserene viewing locations at all times.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/skywatch-couple-love-motorcycle-3384730/

Iqaluit, Nunavut is another superb destination for blending into the cultural perspectives and witnessing northern lights. This epic destination exhibits a unique life to this region.

Athabasca Country, Alberta

Want to get a glimpse of glory? Northern Alberta is the place for you. Alberta is home to Athabasca University’s Geophysical Observatory.

It is amongst the many stations in the whole of North America studying the detailed aspects of Northern Lights.


One of the most fantabulous sights of Northern lights in the world is in Norway. Here the lights only appear at high latitudes from September to March, where the lucky stargazerscan get an opportunity to experiencethe emerald green sky to the scarlet violet sky. Various companies, like Nordic Experience and Sunvil,organize amazing activities such as the Northern Lights and dogsledding.


If you are a resident of America, you are the luckiest as there is no need tohead toEurope to experience the Northern lights. You can actually experience it without leaving the United States.It is the inland Alaskan Arctic where skies are crystal clear and thus provides one of the best spotsto witness the Northern lights and enjoy the natural cosmic light show. Northern America is the most convenient place where Americans head for their chances to see the aurora borealis.

The Northern Lights near Coldfoot is a place in Alaska and is home to the rustic Coldfoot Camp in the Brooks Mountain range. It is the prime Northern Lights observing location in the Alaskan Arctic.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/aurora-borealis-alaska-space-1181004/


Northern Lights near Barrow

This beautiful town is located on the extreme  northern edge of Alaska which organizes tours and outdoor adventures connected to the native culture providing a vast open area to drown in the feel of Northern lights.

Why do we see the blend of different colors?

The most common color observed in Northern Lights is green. It is due to the collision of the solar wind with millions of oxygen atoms which, when decay fall back to the original state, while emitting the green hue in the night sky.The reason for the red color seen in the northern lights is also caused by oxygen atoms.

The red color is always present, the reason for its intermittent appearance is that the human eyes are five times less sensitive to red light than green. The beautiful swirl of purple tinge is due tothe fact that the earth’s atmosphere is made up of nitrogen.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/northern-lights-aurora-borealis-984120/Myths associated with Northern Lights


To witness the real beauty of our planet, we need to travel often and experience the richness of diversity in terms of culture, ecology, food and the natural events that occur on this planet.

Author’s Bio:

Yogi and Suchna believe in taking the road less travelled and stumbling upon some hidden gems along the way! For over a decade, they’ve mapped their way across various continents, sniffed out unusual routes, discovered new flavours and stayed at quirky hostels. TheVillaEscape is their expression of soul travel. To check Iceland Trip From Indiayou can catch up with them at TheVillaEscape.



9 Travel Experiences To Add To Your List

The time has come for vacation again. You are making your list of all the places you would like to go and visit. There are certain things that you would like to experience and you have added them to your list. Here are a few unique experiences to make sure are on that bucket list of travel.

Swing over the end of the world

That’s right. There is a place that’s nicknamed “the end of the world.” In the town of Banow, Ecuador there is a station that’s held over Mount Tungurahua. It is a crater to an active volcano. Visitors can enjoy themselves with the sight as they swing over the crater.

Go back in time

There are many places in the world that show historical significance. The site of Machu Picchu is one of those places. It is a place that draws not only history buffs but hikers as well. The massive citadel was built hundreds of years ago in the Andes Mountains. It is a place where many hikers travel to not only for the sites but the tedious climb and challenges it offers. The beautiful views at the top are worth every step.

Wildlife at its best

There is nothing more spectacular than seeing wildlife up close and personal. The best experiences found are throughout Africa on a Safari. There are many places that offer tours and guides to take a safari. In today’s time tourists in Africa have the opportunity to travel many ways. They can take a safari on foot, jeep or even horseback to visit the beauty found only in Africa.

Healing in Iceland

The Blue Lagoon is a place that’s found in Iceland. It is a man made spa that features a huge lagoon filled with beautiful blue sea water. The heated water is naturally infused with algae and minerals. Because of this many say that the lagoon has many healing powers as well.

The lovely thermal waters of Iceland’s understandably famous Blue Lagoon. Paradise.

Ski on live rock

Many of us have made that family trip to the ski lodge. Days spent out snowboarding in the snow and nights by the roaring fireplace. There is a place in Nicaragua but that you can do some boarding. It isn’t in snow though. Instead, you will find an active volcano called Cerro Negro. In the city of Leon, tourists can take sled rides or snowboard down the huge slope of the mountain at 2388 feet. It is a once in a lifetime treat for all those who want the joy of snowboarding without the cold.

Swim with the Fishes

The Australian coast is home to the largest barrier reef in the world. It is beautiful and has over 1600 miles of beautiful coral gardens and sea-life. A sight that is not found anywhere else. It attracts both novice and experienced scuba divers year round.

Take a Gondola

The beautiful town of Venice, Italy is home to narrow streets and canals. At every corner, there are small cafes and shops that you will want to see. The best experience is to travel as many tourists do. Take a gondola ride during the day for some shopping or have a romantic night on the water as well.

See the lights

This is one sight that you will not want to miss. The Northern Borealis is one of the most remarkable sights to see. There are many places to see them from Alaska to Canada, Norway, and Sweden.

Walk the great wall

The building of the great wall of China began in the 7th century BC. It is one of the largest and oldest structures in the world. Its defense and magnificent structure made from lime, tiles, and stone. It’s definitely a trek that is worth the time.

Throughout history, there have been many places built or formed to include on the list. Many places aren’t listed here. Some are the castles in Germany, the vineyards in Italy, the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls and more. They are all great destinations every traveler should experience at least once.


Dr. Summit Shah is a renowned doctor in the Columbus, Ohio area. He is known for his center Premier Allergy that was founded in 2011. Other than helping patients he is an avid adventurer and scuba diver and loves to travel around the world experiencing all it has to offer.

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