Book Review: When Arya Fell Through The Fault

This is a book by Reenita Malhotra Hora who is an award winning broadcast journalist,Ayurveda clinician and author of books on Ayurveda and Finance.
Operation Mom:How I Got my Mother a Life and Man her debut fiction novel has been widely acclaimed and recognized as a must-read young adult book written by an Indian author.

When Arya Fell Through The Fault is her second release in this genre.Reenita anchors a popular morning programme on Hongkong’s RTHK Radio 3.Her weekend storytelling show,Asian Threads won her a Gold Trophy at the New York festivals International Radio Programmes Awards.

A native of Mumbai,she currently lives in Hongkong with her family.
The book essentially is the growing up tale of a twelve year old Arya a “Brownie” from San Francisco who is continuously ridiculed by his schoolmates be it for his color to his ethnic traditional food.
The boy has been brought up at home on traditional,fascinating and magical mythological stories by his ever cheerful Mom more precisely the Ramayan.
It is a tale of a typical child who is ridiculed by one and all and his endeavor by any means to get rid of the Brownie image by any means
His frustrations and trials and turbulations are aptly described.
In the eagerness to be accepted by others he takes to the path of evil despite his mothers stern warnings.
It so happens that he becomes the cause of a severe accident which leaves his mother in a state of coma.
The one thing Arya holds on to dearly is his mothers copy of the Ramayana.
From hereon the author very cleverly juxtaposes the young Aryas fight against evil through the characters of the Ramayana.
Does good prevail over evil,Is Arya able to save her Mom while fighting his own demons makes for a very interesting read.
Grab a copy and get ready to be transported to the glorious era of Ramayana.
Fascinating Read.
Highly recommended.

Available on Amazon

Price: Rs 125/-

Rating: 4/5 stars

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