Day: September 13, 2021

Immunity and Sore Throat Issues Sorted With KOFOL!

Monsoon season is home to infections, especially cold and cough. If not treated for, this cold and cough continues through the winter and becomes even worse. But did you know, that these seemingly small time infections also impact one’s immunity in a big way.

Home Decor Essentials From JASPER HOME FASHIONS!

Me and my love for home decor and interiors go back a long way. There was a time when I wanted to pursue it as a career and it intrigues me till date. So given an opportunity, I love decorating small spaces at home, or for my friends and in fact have done a few commercial projects as well and thus I am always on a look out for interesting and unique home decor brands. My recent found is Jasper Home Fashions!

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Goa, India