Day: February 29, 2016

A plant’s life

A plant’s life

I don’t want to be a pet plant that depends on its caretakers for water, sunlight and air. Nature has given me the ability to make my own food and only by depending on the nature itself, my creator and no one else.

My life would not depend on any caretaker, that till the time he look after me I blossom and if he doesn’t, I just wither away, because then I won’t die a natural death, I would be killed because of his ignorance, negligence or sheer lack of interest in me.

I want to grow like a plant, a flower in the wild, get my energy from the sun, dance with the winds and get drenched by the rains, I want to be nurtured by my creator.
If I die in the caretakers home, I will be thrown away like a trash and my journey after death would also be denied, but if I die in the arms of nature, my death would find its purpose too, I would mingle with the soil and make it more fertile, and I will somehow germinate again for a new life.

I therefore deny to be dependent on others, my happiness, my blooming, my withering, my death, my rebirth, is all mine, for I am what I am, the perfect divine creation of the GOD.

Retail giants’ partner with CouponDunia to offer exciting pre-budget in-store discount coupons

Retail giants’ partner with CouponDunia to offer exciting pre-budget in-store discount coupons

Mumbai, 25th February, 2016: Come month end; get ready to avail the best discounts on grocery, home care and personal care products at all leading hypermarkets in Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru. India’s leading ‘online’ couponing platform, CouponDunia, will launch its 4th edition of offline FMCG coupons insert in leading newspapers on Saturday, 27th February 2016. To redeem these additional discounts, consumers will need to bring a cut out of the coupons at CouponDunia’s 13+ partner hypermarkets and supermarkets in the three cities. Using these coupons, one can save up to Rs. 1200/- and as the coupon discounts are valid over and above supermarket offers, they can be clubbed for more savings and smiles!

In this leg, coupon usage is likely to more than double in the cities of Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru from last year. CouponDunia foresees large scale activities considering brands like Amul, Heinz, Mother’s Recipe, Cornitos, RB (Reckitt Benckiser) India, Unilever, P&G etc. have joined the couponing movement. This year, India’s largest food and grocery supermarket chains like Big Bazaar, HyperCity, Reliance Fresh; Mart and Super, have partnered with CouponDunia.
Commenting on these FMCG coupons, Mr. Sameer Parwani, Founder & CEO, CouponDunia said, “For the first time in India, a couponing player has stepped up as the online-to-offline convergence point between A-List brands and top retailers to curate additional discounts for the masses. In India, consumers are still getting acquainted with couponing; however, with our constant efforts, we hope to inculcate couponing as a shopping habit in every household thus helping them to increase savings.”
Speaking on the collaboration, Mr. Damodar Mall, CEO, Reliance Retail Ltd. (Grocery Retail), shared with excitement, “Supermarket shopping is a monthly ‘brandswayamvar’. Deal coupons – proven globally, is another way by which brands can attract customer’s attention, so we are excited to partner with CouponDunia.”
Speaking on the partnership, Mother Recipe’s P. Rajan MATHEWS, V.P -Sales & Marketing, Desai Brothers Ltd – Food Division said, “FMCG couponing in India is an innovative concept, and brands across the globe have benefited from this strategy in expanding its consumer base. We believe that couponing is a win-win for both Indian consumers and FMCG brands, as consumers save money on their monthly spend and brands are able to boost customer happiness and shopper loyalty. We are pleased to partner with CouponDunia, as they have done a commendable job in spearheading the couponing movement and make it successful in the Indian consumer market.”
Mr. Gaurav Singh from General Mills that markets household brands such as Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Nature Valley Granola Bars and Haagen Dazs said, “We believe for us Coupon Duniya will enable a platform to come closer to both are customers as well as consumers, as couponing has proven to be a highly effective tool worldwide to build sales and customer loyalty”
About CouponDunia

CouponDunia Media Pvt. Ltd. is India’s most popular coupon website as well as the country’s largest listing of offline restaurant and in-store coupons. Founded in 2010 by Sameer Parwani, the company is headquartered in Mumbai with a tech office Bengaluru. CouponDunia has grown to become India’s largest destination of discount, coupons & offers and consists of regularly updated coupons from top Indian online and offline merchants such as Flipkart, Amazon, eBay, Jabong, MakeMyTrip, PayTm, BookMyShow, Indigo Nation, Scullers, Inc.5, Baby Oye, Lee, Wrangler, JustBooks, Arrow etc. At CouponDunia we help people save money on their shopping by connecting merchants looking to increase their sales with shoppers looking to get good deals.  CouponDunia receives about 5.2 million visits a month, shares coupons from more than 2000 online brands, has more than 7.5 million email subscribers and has more than 2 million app downloads. In the offline space, CouponDunia offers coupons from over 5000 restaurants across 8 Indian cities. CouponDunia also lists coupons, across 8 Indian cities, from over 270+ retail brands and 12,000+ outlets across categories like fashion apparel & accessories, baby care, electronics, sports, footwear and home décor.
Papa John’s lends a helping hand to a recuperating Chennai

Papa John’s lends a helping hand to a recuperating Chennai

Actor Siddharth and Pianist Anil Srinivasan unveil the Donation Box and announce the Rock n Roll concert.

The 2015 floods were devastating, throwing life in disarray in Chennai and its surrounding region. Over 18 lakh people were displaced, more than 500 lost their lives and loss of property was in excess of INR 50,000 crores. Such a loss is colossal to cope with, even for a city as progressive as Chennai. Every form of help goes a long way in bringing relief to people who are still coping with the calamity. One of the biggest areas where work is needed is rehabilitation of those who lost their homes. Several generous individuals and companies are coming together in lending Chennai a hand. Papa John’s, a much-loved global pizza brand, has stepped in with its unique initiative that is sure to bring smiles on the faces of many.
Papa John’s announced its association with an extensive donation drive on Thursday to organize monetary aid for the victims. In association with ACE Events, the program aspires to lend a helping hand with music. Up to March 26, Papa John’s will collect financial donations across its Chennai outlets via a Drop Box placed in all stores. The massive drive will culminate on March 26 at the Rock n Roll concert at the Music Academy where the proceeds will be handed over to the recipients. At the unveiling of the Drop Box & Concert were Joseph Cherian – CEO, Papa John’s India; Jayashree Chinne and Latha Dubay from ACE Events and Celebrity Management. Actor Siddharth and Anil Srinivasan who worked relentlessly during the floods to bring respite to thousands, was present too lending their support. The strong team brings to the table their strengths of deep knowledge of the situation, wide network and passionate people who are determined to make many lives better.
Announcing the program, Mr. Joseph Cherian, CEO – Papa John’s said, “Papa John’s has always believed in giving back to society in every way possible. The floods were heartbreaking to see, with such extensive damage and losses. We are delighted to partner with Siddharth, ACE Events, and Rotary who feel as strongly about this as us. Our wide network in Chennai, with outlets across the length and breadth, will help us give the plan a huge infrastructural boost.  It’s our way of giving back to the city that has always showered us with so much love!”
Actor Siddharth, who feels strongly about the cause, said, “What happened in Chennai was sad. This is my home and I felt it was my responsibility to help in every way I could. I’ve seen the situation on the ground level at very close quarters and I’m still monitoring it. There’s a lot of need for many things, even now. I am proud to associate myself with Papa John’s, ACE Events and Rotary Club to help Chennai. Each step is important. I am sure that together, we will be able to make a big difference.”
Latha from Ace Events was very proud of the ambitious plan they’ve set up. According to her, “Ever since the floods, we have been maximum efforts to help the victims in any way we could. What began as tiny steps gradually turned into an organized effort, with socially aware brands such as Papa John’s showing faith and coming on board. With their robust support, the donation drive gets some much-needed muscle. We plan to hand over all the financial aid to the beneficiaries on March 26, the day of the Rock n Roll concert. The audience will get to witness spellbinding performances from renowned artistes such as Usha Uthup& Anil Srinivasan. We hope the enthralling evening and the handing over of the proceeds will help spread joy and contribute towards the betterment of the affected areas and people.”
Anil Srinivasan said, “We have been committed to making the world a better place by streamlining resources and help for those in need. We’ve been working for the victims right from the day the floods hit and are grateful to Ace Events, Papa John’s and Siddharth to support with such a massive relief effort. It is sure to help alleviate the pains of many affected people. We will ensure it reaches the right recipients.”
This initiative is a great effort towards relief of the Chennai flood victims. On March 26, the Rock n Roll concert at the Music Academy would sing its way into the hearts of the audience as well as victims. A unique initiative with a widespread reach and committed team, this is sure to make a positive impact in several lives. Chennai’s heart will be warmed with some rock n roll this March!

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Goa, India