My little stint with Tisca Chopra for Lal Hit

How do I describe what I felt, when late at night around 10:30 I got a call that I have been selected as a wild card entry for the SuperHit Vacation Contest by Lal Hit and that Tisca Chopra would be visiting my home the next afternoon…??
Sooo damn excited…!!
I hardly got a proper sleep that night.. as I was super excited to host Tisca Chopra at my house.
I was also told that our conversation will be recorded for a digital promo ad and this made me feel even more excited and restless.
Somehow the wait got over, and at about 3 in the afternoon, Tisca Chopra along with her crew, rang my doorbell.
It was such a pleasure to meet her; she came across as a very warm, down to earth and humble person. Everyone at my home was really keen to meet her, and she very calmly chatted with all of us.

I have no experience of being in front of the camera, and was a little nervous, but all thanks to Tisca, she made me feel very comfortable and encouraged me to take it as normally as possible and that it wasn’t a film shoot and I don’t need to memorize any dialogues, it will just be a candid chat between the two of us.
 And yes, it happened exactly like that, Tisca asked me very normal questions about the day to day hygiene practices in kitchen that we adopt especially during summers, and I answered whatever I normally do. Being a food blogger, and food fanatic, kitchen hygiene comes naturally to me and more specially because I am a mother too. To a lot of people it may appear that I said that I use Lal Hit to keep the cockroaches away in summers, as a part of the promotion, but the truth of the matter is that Lal Hit is so affective that I believe in the brand and do use it regularly, even if I don’t participate in any contest.

But in the end I was so glad that entering this contest gave me a chance to meet and chat up with Tisca Chopra, and I am thankful to the brand for that.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India