Tag: Delhi Lifestyle Blogger

Why Sobriety Feels Better Than Anything

Becoming an addict can be much more of a slippery slope than we ever thought. If you enjoy an experience, your brain will be hooked on it from that first time and want to experience it again and again. Battling against this can feel like a hopeless cause, but recovery has so many more benefits than just improving your physical health. So with that in mind, why is choosing to stay or become sober a better idea than the alternative?



Being in rehab is supportive

When it comes to both having an addiction and coming out of one, it can be awfully lonely. By choosing recovery, we place ourselves back onto the path for support and friendliness. Going to a rehab center such as The Recovery Village is one of the best ways to stay sober and feel good about it as you’ll be surrounded by specialist care and like minded people who understand what you’re going through. You’ll never be alone in your suffering, and you’ll get out of it faster than you would without any aid.

There’s no chance of withdrawal symptoms

This is a huge benefit for both your physical and mental health. For example, if you’ve been on prescription drugs for the past 10 years, getting off them is a complete drain on your mental health for both your state of mind and chemical balancing. But if you’re sober, there’s no possibility of going through withdrawal symptoms for the first time again. Relapses can and will happen, but they’re often minor and can be gotten over quickly. The longer you stay sober the less likely you are to relapse and the years get easier and easier.

Your relationships will be deeper than ever before

Hanging around other people who have an addiction like yours, whether it be gambling, smoking, or taking drugs, makes it a lot harder for you to break the habit. Peer pressure affects us all and is a form of bullying. Learning how to say no is a big step in anyone’s life. This can be made easier if you take the time for yourself and make a conscious decision on your own terms to give up something. Becoming sober and going through recovery gives you a chance to cut these kind of toxic actions out of your life and build up the good ones from the people who truly love you. What someone thinks of us can be all we focus on, so by removing the nasty perceptions, we can increase our self esteem levels and allow ourselves to be loved again.

We all like to casually partake in substances, like a few drinks at a party and a couple of pills when we have a headache. But for some, it’s a huge part of their reality. Knowing this, becoming sober is a big decision for a lot of us. However there is more understanding and support out there than you realise, so let yourself enjoy life again on your own terms.


Need-To-Know Wedding Planning Tips

So, he’s finally popped the question, you’ve told everyone you know the good news, and the reality of it all is finally setting in. You may have had countless ideas about what you want your dream wedding to look like ever since you were a little girl. Now, you’re finally going to be able to make these daydreams a reality! When planning your big day, there are a number of things you should know, and others that you have to know. If you’re about to get stuck in with the planning, here are some essential tips to bear in mind…

Your Guests Come First

Well, obviously, you come first. However, when you sit down to start planning, your guests are the first thing you should worry about. First and foremost, get a firm handle on the number of guests you’re going to invite. This will make it easier to settle on details such as the wedding invitations and the venue. As a general rule of thumb, you should make sure you have around 25 square feet of space per wedding guest. That might sound like a lot, but remember you need to account for the tables, the catering staff, the band and of course the dancefloor.

Figure Out No-Go Dates

From Flickr


There’s nothing worse than marking a date on your calendar, beginning to count down the days to your wedding, and then finding out that you’ll need to postpone it. Start investigating a rough time when you’d like to have your wedding, and find out if there are any no-go dates around the same time. Trade conferences, charity walks, and other local events, can all have a dramatic effect on both traffic and the availability of hotel rooms. Rule these out, and you’ll ensure your big day goes as smoothly as possible.

Think About the Weather

To make sure your big day is enjoyable and memorable for all of your guests, you need to start thinking about any potential annoyances that mother nature might throw at you. It’s fairly common for wedding guests to leave early from events held in blistering summer days, and winter receptions with inadequate heating. Bugs such as gnats and mosquitoes will swarm around some areas in certain times of the year, so take precautions against these pests if the wedding or reception is going to be largely outdoors. If a sunset is essential to your perfect ceremony, make sure you check what time you’ll need to say your vows. You don’t want the reception to start too late in the day!

Leverage Plastic

Weddings are among the most expensive private events anyone will have to pay for. However, you can take advantage of the high cost of your big day, by applying for a good rewards credit card. Whether it pays off in air miles or excellent shopping deals, trying to consolidate all of your wedding purchases with the right card will help you acquire countless reward points. These can be an absolute godsend when you two are on your honeymoon!

Have a Meal Plan

From Pixnio

Feeding everyone who’s coming to your wedding is another major expense that you’ll have to account for. Before you sign any contracts with your vendors, just make sure you’re not expected to serve the same meal to them as you’ve got planned for your guests. You don’t want to have to pay for twenty extra lobster tails at short notice! Start looking for affordable, but equally satisfying wedding meals to serve them instead. You’re going to have to call your caterer in advanceand let them know precisely how many vendors are going to need feeding. Don’t forget the people who often slip through the net, such as roadies and photography assistants.

Leave Some Emergency Cash

We know, your big day may be completely wrecking your bank account as it is. Flowers, attire, music and entertainment, food, transport… the list goes on and on! However, if you want to be 110% sure that the event’s going to go off without a single hiccup, you also need to leave yourself an emergency cash cushion. As a general rule, this should be around ten percent of the necessary, non-negotiable expenses. This will be for surprise costs, such as getting extra invitations made up due to mistakes, supplying umbrellas for a rainy day, or even little décor frills. Hopefully, everything will go according to plan, and you won’t need to touch this emergency reserve. Still, it’s better to have this money and not need it, then to need it and not have it.

Set a Kids Policy

When children and weddings mix, it can make a large and complex event even more hard to manage. You have a few options for dealing with this. You can tell everyone that kids are welcome, make it an adults only event, allow immediate family only, or organise some kind of childcare solution for your guests. There are many childcare services that will accommodate for weddings, basing themselves either in the reception area, a function room, or at a family member’s home. Obviously, you don’t want to avoid hurt feelings, so try to avoid letting some guests bring their kids and then disallowing others.

Take Things a Step at a Time

Planning your perfect wedding is a massive project, and even though you’re excited for the day itself, all the different aspects of planning can quickly turn it into a long and difficult stress-fest! To keep yourself from pulling your hair out, break down all the work ahead of you into several manageable steps, sorted into a logical schedule. Figure out the tasks you need to complete, and tackle them one by one, preventing it all from snowballing out of control and casting a gloom over the happiest day of your life. Don’t hire any vendors or services before a date is set in stone. Don’t design your cake until you’re certain on the flower arrangements. Don’t choose entertainment before you know how much space you’ll have. Move things along in a logical, manageable order, and you’ll take a lot of potential stress out of the situation!


Inspire Yourself to Give a Gift With These Fun Ideas

For those of us that have a special occasion coming up, have you thought about what you’re getting as a gift yet? Be it a birthday, an anniversary, a seasonal holiday or something more light-hearted such as a friendly reunion, there are plenty of situations in life where we might think about buying a gift. Sadly, it usually turns into a few days of frustration and a lack of ideas, then we’ll cave in and get something generic like flowers, chocolates, a gift card or, even worse, nothing at all!


So to give you some excellent sources of inspiration, here are a couple of ways to prepare yourself for the next big event you have. Keep in mind that these are just ideas and you don’t have to resort to them every time, but they’re fantastic ways to gather inspiration so that you have an idea of what to buy in the future whenever you’re stumped for ideas.

Image Credit

Browse online stores

It doesn’t matter what store you look at. If you browse any online store and look at the most popular items that are being sold, you’ll be able to gather a lot of inspiration and get a lot of ideas for gifts. If you look up cool stuff to buy on Amazon, you’ll come across hundreds of different items that are suitable as gifts. Even if you search something like “gift ideas”, you’ll still find plenty of ideas and before you know it, you’ll have more choice than you imagined.

Look at personalised gifts

 Something personal is always good as a gift. Be it a mug that has a special message on it or a customised greeting card to go with something you’ve already bought, customising a gift adds a wonderful touch to any ordinary gift. It can turn something dull and boring like a sweater into a memorable and cherished gift. That’s one of the most important things about gifting; if your recipient remembers a gift and associates it with a positive memory, then it’ll give them a nice boost of happiness that motivates them to work hard and stay positive throughout the day. A personalised gift can be something you make yourself, or it could be something made to order.

Speak to the recipient

If you want some ideas on what to buy your recipient, then look no further than the recipient themselves! Speak to them, ask them about their favourite musical artists, ask which films they like, or even ask what the latest book they read was. As long as you gather up information about your target, you’ll find it gets easier and easier to prepare a fantastic memorable gift for them. Just try not to give it away and let them know you’re planning to buy a gift for them. Speaking to your gift recipient is also a great way to ensure you don’t buy the same gift as someone else. It’s always worth having a chat before you spend money on something your recipient already has!

Education Takes A New Leap with Launch of Auronya College at Pondicherry!

‘Education 4.0’ – a revolutionary focus in education that will be defined in the coming decades through the conduit of technology, as it infuses itself into every sphere of humanity; be it biological, social, environmental or economic is being pioneered in India by Auronya College at Pondicherry.

Mr. Abhaya Kumar Jain – Founding Executive Chairman, Auronya and Dr.Indira J Parikh – Founding Chairperson, Auronya; the renowned education experts in the country are the driving thought leaders behind Auronya College.

Auronya College aims to answer the unknown future by proving an all-encompassing curriculum of programs to impart Education 4.0. Addressing the burning question of ‘What it will be’ in the 21st Century; as the world is at the dawn of new industrial revolution, Auronya College has conceptualized and will be realizing Education 4.0, for the very first time in India. A great deal of research with international and national education experts has gone into developing these state of the art courses.

The unique disruptive system of Education 4.0 not only focuses on ‘what is taught’ but it takes a more nuanced approach to ‘the way it is taught’; an education model which is aligned with future trends, so as to develop and enhance individualized education that would go on to define the way that youngsters of tomorrow work and live.

Supported with a the heady mix of high-end technology directed towards a ‘future centric’ knowledge, the full-bodied curriculum aims to embed timeless values and culture and as it throws light on our connections to nature, thus paving a strong path to lead humanity.

Designed by architect Padmashri B V Doshi, the campus will be state of the art and have amenities like Virtual & Augmented Reality studios, 3D printing facility, think spaces, amphitheater, smart classroom, sports facilities, gymnasium, swimming pool etc; the sprawling campus of Auronya will have six departments   – School of design & sciences; School of Humanity & art; School of Business & Economics; School of Social Science; School of Research & Intelligence and School of Media and communication. The event also marked the launch of Antariksh– one year post graduate diploma program in New Age Management & Leadership (PGDNAML), beginning in October 2017.

Antariksh is designed to prepare Future Leaders, who are ready to lead in the 4th Industrial revolution; it will focus on complete transformation and not singular improvement in the skills and abilities of an individual in interconnected ecosystems. Antariksh works on the holistic development of a student and prepare him for the future world, it applies the jack of all trades formula, and doesn’t make one expert in just one field, it rather picks the best from all courses and helps develop a wholesome individual.

Eligibility for Antariksh:

  • Candidates who have a minimum of 2-5 years of full time work experience at any level in external or family business can apply for the program
  • Candidates without any work experience can also apply and will have to go through a specially designed screening process for fresh graduates
  • The introductory fee for the year long program is Rs 15, 00,000, inclusive of resort style accommodation & food, global immersion, national immersion, boot camp, personal growth lab and spiritual immersion

The management will provide scholarships for students on a need cum merit basis

Speaking at the event, Mr.Abhaya Kumar – Founding Executive Chairman, Auronya said, “Auronya College aims to bring a paradigm shift in the education system to align ourselves with the fourth industrial revolution by redesigning the 20th century model of education to meet real time needs of internationalized, technology driven fast changing 21st century. Auronya is built with a foundation of creation and contribution embracing the spirit of liberal education, invention, intelligence, globalization and entrepreneurship.”

Speaking about Auronya, Dr.Indira Parikh – Founding Chairperson, Auronya said, “This millennium has created a major discontinuity in the existence of human beings. The generation born in this decade and those yet to be born will be confronting a revolution in technology and as a consequence in the life and living and relationships amongst people. Education and employment will undergo change not available in the history of mankind. In order to meet the unfolding of this New Age Change the country needs to prepare an education which will be real agent for the times and meaningful to the generation of students…the country will also need to prepare leaders who will take the responsibility to shape this change in a most dignifies human manner.”

“AURONYA is one such academic institution which is starting a pioneering Post Graduate Program in New Age Management and Leadership. The courses offered at AURONYA are designed based on the technology just in the making, impact of technology in occupation, at work, in family and the human existence. These are courses which are futuristic and envisaged how the world will be shaped by these technologies. Education at AURONYA will prepare students to be ready with domain knowledge of Bio Sciences, Nano Technology, Digitisation and similar other subjects. When these technologies emerge there will be students ready with knowledge and clarity of taking the leadership roles. They will all be ready to respond to the changes in the human phenomenon so that people can cope with and give shape to these changes.” added Dr. Indira.

Mr.Anuj Sharma, Founding Dean, Auronya said “Auronya’s learning environment is designed to infuse human connection with nature and harmony while immersing the experience with future technologies. At Auronya, knowledge and technology represents the “What” while human insights represent the “Why.”Auronya College is committed to expand its learning universe in the coming years for unique Undergraduate, Masters and Post Graduate programs.”

The insights shared about the 4th Industrial revolution by Anuj Sharma were so engaging and informative, that I wish I was a student again. Also after learning more about Auronya’s campus, the technology use and hi-tech classrooms and the Antariksh course I surely wanna go back in time and start my education again, there is so much new to learn!

About Auronya College:

Launched on 22nd April 2017, Auronya College is a pioneer in the conceptualization of education 4.0, a paradigm shift to align Education with the fourth industrial revolution. It is led by academician Prof. Indira Parikh, former dean of IIM-A and industrialist S. Abhaya Kumar Jain, former MD of Strides Shasun. It has upcoming state-of-the-art campuses in Pondicherry with new age facilities such as virtual reality studio, 3D printing, augmented reality lab etc apart from smart classrooms, amphitheatre, tennis court and fully furnished residential facility with gymnasium, swimming pool and more. Auronya’s first program Antariksh is one year Post Graduate Diploma in New Age Management & Leadership (PGDNAML) and will start in October 2017.

GAIA- New Revolution in Health Products

By now you all must be knowing that I am fond of green tea and this fondness has been growing over the years. This fondness is the reason that I keep exploring new brands and flavours and the recent one being Gaia Green Tea.

Got hold of this assorted pack of green teas, 25 sachets in all, 5 sachets of 5 flavours each. Green Tea, Lemon Green Tea, Tulsi Green Tea, Ginger Green Tea and Mint Green Tea were included in the pack, and trust me each of them was refreshing and flavoursome. No flavoured tea had overpowering flavours or aromas, but just the right balance of taste and flavour. I loved the Lemon Green Tea and Tulsi Tea the most. As we all know the benefits of Green Tea, which helps in metabolism, and also in loosing weight, adding this pack to your shopping cart is a must. Gaia offers green teas in a lot of flavours like Jasmine, Honey, Camomile, Lemon, Mint etc. but when you aren’t able to decide which one to go on, this assorted pack really cracks the deal for you.

Also from the same brand, I tired Nutty Delight Muesli, which too was perfect. Crunchy, Crispy, Goodness of Fibre, No Cholesterol, it makes for a perfect breakfast and people like me also indulge in a bowl for healthy snacking whenever I get those untimely hunger pangs. You can enjoy it mixed a bowl of milk or just eat it like that, it tastes extremely good, both ways. It is made from rolled oats, wheat and corn flakes and is fortified with the goodness of honey. High on health and low on fat, it is all natural and a good source of fibre. Raisins & Almonds also enhance the taste a lot and helps getting that sweetness.

Gaia also offers loads of other health products like Oats, Honey, Digestive Cookies, Olive Oil, Supplement Capsules like Amla, Flax Seeds etc. and also Granola Bars. I also caught hold of a granola bar and it too served as a perfect way to satiate mid time hunger.

GAIA was founded on the belief that nature, through its diversity of flora and fauna, offers us the best solutions for all our health and grooming needs. Which is why it harnesses nature’s everyday miracles, tests them scientifically, and offers these solutions to help people take better care of their own selves.

These time-tested natural ingredients are formulated and validated by using modern scientific principles to bring people only the finest quality in natural health and skin-care remedies.

The health and wellness Industry in India is estimated at Rs 3600 crores and has a huge potential for the future. It is only in recent years that the majority of people have realized the importance of wellness in our lives. In today’s world where ailments like diabetes are affecting even little children, it is high time all of us woke up and realized the significance of living a better, healthier life.

Nowadays, a normal urban person’s daily schedule includes working for 12 hours with little or no time left for self, no one has the time to make the effort of eating the recommended five servings of fruit a day, and most people lead a sedentary lifestyle. No wonder ailments are on the rise. GAIA was conceived to provide a healthier living experience to the world to coincide with the emerging health consciousness in India. Since its inception, GAIA has been able to successfully formulate its products to cater to the growing health & wellness needs of the people.

GAIA as a brand brings people the benefits of nature’s everyday miracles through its range of products. With the current product portfolio of nutritional supplements like Spirulina, Neem, Aloe Vera, Glucosamine,Granola bars, Flax and Amla along with natural substitutes such as Green Tea, Green Tea + Lemon & Green Tea + Tulsi, Stevia tablets & sachets as well as Muesli in various flavours and oatmeal, multigrain cookies .GAIA has been able to make its presence felt in a very short period of time.

As time progresses GAIA would keep moving forward in its endeavour to provide the most effective natural solutions to one and all, whilst keeping in tandem with the trends of the future.

So what are you waiting for log on to GAIA and fill your shopping cart and get healthy goods delivered to your door step.

Drive to Safety, a CSR initiative by ICICI Lombard

The total number of road accidents in 2015 was 5,01,423 as against 4,89,400 in 2014, representing an increase of 2.5%. The resulting number of deaths in 2015 was 1,46,133, as against 1,39,671, marking an increase of 4.6%. The number of people injured from these accidents was 5,00,279 in 2015, as against 4,93,474 in 2014, an increase of 1.4%.

Two-wheelers were involved in about 31.5% of the total road accidents in the country in FY2015, highest among all vehicle categories. Lack of professional driver’s training, non-use of safety gear (especially helmet by the rider and the pillion rider) and appropriate road safety behavior are among the major causes of road accidents. Age-specific data also shows that children are susceptible to road accident victims being below 14 years. In 2015, 54.1% of those killed belonged to the 15-30 year age group.

In 2016, ICICI Lombard introduced a unique CSR program named ‘Ride to Safety’. This initiative aimed at improving road safety scenario for children who ride two-wheelers as pillion riders. Workshops were conducted across cities to create awareness for road safety and more importantly, influence the driving behavior of two-wheeler riders. Apart from imparting necessary education to children and their parents on road safety habits, ICICI Lombard distributed ISI-marked helmets that children can wear when they ride two-wheelers as pillion riders. The Company conducted more than 150 workshops in Mumbai, Pune and Delhi till March 2017. Apart from spreading the road safety message, it distributed specially designed ISI marked helmets to 24000 children who attended these workshops.

Just yesterday an awareness program cum rally was organised at the Talkatora Stadium, Delhi. The occasion was graced by many eminent personalities like RSS leader Shri Indresh Kumar, Special Commissioner of Police, Shri Ajay Kashyap and also Shri Nitin Gadkari, the honourable Union Minister for Road Transport, Highways & Shipping.

The event saw many top schools of Delhi in presence and it was an eventful day for children as many special activities like Magic Show, Nukkad Natak and Mimicry Artists were lined up for kids. The children also walked up the stage and sang songs showcasing their hidden talents.

See here a ventriloquist engaging and entertaining the children

The session by Indresh Kumar was especially lot of fun for children and he passed on the message of road safety and need for helmets in an engaging manner. In fact all the activities weaved in the message in an interactive yet effective way.

Nitin Gadkari, himself gave helmets to a few children and then flagged off the rally. The emphasis of the rally was on use of helmets especially by kids who generally pillion at the back seat with adult drivers. The rally had experts riding bikes whereas kids from schools wearing these helmets pillioned.

I must say that it truly was a great event and also overall a great initiative by ICICI Lombard.

Speaking on the occasion, ICICI Lombard MD & CEO, Bhargav Dasgupta said, ” Ride to Safety campaign is a part of our vision to contribute to the community at large. This unique CSR program emphasises that children as pillion riders incorporate the road safety habit of wearing a helmet from young age. Our aim is to see each and every two-wheeler riding child with a helmet. We have already distributed 24,000 child specific ISI marked helmets to children. We are committed to this initiative and will be distributing 1,00,000 helmets in the next 5 years to children riding two wheelers as pillion riders.”

India Runway Week Season 8- Season of Gold, Shimmer and Cuts

Following India Runway Week and being a part of since almost 2-3 years, I can easily say that each year, it takes you to another level. Its definitely a growth story worth mentioning and Kiran Kheva has surely put in a lot of efforts to take it where it today is.

A mix of ace designers and some upcoming wonders, it was a perfect mix of fashion showcasing and also there were a lot of engaging activities for the audience to indulge in. Fashion shuttle was one such interesting activity, a person could go to the fashion shuttle, get dressed in designer wear, get a makeover done and then also get a photo shoot done, I mean it was a great idea. Then also there was a small exhibition area where in all the participating designers exhibited their collection and got the women drooling.

Also season 8 was really high in the shimmer and cuts when it comes to the designer wear showcased by designers. Gold as a colour flew all over and yet this all shimmer had a sense of class and elegance. It was gold and glitter but without being jazzy.

This season at Inda Runway Week redefined metallic, glitters. With color and shimmer being in focus for this season we need to watch out must haves for your wardrobe straight from the India Runway Week season 8 held recently.

Tisharth by Shivani– Tisharth by Shivani Jain brings GOLDEN SUMMER DREAM which is the colour of the sun and Golden are the dreams we weave, golden is the color of goddess and is considered as pious and sacred. Big Boss contestant Nitibha Kaul walked the ramp for the Delhi based designer.

Crmson by Nancy Sood– CRMSON by Nancy Sood collection emphasis on the women who glows in every shade ,diligent and conscientious towards a minutest responsibility,dedicated and devoted in all spheres, navigating her way through time for her to believe that she deserves to maintain her peace without any slightest hesitation.

Priyamvada Dalmia– Priyamvada Couture,’ was born from the deep desire to cater to young, confident women, who define fashion on their own terms. Bollywood Actress Mugdha Godse walked the ramp for Priyamvada. Focusing on Indian Ethnic Wear, this label curate pieces inspired from her own fashion sense and her role models from among the beaming fashion industry.

Clotho INDIA– Clotho showcased unputdownable collection with a pastel palette, nature inspired handwork and embellishments, recoloring nature in different hues and shades. They kept an involvement of translucent textiles with structural as well as falling silhouettes. Their Clothing line is the extension of one personality, not making it a trend but a part of a woman wearing it.

Ritambhara Paliya– Known for Luxury contemporary Indian wear, Ritambhara Paliya is a noted name in Indian Fashion Fraternity, whose hands are well skilled in designing outfits for women of all ages. Ritambhara Paliya specializes in Evening gowns, lehengas, Anarkali’s and maxi dresses and also into fairytale and destination weddings attires that are rooted in quintessentially Indian sensibilities but with the modern twist.

Pooja Peshoria– Pooja Peshoria showcased her fresh and glamorous summer collection ‘The Beauty of Reflection’ at the India Runway Week 2017. Inspired by the natural reflections which illuminate the ocean’s surface, the collection was strong and opulent yet fluid and feminine. Designed for the determined woman of today there was a blend of forward modernity yet rooted with traditional elegance and detailing.

Harkiran Basra– His prime focus was on bridal couture with off-shoulder blouses. Her collection had brocades and sequined dupattas. Her collection surely is a must have especially the dupattas, they were gorgeous.

Designer Mithi Kalra Launches her all new ‘Moonlight Collection’. Her collection is a spectacular sight to behold with her playing with the captivating designs in all white ethereal look. Moonlight basically transpires from the cosmos, which is a like a distant, beautiful space for her as the charm of moon stands almost unparalleled from ages. Through this collection, Kalra has made an effort to not only bring about the wondrous peaceful serenity and tranquillity of the universe but has also consciously tried her best to revive the monochrome trend in a novel avatar, like never before as she clearly believes in giving the style its due.

This year Ikreate had a chance to be the blogging partner for the day 3 of the event and it truly was an opportunity worth all the effort. My special thanks for Kiran and Surabhi, from Media Maniacs for bestowing me with this chance and I really look forward to the next season and more healthy associations.



Even when the temperature is soaring high in Delhi, nothing can stop the enthusiasm and energy of fashion lovers from visiting the summer edition of Rubaru. Rubaru, which is a brain child of 3 friends, Durgesh Goel, Minal Aggarwal and Vandana Aggarwal is a collaborative effort to curate brands for a unique and stylized experience. It gives both the brands and customers their value for time and money. As a customer one gets to experience so many brands under one roof and the brands also benefit by getting a greater exposure. Such exhibitions are always a win win situation for everyone. In its 15th edition, Rubaru, yet again proved to be a fashion and lifestyle extravaganza.

Over 50 brands, specializing in summer-wear, organic materials, summer chic and wedding bling jewellery, home décor, juttis and footwear, and even interesting food products, it was a packed house at Lalit Hotel. Tarot reading on the side, bling footwear bang in the centre of the hall and noted FDCI designers Rahul Singh, Abhi Singh and Gaurav Jagtiani coming together to form the perfect ensemble for a fashionable day out. Out-of-town travellers included brands who’d come from Jaipur, Lucknow, Punjab, Himachal and even Goa.

“No two brands at our exhibition have overlapping products or styles, and I only pick brands that I enjoy or would love to shop from, to give people a quality shopping experience,” says Durgesh Goel, founder of Rubaru.

The collection showcased by the designers was really chic and classy, and some of the pieces were truly mind-blowing. It seemed like a shoppers paradise. Me and my friend and my mom, enjoyed walking through the entire exhibition, picking up our choices and even posing with some of the designer pieces.

Given a chance, would have picked up a lot more stuff from the exhibition, but holding on for the next edition to indulge and splurge.  Exquisite pieces of jewellery and some inso-western outfits really grabbed my attention and loved them.

A great evening spent splurging and having fun with friends..Rubaru was truly a delightful experience!




Meenakshi Lekhi, Vijay Goel, Javed Abidi address 5000+ crowds at India Gate on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated every year on 3rd December.

Proclaimed and promoted by the United Nations, this international observance is marked the world over to intensify efforts aimed at the sustained effective action with a view to improving the situation of persons with disabilities. The day was marked by a ‘walk to freedom‘ for 5000 persons with disability; organised by the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People   in partnership with American India Foundation (AIF) at Amar Jawan Jyoti, India Gate.

Celebrated with yellow and blue balloons, the colours of disability, it was a pleasant surprise to see the same colours worn by Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, National Spokesperson of the BJP. Also present was the Hon. Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Vijay Goel.


Shri Vijay Goel praised the four para-lympians who won at the Rio Olympics earlier this year and saluted the spirit of para-athletes.

Coming straight to the point, he warmed the hearts of the 5000+ people gathered at the event, by speaking about the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill which is scheduled to be considered for discussion and passing in the Rajya Sabha on Monday, 5th December. He said, “ I will not only talk to my own party members but also across party lines for the smooth passage of the bill.”


Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, Member of Parliament, and the Chairperson of the New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) assured her commitment towards accessibility and inclusion. She expressed, “ I support the passage of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill.  Monday will be a day of celebration for all of us and not just persons with disabilities if the Bill gets passed.” 

Other dignitaries present at the celebration included Shri Zorin Singha, President; Shri A.S. Narayanan, Secretary, National Association of the Deaf and Shri Javed Abidi, Honorary Director, NCPEDP.

Says Javed Abidi, “I was hoping that the Bill would be passed yesterday. It would have been a gift to the disabled community from the Indian parliament. We look forward to the 5th, and I would like to thank the 5000 + crowd that has turned up here today. I also congratulate all the performers who put up a great show.”


For India which is home to over 70 million people with disabilities, with few rights, few entitlements, and even fewer opportunities, this day assumes a greater significance, creating visibility and awareness on the issues faced by people with different disabilities before a larger audience.

This year, has special significance. It is not only the 20th year of NCPEDP, but also

1. It is the 10th anniversary year of United Nations-CRPD – the first human rights convention concerning persons with disabilities. 

2. It is the first anniversary of the adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the accompanying 17 SDGs which have provided for a disability inclusive development agenda for the first time.

3. 3rd December 2016 also formally marks the first anniversary of the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s flagship ‘Accessible India Campaign’ or ‘Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan’ which has brought the issue of accessibility outside the disability discourse into the public realm in India.


Tall Order by Kapil Pathare-Book Review

A word about the Author first.

Kapil Pathare (Director – Maxwell Industries Ltd.) was a young and dynamic leader introduced to the Board ofvDirectors, of this VIP Group Company.He impressed the whole company with his situational leadership style, spot decision making abilities and asan effective communicator of management decisions. With his innovative marketing strategies and a global vision he has taken the Company to being the leader in the inner wear sector. He earlier wrote a book Cricket to Corporate in 2014 which was launched by India’s Ex- wicket keeper Kiran More, who said “Cricket is not just a game,but a field where corporate strategies are planned and executed live”
Now about the book, Tall Order


It is a compilation of Ten of the Star Indian Cricketers of the Golden Era of Indian Cricket.
Each of these stars namely: Sachin Tendulkar, Anil Kumble, Sourav Ganguly, Rahul Dravid, VVS Laxman, Harbhajan Singh, Virender Sehwag, Zaheer Khan, Yuvraj Singh And M S Dhoni, brought laurels to India in their own unique ways.
The book is a humble tribute to these demigods of Indian Cricket.
The book takes you through the trials and turbulations of each from the budding start of their careers to the sad end of the careers of some of these greats.
I on the personal front feel, the book could have been made more interesting with a few personal anecdotes or not commonly known features about these greats.
All in all a commendable effort and a treat for cricket lovers.
Buy your copy and enjoy.

Available on Amazon for Rs 200 for a paperback

My Rating: 3.5/5

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Goa, India