Tag: Self Confidence

Regaining Your Self-Esteem And Confidence

Life can be tricky, no matter how hard we try life will always offer a dark cloud or opportunity for weakness. It is how we combat these issues that make us the person we are today!

Taking back your life and more importantly, your confidence is where the road to success begins.

Only you and you alone can combat the inner voices. Learning how to stop these voices from damaging your confidence is the first step. No matter who you are everyone has an inner critic, some are more vicious and louder than others. Sometimes this voice can spur you on to silence the doubt. However the majority of the time this isn’t the case. Do not let the self-doubt creep and destroy your confidence.

By learning techniques to silence the inner doubt with your own is helpful. Whenever the self-doubt begins to silently creep in, imagine a giant red traffic light or stop sign. Simply stay stop when thoughts pipe up. The more you address the issue and say stop it’s a powerful way to slowly get rid of the voices.

Image Source: Pexels

Admitting that you feel the cloud clouding your happiness or preventing you from being happy. Telling someone or even reading articles can start the path to healing. There is no shame in feeling the symptoms of anxiety or feeling blue.

Most people’s worst enemy is themselves. By raising and keeping your self-esteem up you’ll feel more deserving of good things in life. And so you’ll go after them more often and with more motivation. And when you get them then you’ll be a lot less likely to self-sabotage in subtle or not so subtle ways.

Image Source: Pexels

No matter what the issue, if it’s health related and stops you from being the best you can accept help. Rehabcom offers insightful advice on sensitive topics and is there to help. Do not be ashamed to read up and take the necessary steps.

Forgiving yourself for past mistakes makes room for changes. Start to focus on personal accomplishments regardless of how big or small. 

A powerful way is to remain motivated keep a journal or diary nearby or on you when out. Keeping thoughts down or writing daily goals such as getting fit or to start eating healthy. At the end of each day write down what made you happy, also compliment yourself. These things sound silly, but complementing little things will make you smile which released the important happy endorphins.

Image Source: Pexels

Post it notes are great for motivation quotes or little pick me ups. Keep these somewhere you can see them daily to keep your voice positive. The kitchen is great especially on the fridge or notice boards are great places.

Remember to build yourself back up, there is only one of you. Be the best you can be, combating the inner voice can be done, set the steps to regaining your life back.






How To Completely Change Your Look In 4 Steps

Whilst the thought of improving your appearance drastically always sounds like a pipe dream, that’s just the negative voice in your head getting you down. We’re programmed to criticize ourselves; don’t ask me why, but it’s the way things are. Still, you don’t need to put up with that. You don’t need to look in the mirror and sigh as you dream of the way in which you wish you’d look.

Healthiness and happiness should be the motivator to change your appearance and your life in general, so you need to push away vain thoughts. Wanting to look good for shallow reasons is never a good motivator because the negative voice in your head will always find something to say to put you down. You need to change your look for you, and it needs to be for the right reasons. Here are 4 steps to get you on the right track.

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Your body.

Your body is probably your worst enemy, as it is for most women. Our heads are filled with so many conflicting ideas as to what constitutes the perfect body. Some people say we should be as skinny as a rake, but other people say we should have voluptuous curves. It’s an absolute headache, and it’s all rubbish.

You don’t “have to” look any particular way when it comes to your body other than the way you want to look. In fact, to be more exact, you should look the way that makes you feel comfortable. Don’t starve yourself, and don’t over-eat. A healthy body should be your priority because there is no ideal size. If you eat a consistent diet and keep active on a daily basis then you’re doing everything right.

Your face.

Another aspect of your appearance that you want to keep healthy in a practical sense as well as in terms of its appearance on the surface is your face. Frequent moisturizing is crucial to avoid dry, cracked skin, and a clean face is absolutely essential when it comes to avoiding acne and other blemishes. There’s nothing wrong with a little make-up, of course, but try not to let your face become too oily during the day.

Mental health also affects appearance, so through practicing positive thoughts about your appearance you’ll reduce your stress and, in turn, your acne; it’s a positive cycle. You should also be looking after your dental health; your teeth shouldn’t just look white but actually be healthy. Look after your gums, in particular, by flossing and ensure that you brush your teeth two or perhaps even three times a day.

Your fashion.

Ah, fashion. It’s a love-hate relationship. We love pretty clothes, but we hate it when they don’t fit us or we think they don’t look quite right on us. If you’re lacking in confidence with regards to the fashion department then you could go on a shopping spree with your pals so as to have a team of advisors on what looks good or bad. You could also browse through online sites offering sleek and modern dresses for women because you might be selling yourself a bit short with your current wardrobe.

Again, don’t put yourself down; a good fashion sense isn’t some elusive concept that you can’t quite grasp. What’s most likely is that you never had the confidence to wear the pretty dresses or outfits you saw in shops or on other people; you need to rid yourself of these doubts and take a risk. Self-esteem is absolutely the key to changing your overall appearance, as we’ll discuss in the final step…

Your confidence.

This is the final step to looking good. Whether you want to try parting your hair on the other side or completely changing the color of your hair altogether, everything will come together if you just work it. People pick up on positive energy and confidence. You look more attractive when you feel more attractive, so you should be making yourself look the way you want to look; that way, you’ll be happier about your appearance, and this will make you look more attractive to others.

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