Month: May 2016

Timeless Tawang

Breathing lowers, eyes get transfixed and soul flies off leaving the senses spellbound. Nothing seems breath taking as the 400 years old monastery looming across the horizon. Perched at a height above 12,155ft and having drenched in quintessential aura of Buddhism, this land of Monpa Tribe is nestled in the knolls of dawn-lit mountains. Nuzzled in the icy folds of higher Himalayan foothills of North Easthern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, Tawang is scarcely populated mountainous track lying roughly on the northwest extreme. Mesmerising lofty mountains, clear sparkling lakes, deep gorges, exquisite Gompas and quaint villages shade this tinsel town as the basket of adventure. The high altitude bare mountains, uninhabited hilly belt ranging from 6000 ft to 11,000.ft comprising of plateau and sparsely populated narrow valleys graduates Tawang as the Mecca of trekkers and hikers.

The magnanimous monastery offers an inebriating & picturesque view of the Tawang Chu river valley. The monastery appears like a humongous fortress as if guarding the votaries of Mahayana Buddhism in the wide valley below. Fondly known as Galden Namgyal Lhatse, which translates to “celestial paradise in a clear night” in Tibetan dialect, has a tale to tell.  And the tale is indeed captivating with the thundering waterfalls, bursting bubbles of hot water spring and the flirtatious temperate breeze playing the role of percussionists in the background. The legend goes that the site on which the Gompa stands is considered extremely pious and divine. It’s said that when Merag Lama wasn’t able to locate the place for the construction of the monastery, he intended to seek divine guidance. He was praying inside a cave and when he returned post finishing the prayers, he found that his horse was missing. On searching, he saw that horse was standing on a hilltop.  Considering this as a sign of divine blessing, the location was then finalized for construction of the monastery. The foundation stone of this celestial monastery was laid by Merag Lama; the monk of the time of 5th Dalai Lama. The whole structure was brought from Tibet, piece by piece; on horseback and it was assembled here. The monastery was founded in 1681 by Merag Lama Lodre Gyatso in compliance with the desires of 5th Dalai Lama, Nagwang Lobsang Gyatso.
Having witnessed the quest for survival of Tibetans and harsh weather conditions since centuries, the 3 storey fortified monastery spans across 150 square meters having 65 residential structures, lanes and by lanes inside. With the capacity of accommodating 750 monks, the three storied assembly hall of the monastery houses a colossal 28 ft high golden statue of Buddha, striking deity idols, Thangkas and murals. Abundant with spiritual treasures it has preserved holy Buddhist scriptures, pictographs and an exceptional collection of ancient Tibetian Thangkas along with the renowned Buddhist scriptures Kangyur & Tangyur those are inscribed in gold since centuries.  The main assembly hall or Duknang is a house to an array of Buddha statues in various poses. Bejeweled with sacred knowledge, Parkhang hall is actually a library with a wealth of Thangka-manuscripts and sacred books. Waking up to the sound of gongs and prayer bells is blissful enough for a spiritual beginning. Watching maroon-robed monks chanting, praying & meditating near the 28-feet high golden Buddha decked with horns and incense braziers pacifies the soul. Being synonymous to a peaceful and solitary retreat, the gompa buzzes of religious activity, while its craft center produces intricately woven carpets.

Bustling bazaar, fluttering prayer flags, stone and timber houses of Monpas add to the charm of Tawang. These original inhabitants of Tawang are the descendants of Mongoloid stock. Their primary source of income is based on agriculture and animal husbandry.  As hearty as theirs yaks are, so are the Monpas who tend to their yaks and brew their own alcohol. Armed with a philosophy of living their lives to the fullest, they enjoy life and when spirits are high they often break into song & dance.  The local markets are dotted with shops selling woolen shawls, carpets and the wrap skirts worn by Monpa women. The Craft Center of the Tawang Monastery produces fine woolen carpets in an array of colorful designs. Also there Serdukpen shawls Apatani jackets and scarves, Adi skirts, Mishmi shawls, blouses and jackets, wancho bags. Craft- Centers at Bomdila and Tawang offer very fine carpets in multiple shades and patterns. Carpets of ethnic Tibetan designs are way too popular and are made of pure wool. Couples of souvenir shops in the Old Market and the Tibetan settlement showcase an array of wood items carved by the locals. Hand carved special bowls, spoons; masks those are sported in religious dances and ethnic Monpa & Tibetan utensils used for cooking can are up for sale. The renowned Buddhist prayer wheels, flags and statues carved out of wood as well as brassware are even sold in the market.

Urgelling Monastery:  A few miles from Tawang to the south is the birthplace of His Holi Highness the sixth Dalai Lama; Ngawang Gyamtso, the sacred Urgelling monastery. The 6th Dalai Lama is the only Indian to have risen to such a high position in Gelupka Sect of Buddhism so far. Urgelling monastery traces backs its roots to the 15th century CE, i.e. around 1489. Established by Urgen Sangpo as a Buddhist spiritual center  the monastery had faced invasion and resurrection. Today it houses a single temple and shelters some of the monks who lead a simple life, practice meditation and other Buddhist practices.


Taktsang Monastery:  Nestled amidst serenity and dense coniferous forest with snow capped peaks in the background is the Taktsang Monastery. Well known as “Tiger’s Den” this is an ideal setting for those who have chosen the path of Nirvana and the monastery have been by Guru Padmasambhava in the 8th century CE. The quest to begin the inner journey and solace ends here, The monastery offers a perfect place to seat, meditate and lets one’s unite with celestial universe.


Tawang War Memorial:  Every land has its hero and India has a history of its numerous heroes. Namgyal Chorten is proof about Indian Army’s extraordinarily trained and unequaled men. They were the heroes who ferociously fought till their last droplet of blood shaded the ground red and their last round of bullets silenced the hordes of Chinese. Standing tall, commanding respect and overlooking the Tawang Chu valley is the 40 ft. Multi hued Tawang War Memorial. Commemorating the bravery of the Indian heroes of the Indo-Shino war of 1962, the memorial has names of 2,420 dead soldiers etched in gold on around 32 black granite plagues. The war memorial has two halls. One of them houses the priceless collection of personal articles of martyrs, while the other is used for sound and light shows, depicting their heroic deeds. Dalai Lama has blessed the entire memorial and in addition, the Holy Scriptures, an idol of Lord Buddha and Arya Avlokiteshwara were also sent by Dalai Lama to this memorial. These idols have been kept in the vaults of the stupa.


Tawang is not just a house to several other monasteries and nunneries but boasts of several adventure sports too. The rivers Tawang-Chu and Namjang-Chu are a hot spot for river-rafting activities leaving other options too for rock-climbing, paragliding, skating and other winter sport activities.

Food for feast: And yes, Tawang cooks up some scrumptious delicacies for the ardent foodies and those who are interested to gamble a bit with their taste buds. The infamous Tibetan delicacies like Thupka, or momos are available at every roadside corner. But the appetizing Paratha- Sabzi is a must try and can be eaten hot from the roadside eateries. A tiny shack named Annapurna serves flavorsome “Alu Chips”. Tasting a traditional Monpa cuisine needs a tongue of steel and an iron heart as they tend to use a generous amount of chilies and fermented cheese that gives a strong flavor which not recommend for the weakhearted. One can try “Zan”, the staple dish of the Monpas which is made of Millet flour with ingredient including vegetables or meat to which fermented cheese, soya bean or other herbs are added too. If this isn’t filling then “Gyapa Khazi” is the hunger cruncher. It’s a Monpa version of Pulao made of rice, fermented cheese and tossed with small dried fishes or shrimps, chilies ginger and other spices. One can also try “Khura”, the Monpa Pancake which is generally served with tea. Apart from Apong which is a local drink made of rice and millet, Butter Tea too is famous beverage. It is smooth and shooting too. Monpas being mostly non-vegetarians are fond of these delicacies. Apart from these there are many mount-watering Monpa recipes like Khatzi, Pua, Kyola, Kharang.Bak-Tza Margu. Those with the street food fixation can hunt for local eateries to explore the appetizing side of Tawang.

Fascinating Festivities: Losar &Torgya

As enchanting as this paradisaical destination is so are the vibrant festivities of this land. Considered as the most important of all Buddhist festivals, Festival of Losar commemorates the Tibetan New Year in accordance with the lunar calendar. It falls in the end of February or early March and is celebrated for 8 – 15 days. It’s marked with ancient rituals, stage fights between good and evil, chanting and passing through the crowds with fire torches. Amplifying the spirit of festivity, the dance of the Ibex deer and the dramatic battles between the King & his ministers are phenomena to be witnessed. For the ones who follow Buddhism, Losar is a sacred time of feasting and celebrations. Exquisitely shaded homes with flour paintings of the Sun & moon and the tungsten light shimmering of the small lamps illuminated in the houses are worth capturing in the camera lens. Glistening lamps, holy chants and hoisting prayer flags leverage the piousness of the sacred festival of Losar.

Another major festival celebrated only by the Lamas of the monastery is Torgya. Being one of the most colorful festivals of Arunachal Pradesh, the celebration continues for three days commencing from the 28th day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar. Amidst the traditional Tibetan music, Chham; a sacred dance is performed by monks dressed in mythological attires and masks during the festival. The dance depicts numerous holy, earthly characters and it is performed for three days. Commencing the festival on its 1st day, monks offer a sacrificial cake known as Torma which is offered to the fire ignited in the courtyard of the monastery which is then accompanied by the reading of Holy Scriptures by the beating of drums. On the last day of Torgya a ritual of worship is performed known as Wang. Here an assembly is organized and every individual is then allowed to participate in the holy rituals under the guidance of the monk. A long procession at the end is taken out and the large Thangka is kept outside for public view. On the onset of this festival, a pyramidal structure of Torgya is made by the Lamas, who offer prayers, lighten every corner of the monastery with colourful lights and perform dance to signify the victory of good over the evil spirits.

Even in the advanced world of zillion technologies, there do exists the creed those remind every traveler of the days when Man loved to live in the laps of Mother Nature. And this unexplored celestial land is no exception to it. The voyagers will always find the spirituality of Tibet in the air. No matter how the world advances, the tribal culture, tradition, the Gompas, monks’ prayers and chanting will always emanate for the divine cause of peace and well being of the whole cosmos.

#nofilter café feeds 21 deprived kids; organizes fundraising day for them

#nofilter café feeds 21 deprived kids; organizes fundraising day for them

Believing in sharing, #nofilter café cum bar in SDA Market, in collaboration with NGO Responsenet Development Services and Sampoorna organized a fundraising day for the kids who live below poverty line. During this event, they provided a lifetime opportunity for the kids who can’t even have a single full meal in a day by feeding some delicacy crafted out by the expert chefs at the café , which is otherwise only accessible to people who can afford.
A total of 21 underprivileged children from Kishangarh area were invited for nutritious lunch at the café that brought smiles on their faces. The menu was created keeping the taste buds of kids in mind. It included pasta, fries, pizzas, sandwiches and a few soft drinks.

During the event few artists showcased their live art that was sold out and the money collected was donated to the food bank. One painting made by the kids was purchased by #nofilter café for Rs 21,000 and the amount was donated to food bank directly. Also, the staff of #nofilter café contributed their bit and gave the amount to NGO.

Sharing about this noble thought Lakshay Mehra, one of the owners of café told, “You will be surprised to know that many in this world don’t have access to one square meal in a day. And this number increases many folds when it comes to kids. Another surprising fact is that a wholesome meal for an individual costs just Rs 21/-. So, it doesn’t really cost much if each one of us wants to help feed a child. NGO Responsenet Development Services has been working towards this cause and has come out with Delhi Gurgaon Restaurant and Bar Annual Fundraiser Campaign, So when its team reached us for the support to this noble initiative, we (other co-owners namely Ishan Kapoor, Kartik Tiwari and Rahul Arora) didn’t give it a second thought and agreed to participate in this wonderful opportunity to help and feed the food insecure population of Delhi and NCR.”

This day event was followed by a gala dinner night where some proceeds of the collection from the customers were collected and deposited directly to the feeding programs of Delhi NCR food bank executed by Responsenet. Delhi NCR food bank conducts feeding programs for several unprivileged kids across Delhi-NCR.

Angela Nar from NGO Responsenet Development Services said, “The Delhi NCR FoodBank is a non-profit program implemented by Responsenet Development Services. The Delhi NCR Food Bank brings together stakeholders from the private, public, educational and NGO sectors to support daily one nutritional meal sustained feeding to 7000 – 10000 vulnerable population in Delhi NCR. It acts as a hub to aggregate food donated from corporations, schools and individuals and delivers directly to those that need it the most.”

It was a great event done for a great cause, and it felt wonderful to see all these kids, though they have lack of resources in their life, but they have aspirations, they have abilities and they have far better clarity of what they want to be in their future and how to go about it. Given the right means, the future of our nation really lies in the hands of kids like them. I felt privileged to be a part of such an event.

Challenge, Disrupt and Evolve at Nehru Place Social

If you’ve been around for longer than a decade, you probably know that Nehru Place birthed Delhi’s first tech boom, decades before the days of ridiculously easy access. However, today, despite everything being so attainable, Nehru Place still feels indispensible to Delhi. From what began as a hub for all things IT – no matter how questionable the authenticity – Nehru Place is now a bustling ecosphere of it’s own, playing host to banks, restaurants, a Cineplex and one of the largest Visa centres. The newest Social represents everything Nehru Place does – a thriving energy, a space for innovators to discover, disrupt and challenge, and an unstoppable pulse.

Riyaaz Amlani, CEO & MD, Impresario Handmade Restaurants says, “We are excited to launch the fourth Social in Delhi in Nehru Place, with a renewed commitment to creating a hotbed of creativity and a space that thrives on synergy for young entrepreneurs and inspired minds. As always, we will continue to challenge norms across the board, which will extend to food and drinks as well. The energy here is palpable and we hope our space is steeped in the same dynamism that has come to be synonymous with Nehru Place.”
Nehru Place Social, like its Hauz Khas and Def. Col. predecessors, is a curation of the same design philosophy of minimal intervention and maximum up cycling. The anti-design theme runs through the entire space with underlying brickwork peaking through distressed walls and much more. The area has been maximised in terms of usage and dynamic elements have been added to make Social that much more functional.

Go back in time with ferris wheel booths and ride it as long as you don’t drop your own food. The tables in the centre stay if you want to sit down and eat; the tables go up when you want to party like a rockstar. Hanging off giant metal chains, the people will decide how they like their space. Be a spectator at Social and sit on the massive steps that mimic stadium seating. Whoever skipped the gym can workout at the bar with Social’s half- cycles, another tier of efficient, yet fun design. And then there is an entire element of what Nehru Place has meant to the city over the years, with odes to much of the now- defunct IT parapharnelia and dreams of geeky collectors.

If you walk into a Social during the day, you will most likely find a swarm of sleep- deprived millennials hunched over their laptops – bootstrapping, young idealists willing to rough it out on their way to the top. At Nehru Place Social, such individuals will have the comfort of an exclusive space, cordoned off by a glass door that is dedicated to co- working – the music will be a gentle hum and patrons that are there for a meal or a few drinks won’t cause any disturbance.
Strongly believed, Social has left an indelible mark on Delhi’s food landscape with its Mile High Club Sandwiches, DIY Bruschetta, Baida Rotis, Oreo Mud Pot Shake and The Chocolate Blood Bath. The city’s favourite food has another deadly destination to devour with Nehru Place Social! Start your day with a Breakfast Tray or call it a night with the Big Bad Burgers. Go solo with a Salad or eat with a team with Social’s Substantials and Sharing Plates. Keeping its date with curiosity, the food & drinks menu more than tickles your fancy with new additions like Butter Salt & Peperoncino Wings, the Killer Kebab Platter, and the Bhoona Sausage Pao.
Banta Hai

Chocolate Chutzpah

Killer Kebab Platter

Qatar Fish with Kimchi Rice
We tried the Water Melon Vs. Feta Salad, and have to say that it was a perfect thing to start the summery evening with, and the way it came in a mason jar made it all the more appealing.

Water Melon Vs Feta
The next we ordered Gun Powder Calamari, a crispy beer battered fried fish served with Podi Powder and Lehsun Chutney Mayo. This too tasted awesome and made for a perfect starter.
Gun Powder Calamari

Shwarma is a newly added dish in the menu, and it was simply delectable. One look at it, and the mouth starts watering. 
Chicken Shawarma

Also on the menu were some chicken tikka tacos and they were truly delectable.
chicken tikka tacos
For drinks we settled for Trip on the Drip and Screw Social Driver, and both of them were amazing. Somehow for me its just not possible to visit social and not have their amazing Ferrero Rocher Shake, its simply mind blowing. I can never enough of it.
Social Screw Driver

Trip on a Drip

Ferrero Rocher Shake
Social seamlessly fits into the fast-paced rush of Nehru Place. Whether you’ve been wandering around to get the best deal on the gadget you’ve been crushing for or up for a meal after a long productive day, Social is your one stop shop.

Nehru Place Social Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

The Wait for Ice Cream Rolls Gets Over at Ice Pan Creamery

Craving from some ice cream to beat the heat this summer, try the ice-cream rolls at Ice Pan Creamery instead, you will love them. I recently visited their newly opened outlet at the DLF Place Saket and it was a very pleasant experience. They specialize in ice cream rolls but also have waffles and sorbets.

I personally tried about 4 flavors’ of ice cream rolls and each of them was amazing. I started with a raspberry mango dual flavored ice cream roll, and it was simply mind blowing. The whole experience of watching the ice cream being made live is just another level of satisfaction, entertainment, and delight.

The next was the classic chocolate and like its said, nothing can go wrong with chocolate, but the real deal was the pan flavored ice cream roll and better yet was the choco chip pan roll, it tasted heavenly. I could have just gone on and on with it.

Just like the colours of the ice cream, the place exuberates vibrancy and youthfulness with its bright colorful appearance. The place has been done in bold yellow colour and very quirky wall art; it’s a perfect place to hangout after your dinner and satiate your sweet tooth. So don’t wait any further and head straight to Ice Pan Creamery for amazing ice cream rolls and other sweet savories as well.

Ice Pan Creamery Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

QUTONE launches “imarble”-  Asia’s Newest & Most magnum Product till date!! Actor Anil Kapoor & Actress Yami Gautam launch the collection & announced as the  “Global Brand Ambassadors”

QUTONE launches “imarble”- Asia’s Newest & Most magnum Product till date!! Actor Anil Kapoor & Actress Yami Gautam launch the collection & announced as the “Global Brand Ambassadors”

Qutone one of the most popular brand in the tile industry, does it once again. The company launches a completely new, never seen before range of products called “imarble”.  

Mr.Manoj Agarwal – C.M.D, Qutone along with all the esteemed Directors were completely elated and proud to be unveiling the collection which is all set to revolutionize the Indian tile industry and are honored to be partnering the Prime Minister’s “Make in India” initiative. The company will be manufacturing the product line at Asia’s first of its kind, state-of-the-art plant using European technology based at Gujarat. Actor Anil Kapoor and Actress Yami Gautam graced the occasion and were announced the “Global Brand Ambassadors” for Qutone. Directors present at the launch comprised of  Mr.Sunil Manglunia – M.D, Rajeev Adhlaka – M.D.
Mr. Manoj Agarwal – C.M.D., Qutone expressed his exhilaration and said,  “Our primary aim at Qutone is to launch new products at regular intervals and offer the consumer a vast and technologically sound product range and this time with “imarble” we have actually outdone ourselves by creating a product which has set high benchmarks in terms of Design, Size & Innovation and Save our Environment.”

Mr.Sunil Manglunia – Managing Director, Qutone added, “We are confident of the quick and high demand our product range is going to create not only in India but internationally too. Resultant, there will be a gradual decrease in imports and increase in exports”. 
Actor Anil Kapoor who is very selective about the brands he endorses adds, “It feels great to be part of the Qutone family and I only give my confirmation on any brand when I am confident endorsing it. Team Qutone have smartly collaborated European Technology with Indian warmth and the result is this beautiful collection.”

Actress Yami Gautam who is in complete awe of the products, exclaims, “I love decorating my house and when I was introduced to the world of Qutone, I instantly wanted to use almost all their products as they are so beautiful, maintenance free and cost effective at the same time.”

The entire range of “imarble” was interestingly showcased with their USP being their size of 8 ft. (height) X 4 ft. (width).
Some of the salient features of “imarble” are:
·      The range is easy on maintenance and hence easy to use. All products have zero resin filled patches with smooth finish.
·      The collection is very sturdy and is recommended for high traffic areas.
·      The slabs are magnificently huge in size and reduce any possibility of wastage while installation.
·      The mammoth size adds grandeur to any surface application and the extremely lightweight products make it an ideal choice for kitchen counter tops, floors, wall claddings amongst others.
·      All the slabs have water absorption of less than 0.03%, ensuring the surface remains 100% moisture free, evading the growth of bacteria & fungus.

Chef In A Box Organizes Healthy Baking Workshop

Chef In A Box Organizes Healthy Baking Workshop

Chef in a box recently organized a healthy baking workshop at Taste Sutra, Lajpat Nagar. Baker Tanya Gupta of Whisk a Wish curated the whole session and shared some of her most amazing baking recipes.
It was a very casual session, where in some food enthusiasts gathered for their love of baking as well as healthy food. The ambience of Taste Sutra was just perfect, it’s a very beautifully done place and taste sutra organizes curated meals, food walks etc. on their own as well, the whole concept being meeting for the love of food, and cooking and enjoying food together.

Coming to the workshop, the first recipe shared by Tanya was of a healthy chocolate loaf. The chocolate loaf contained no sugar and no butter, sugar was replaced by honey and for the moistness of cake, and a very surprising element was added. I could never imagine that adding Zucchini was also possible in a cake, and that too in such a way that it didn’t affect the overall taste at all. It surely was a great recipe and I am going to try out very soon.

The next were oatmeal crackers and they were best out of the lot. A very simple recipe served with a simple dip made with hung curd; this dish became everyone’s favorite instantly.

Last but not the least, there were Orange Cinnamon Whole Wheat Cookies and they turned out to be super amazing. A very easy to bake simple recipe made with simple ingredients that are easily available at home.

I thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and hope Chef In A Box organizes more of such kinds.

As a goodwill gesture, Chef In A Box also sent one of their special boxes, I chose Mutton Keema box, which came packed with all the ingredients and chef’s recipe to prepare the same. It was great fun to prepare the Keema as per the given ingredients and directions and it turned out really awesome. It’s a great thing for those who don’t want to get into the hassle of buying all the ingredients to prepare a single dish or those who just want to try something new for the first time. Give Chef In A Box a try and you will love it.

Punam Chadha Joseph Launches Her Maiden Book of Poems- The Soulful Seeker

Punam Chadha Joseph Launches Her Maiden Book of Poems- The Soulful Seeker

“Sometimes lost, sometimes found,
Sometimes silly, sometimes sound,
Sometimes straight, sometimes round..
Oh, the circle of Life.. ever so profound”
These lovely lines can only come from a poet who has experienced life very deeply, and is well aware of both lighter and darker sides of it. Punam Chadha Joseph, who recently released her first poetry book called ‘The Soulful Seeker’, writes these lovely lines and in a simple way presents the life in a nutshell.
The book launch event was held at an upcoming restaurant ‘The Lord of the Drinks at Epicuria, Nehru Place and it saw coming together of whose who of the Delhi social circle and also renowned Bollywood celebrities like Anil Kapoor, Kabir bedi and Yuri Suri.

The beautifully curated acts recitals by Anil Kapoor, Kabir Bedi, Yuri Suri, Maya Sami, Vivienne Pocha accompanied by the talented pianist composer Merlyn D’Souza brought alive the experience that the book of poems has to offer.
The Ageless man, Anil Kapoor recited the excerpts from the poem titled ‘Ageing’ from the book and his energy was something to watch out for. He is a live wire and it was just amazing to watch him recite this light hearted yet very soulful poem.
Some lines from the poem go..
“From being youngest in the room,
now I’m at times the oldest around,
accepting the brilliance of today’s youth,
it’s not an easy reality to accept,
since mentally I’m still sound”

Vivienne Pocha, Merlyn D’Souza and Kabir Bedi, gave voice and harmony to ‘Let’s Rise’, an emotive poem that revisits the 26/11 terror strikes on Mumbai.  It truly was a poem that gives you goose bumps.

Overall the book is a mix of some lighthearted poems and some very deep and philosophical.
Ajay Mago, publisher, Om Books International said, “The Soulful Seeker is a journey of self-discovery that is not limited to women alone, that embraces in its broad sweep friends, parents, children and spouse, lamentations and celebrations, failures and success, the past and present, and most importantly, the meaning of life lost, regained and reaffirmed with each passing moment.”
And here is what Punam had to say about her book..

To lend a even more personal touch, Punam has incorporated several of her sketches in the book, giving it a very striking visual appeal.

This book surely makes for a wholesome read and I highly recommend it.
HIVE Presents OWNAGE Featuring BO55 on May14th

HIVE Presents OWNAGE Featuring BO55 on May14th

Looking for the perfect Saturday night? Here is where you should be. Hive Kitchen and Bar to host one of the most talented DJ’s of Ownage Entertainment, BO55, this Saturday, May 14th.
For night life lovers, Hive being the only party place in the middle of the South Delhi Market, It boasts of never seen before interiors and European pub style seating. So, let your hair down and trip and twirl to loud music while indulging in a sip of a well-concocted cocktails and finger-liking food.

Come and see the musicians perform live on 14th May, 2016 at Hive, Green Park Market, New Delhi.
About HIVE
Hive- Kichen and Bar, is the latest entrant to the Green Park Market. It serves European and Mediterranean dishes with a mix of Indian fusion, and definitely has a locational advantage.
The restaurant spans across the second and the third floor of the building. The second floor has been done up to incorporate a lot of natural light, using large windows and a glass ceiling, which has water flowing over it, creating a natural effect. It is slowly becoming the new place for people to hang-out and enjoy a drink.
About Ownage Entertainment
Ownage Entertainment was launched in 2011 by Salim Bhat (Founder & Director), who started out with the aim of bringing International Acts to the Indian Electronic Music Scene and also promoting local artists.
Ownage has been at the paramount of artist and venue management with a history of executing and promoting exceptional gigs with famous artists.
About BO55
Salim Bhat aka Boss Of Ownage aka BO55, grew up to the old sounds of Tiesto, Above & Beyond and Armin Van Buuren. After the launch of his company, Ownage Entertainment in 2011, he decided to take his 5 years of experience off the stage and put it on the stage in 2016.
His sets are full of melodies and vocals, usually starting at 126 and ending at 138. He loves his build ups and a mix of big room sounds and hard hitting beats. He may be the new guy on the decks but he sure will surprise you.
Genres- Big Room/Commercial

For Table Reservations Contact: 011-41706637; +91-9582466454
Mighty Small- Restaurant Review

Mighty Small- Restaurant Review

Smaaash, India’s World Class Sports and Entertainment Arena, has announced its launch at the DLF Mall of India, Noida. Continuing with its spirit of providing complete family entertainment, the highlight of this gaming hub is its new quaint café & bar– The Mighty Small. Designed for ardent sports lovers, the café is an ode to iconic sports legends like Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli and Cristiano Ronaldo, who are associated with Smaaash. Mighty Small is a humble and sweet way to thank these stalwarts for extending unconditional support to Smaaash.

The quirky name – Mighty Small truly exudes the glorious lives of Sachin, Virat and Ronaldo. With humble beginnings and petite frames, they all went on to exhibit extraordinary skills and became mighty in their respective fields. Just like its unconventional name, the café is also gaining immense popularity for being India’s first carnival themed restaurant. Decked up with vibrant circus posters, red and white seats and a huge selection of family favourites, this place offers a unique gourmet affair.
The cafe recently organised a bloggers meet and it was great fun meeting all food enthusiasts.

Like the several games and experiences available at Smaaash, the new cafe has a scrumptious food and beverage menu that will definitely score extra points. For ‘Quick Runs’, one could try ‘Volcano of Nachos’ or the desi ‘Makhani Fondue’. One could step up right with ‘Sachin’s Fav – Chakhna Salad’, ‘Rock Prawns with Srihacha Mayo and Chips’ and other such easy bites. From luscious pizzas to gooey lasagnas to claypots and noodle meals, there’s something for everyone. I personally loved their burgers and chilly chicken tarts.
For the one with the sweetest tooth, the place offers finger licking desserts like ‘Tequila chocolate mousse’ and ‘NYC Styled Cheese Cake’ amongst others. The food menu has been designed keeping the grab-and-go concept, where one could pick up their food and savour the games along with it!

The cafe aims at putting up a spectacular show to please all – the bar will specialise in larger than life cocktails, with signature sangrias and other cocktails – all served in small, mighty and mightiest avatars. There is a special sweet treats bar as well, called Big Fat Treats, which aims to please kids of all ages.

While you enjoy some games at Smaaash, savour your taste buds at Mighty Small and your day will be made.. head straight on!
Restaurant Review- Cinnabon and Aunty Anne’s

Restaurant Review- Cinnabon and Aunty Anne’s

If you are looking at indulging in some amazing cinnamon rolls and pretzels, head straight to Cinnabon, because no one does the cinnamon rolls better than them.
I was recently invited for a review to two of their outlets at DLF Mall of India, Noida and DLF Palace, Saket respectively. Cinnabon and Aunty Anne’s, these co-branded outlets operate together under the umbrella brand of Stellar Foods.

The place smells heavenly all the times, you just can’t miss out on the aroma of cinnamon as you even pass the outlet. It triggers you and urges you to try the cinnabon, as they fondly call their cinnamon rolls as.
I tried the chocobon, chocolate version of the regular cinnabon and also tried the classic cinnabon. Both of them were amazing, but I have to say that classic cinnabon wins over the chocobon. Eating the cinnabon is a mouth-melting experience and it makes you forget everything around you and just loose yourself and enjoy the moment.


I also tried some of their salted savouries, like the pepperoni pizza, and pepperoni pretzel, in this case, the pizza emerged out as a clear winner, the pepperoni pretzel was somewhat dry, and I didn’t enjoy it much.
Pepperoni Pizza

Perroni Pretzel

As for drinks, I highly recommend the range of their Chillatas, I have tried three of them and all were simply great. Mochachillata is for the lovers of chocolate, you just can’t go wrong with this, and for people who love fruits, there is Mango Chillata and Strawberry Chillata as well. Don’t think twice, just go for them, they are delicious.

Mango Chillata

Strawberry Chillata

It’s a mere coincidence that after conducting these reviews, I was at the DLF Mall of India for 5 consecutive days for some work and Cinnabon became my most favourite place for breakfast, everyday.
I went on and tried their cupcakes, the pretzel roll, the pecabon and a few other things and I can assure you that the place will never disappoint you.

I have become a fan of this place and I highly recommend it to all my readers, just go for it.
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