An orthodontist uses tools similar to ones that your dentist would, such as braces, Invisalign, and retainers. However, orthodontics can help bring your teeth into physical alignment with the jaw. Getting them in the right alignment can affect how well you can chew, sleep, or talk. More importantly, if you want a perfect smile for yourself or someone you care about, you should have the number of a skilled and capable orthodontist on your phone!
Keep in mind though that only knowing a good orthodontist won’t be enough for the sake of your dental health. It is equally important to know the right time to visit them. Below we have gathered the recommendations from dentists for guidance:
Dentist Recommendation for Children
You should consider visiting an orthodontic clinic if your kid is experiencing any of the following problems:
- They have crowded or misplaced teeth or ones that protrude
- You have often caught them clenching/grinding their teeth
- The teeth enamel is in a bad condition
- Your kids suck their thumb or fingers or used to do so
- Biting, chewing, and/or speaking is problematic for your child
- They are missing some teeth
- Your child is losing their baby teeth earlier or later than they should
- They have an overbite, which means they end up biting their cheek or mouth palate. Not treating an overbite could result in other dental issues.

Benefits of early treatment
It is best to have your children visit the orthodontist as early as possible. There are many advantages to early treatment or as it is known as phase one. For instance, if their teeth are growing in a crowded manner, a skilled orthodontist could create space in your child’s mouth. When the remaining adult teeth come in, there would be ample space for them to grow.
Similarly, crooked teeth or an overbite may lead to low self-confidence children and young adults. The emotional trauma associated with poorly positioned teeth can be prevented with timely application of orthodontics. Early treatment could also reduce or prevent physical trauma associated with orthodontics later in life. Moreover, misaligned teeth could prevent your kid from brushing properly and affect their dental health. Finally, improperly positioned teeth are at a higher risk of injury on the playground. Keep your child safe from such an injury by getting them treated at the earliest.
If they are suffering from any of the problems mentioned above, then the orthodontist will follow phase one with further treatment, but only when your child is old enough.
Even though timely treatment is important, you might be wondering what that means regarding your child’s age. There is no right age for receiving orthodontic treatment. That applies to children, young adults, as well as adults. It is always better to visit an orthodontist and get a better idea about the timing of the treatment.

Dentist Recommendation for Adults
Think you are too old for braces? Chances are that you aren’t! The right time for adults or young adults to visit an orthodontist is once their teeth have been set. Since we regularly use our teeth, they can face wear and tear. Some areas of special wear though arise from incorrect teeth alignment. If that is the case with you, go see your dentist. They could recommend the orthodontic treatment you’d need.
The action you can take
The good thing about seeing an orthodontist is that you can do so whenever you feel the need. That’s because there isn’t a need for a referral. One problem solved, but other things might concern you. Only visit or let your child visit an orthodontist they are comfortable with. Look for a professional who will take the time to listen to your concerns and have satisfactory answers to them.
After you have found the right orthodontist for you – or your family – make an appointment to see them. During an initial appointment, you will receive a full examination and a discussion of any problems that might be present. Besides that, the orthodontist will also give you an estimate of the cost of the procedure that is best for your condition. Finally, they will also let you know how long it will take for the treatment to be completed.
If you’ve already started searching for Orthodontics Near Me, you know where to come for high-quality dental treatment. On the other hand, if you are still thinking about getting it, don’t waste time thinking about whether this is the right time to do so or not. When it comes to orthodontics, the answer to that question is whenever you are having alignment issues. Go visit your orthodontist if the quality of your bite could use some improvement as well. An orthodontist has the right skills and training for treating such issues. So, why not take advantage of their expert opinion?
Author Bio:
Evie Harrison is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison

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