Starting a New Workout Regime: How to Get It Right

You might start a new exercise regime for a number of reasons. Maybe you don’t exercise regularly and you want to start being more active. Or perhaps you do work out but you want to try something new. You could even be working toward a big goal, such as running a marathon. Whatever your reasons for starting a new routine, you need to be able to ease yourself into it to get started on the right foot. It’s not always easy to start doing something new, especially if it’s an activity that you have never done before and not just a slight change in what you usually do. If you want to get it right from the start, take a look at these tips to help you begin.

Choose the Right Type of Exercise

The first thing you should do is decide what type of exercise you want to do. You might already have a clear idea if you have a particular goal in mind. For example, if you’re going to be running a marathon, you’ll want to go running on a regular basis. However, there are other things you might consider to find the right type of exercise for your new journey. Maybe you have a certain aspect of your fitness that you want to work on, such as strength or flexibility. You might want to choose a workout that you can do with other people or something that’s easy to do at home.

Get a Health Checkup

Before starting a new exercise routine, it can be a good idea to check your health. This is especially important if you’re planning on starting an intensive new fitness plan that will put a lot of strain on your body. You can visit your doctor and have a checkup of all of the essentials, including having your heart and lungs listened to, your blood pressure measured, and your weight checked. Your doctor then might offer advice on how to stay safe when you’re exercising if you talk to them about your plan.

Set Goals

Setting goals is a great way to motivate yourself and have something to work for. Your goals can be both big and small. In fact, even if you have one large goal, it’s a good idea to break it down into smaller objectives. You could set different types of goals based on what you want to get out of your workouts. Are you trying to get faster, lose weight, lift more, or perhaps just get through a workout session without feeling like you want to die? Think about what you want to achieve and what will motivate you to keep going.

Make Sure You’re Safe

Exercising safely is a must if you want to avoid getting hurt. You need to have the right technique and you need to know your limits too. Weightlifting is one example of an activity that can lead to you getting hurt. Dumbbell flyes are a controversial move that you should know how to do properly – learn more now! If you’re not sure about how to stay safe, receiving instruction from an expert can help. It can also be useful to attend a class or join a group so you can work out with others.

Get Motivated

Starting anything new can be difficult when you find it hard to motivate yourself. Even people who enjoy working out can find it hard to get motivated and make the time to complete their workouts. Finding what makes you motivated can make a big difference. It might be working out with other people, rewarding yourself after a workout, thinking about the goals you want to reach, and more. Choosing something that you enjoy doing and that makes you happy can be the best way to motivate yourself.

Make It a Habit

Turning something new into a habit can certainly take some time. You need to put in the time to keep doing it and be consistent. It can help to use triggers to prompt you to exercise, which remind you to do your workout. It could be a time of day that you set or some sort of cue that triggers the action of getting ready and doing your workout. It’s also a good idea to start small and slowly build up, rather than trying to jump into the deep end all at once. Building a new habit slowly makes you more likely to stick to it.

If you’re starting a new exercise plan, don’t jump straight in without any planning. Work out what you want from it and how to get it.

8 thoughts on “Starting a New Workout Regime: How to Get It Right

  1. I’m trying to get myself more motivated to step up my regular exercise to the next notch.

  2. I like the idea of checking health. Because if I would plan, I would just start haha. But, definitely need to check our health.

  3. It’s important to stay motivate and have a routine, thanks a lot for the tips and I will incorporate that in my plan too! – Knycx Journeying

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