Black Seed Oil- All You Need To Know About This SuperFood!

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Black Seed Oil, commonly referred to as Black Caraway Seeds, Black Cumin or Kalonji comes from a flowering shrub called Nigella Sativa and is found in Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. For us Indians, its biggest recognition and recall comes from its presence on top of Naan (a kind of Indian flatbread) and some biscuits and cookies. As a kid, I remember picking those tiny black seeds from Naan and just chewing them for fun but did not know that these small seeds that we considered more as a decorative item on the Naan were a superfood loaded with essential nutrients.

Black Seed Oil is said to have many anti-oxidants and is useful for treating a wide array of medical conditions and improve overall health. Do ensure that you buy only genuine Black Seed Oil from a trusted brand. I recommend Nature Sure Kalonji Tail. Nature Sure Kalonji Oil is 100% pure, cold-pressed oil that helps you live a perfect life. Prepared from high-grade Nigella seeds under stringent quality control, this Nature Sure oil is totally undiluted and helps you in many areas of health management.

Black Seed Oil

Here are 7 health benefits of Black Seed Oil and the reason you should include them in your diet.

Black Seed Oil For Pain Relief

Kalonji Oil is widely used for pain relief as it possesses healing qualities. It can be both applied and consumed orally. It is highly effective for joint pains, headaches, and treating arthritis.


For indigestion, gas, stomach upset, and to relieve stomach ache and cramps, Black Seed Oil really comes in handy and can provide instant relief.

Skin Care

For a glowing, acne-free skin, applying Kalonji Tail can help a great deal. It is also said to have anti-cancer properties and can help prevent skin cancer when applied topically.

Healthy Heart

Black Seed Oil is known to be extremely beneficial for regulating blood pressure and keeping the heart healthy. It also helps keep diabetes in check.

Hair and Scalp

Regular use of Black Seed Oil has given proven results to fight scalp diseases, build hair strength and also promote hair growth.

Immunity and Stamina

From helping with bone and teeth strength to boost overall stamina and immunity, this magical oil has many benefits. It also helps improve eyesight.

Women Issues

Kalonji Oil has qualities to give relief from menstrual cramps and regulate blood flow and also aid breastmilk secretion in lactating mothers.

In a nutshell, Kalonji Oil has not one but many benefits and helps improve and keep your overall health in check. It is quite safe to consume, but you should still consult your doctor before you start taking it. 1-2 spoons daily is a sufficient quantity, but a doctor would be able to help you guide better especially if you are taking any other supplements or medication.

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