Day: February 21, 2019

‘Souza In The 40’s​’, An Art Extravaganza At Sunapranta, Goa

Art in its any form, literally draws me and pulls me to it. Creativity is something that I imbibe in myself and have a great appreciation for. Be it performing arts or static, I have huge respect for artists who vent out their innermost emotions through their art. I sometimes try to do that myself through my writing or my paintings and even through my cooking.

Dr. Ali’s Time Reversal Treatments at Ishavilas, Goa

In today’s time, I hardly come across a person, who isn’t suffering from some or the other ailment. Especially with the kind of lifestyle and working hours and stresses our generation has, backaches, stiff necks, joint pains etc. have become a common scenario. I have been myself suffering from Sciatica for about 10 years now and without much help from medicines. Medicines do help temporarily relieve of the pain sometimes, but the core ailment remains.

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Goa, India