Tag: Eating Right

Bad Gut Health Gets In The Way Of The Rest Of Your Life

Bloating. Constipation. Stomach aches. Gas. They are all very annoying in their own way, but gut health is about a lot more than just how often you encounter those issues. It’s about enjoying your life, getting in better shape, avoiding sickness, and even dealing with long-term health issues. Here, we’ll look at why you should be more concerned about your gut health.

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It might be more than a tummy ache

If you experience the problems mentioned above on a more regular basis, then there might be a couple of reasons. For one, you might eat gassy foods that get in the way of your digestive system working properly. Stress might be shutting down that system. Or you might be dealing with irritable bowel syndrome. The word syndrome makes it sound scary and chronic, but it can be easily dealt with through an IBS natural treatment that targets not only the symptoms but the causes. If you’re dealing with gut problems often, it’s best to get it diagnosed as quickly as possible so you can take preemptive action against it.

Sleeping issues

Poor gut health often plays a key role in insomnia, as well. In return, not getting the correct amount of sleep then makes your digestive system less effective at its job. The two issues need to be tackled together. For one, schedule your meals more regularly and give yourself two-to-three hours between your last meal and bedtime. Improve sleeping habits by tracking your sleep cycles and using therapeutic methods like lavender scents to easier fall asleep at night.

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Get more good

Your gut is the key to the rest of your health. That’s because your stomach and intestines are the stars of the show when it comes to absorbing nutrients from the stuff that you eat. Find out what probiotic and prebiotic foods you can include more of in your diet. These foods help create a home for the helpful bacteria that assist in breaking down food properly, allowing your body to better absorb them. If you’re not looking after your gut health, you will never get the full effects of a nutritious and well-balanced diet.

Stop reaching for those tissues

Good gut health also plays a role in helping you stay healthy in general. It’s no understatement when experts say that the gut is where sickness begins. Bacterial diseases, colds, and the flu all have their beginnings here. By helping promote your gut health, you are also promoting a more effective immune system. Beyond the aforementioned healthy foods, you should also look at increasing the amount of vitamin C you get and consider taking fish oil. You’ll start seeing the effects when you breeze past all the bugs and maladies that seem to get everyone else in the family and the workplace.

Foster healthy bacteria in your gut. Avoid foods and habits that get in the way of a healthy digestive system. Sleep better, get better results from health pushes and get sick less often. These are all the things that good gut health can help you with.


Eating Together as a Family Is More Important Than You Realized

Food is a huge part of life; not only does it provide us with sustenance to live but for most people, it can be a very social thing too. We all know the importance of teaching our children to make healthy decisions, but did you know that it’s not just what’s on their plate that matters? Experts suggest that eating dinner as a family is highly beneficial too. Not only does this help us to teach our children good habits with food but it keeps families close and bonded as well. Plus children who eat with the family tend to consume healthier foods with more vegetables and less salt, sugar and saturated fat. If family meals have fallen by the wayside, here are a few tips for getting back on track.

Keep The Atmosphere Light and Friendly

Try to keep heated debates and discussions away from the dinner table. Keeping the vibe light and friendly will make family dinner times much more enjoyable, rather than something the family shies away from. If you have any serious topics to discuss with your kids or partner, call a family meeting rather than doing it over dinner. Switch off the tv, and instead put some music on low if you want a bit of background noise. Make a rule that there are no phones or tablets at the dinner table, it should be a place without distractions where you can chat and enjoy your food.

Aim To Eat At Least One Meal Together on Most Days

When everyone is busy and has different schedules, eating together every day probably isn’t going to be practical. But you should aim to eat together most days, whether that’s in the morning or the evening. It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy, for a weekday breakfast a couple of cereal options and a bowl of fresh chopped fruit everyone can spoon on top should do the trick. Or a few slices of toast with some tea and juice. The act of getting everyone together to enjoy this time is beneficial, it doesn’t have to be over a feast each day.

Dine Out Together

Dining out as a family is a wonderful treat. Tasty food served with no dishes to tackle afterward- bliss! While it can be expensive, it’s so nice to do every once in a while. If you look at online menu prices before deciding on a venue, you can work out roughly how much it’s going to cost. As you can see from Dave and Busters menu, there are some lower cost dishes as well as more expensive options, so it all depends on what you’re looking to spend. Just about everyone enjoys a meal out, so the perfect way to treat the family and get some all-important bonding time in.


Get Everyone Involved

Younger children will usually be more open to foods they have helped to prepare. When time allows it, you could have them help you wash vegetables or do a couple of simple tasks in the kitchen. Different family members could take it in turns to set the table or pour drinks. It helps to teach responsibility and helps you to all get into a routine when it comes to mealtimes.


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