A long vacation where your fun, excitement and even work is taken care of! Enjoy the REMOTE LIFE

Who would not want a vacation thats long enough to indulge in luxury, exploring new places and sometimes just to unwind, but most of the times the worry of our work getting suffered always cuts down on our vacation. But not anymore, those who seek loooooong vacations can now do so without any apprehensions, you wanna know how..?

Remote Life is a program that allows a person to travel the world and work from anywhere with likeminded people. The Remote Life was launched on 5th of December 2016 and in just about a few months they have already been able to garner 670+ registrations for this years program.

The program brings together professionals, freelancers, digital nomads and entrepreneurs to work, live and travel. It aims to get more and more people out of their cubicles into the real world. Work should not come in the way of travel, and this is where remote life helps you bridge the gap.

What does your program include:

  • 24*7 workspace with high-speed internet
  • Private bedroom in villa/apartment
  • Flights between destinations
  • Visa, Insurance & local SIM
  • Daily local cuisine/meals
  • Airport pickup & drop
  • Community events
  • Lots of pictures!
  • Local ambassador
  • Professional workshops
  • Meetup with local entrepreneurs

Here is a glimpse of what it would actually be

This could be your Vila in Bali..
Your office on the beach-Ko Lanta
Your personal working space, no kidding

Speaking on the concept Nischal Dua, CEO & Founder, The Remote Life, said, he was inspired from his own travel plans and during one of his trips to Himalayan Base Camp, the idea germinated. His main main aim was to let everyone enjoy travel without hampering their work, his goal is to provide people the perfect work life balance, out of this world travel experiences while also maintaining their professional requirements.

Over the last few years, Nishchal Dua has built 2 companies and traveled 7 countries in a row. His mission is to help people in changing their work lifestyle.

In addition to it, he is a serial entrepreneur, frequent traveler & trekking freak. With The Remote Life, he is aiming for a diverse, balanced group with people from different backgrounds, experiences and regions. Everyone is verified through public social profiles and the founder himself makes sure to personally call up before finalizing the participants.

How does The Remote Life Work

  • They take care of the research, organization, and booking of the flights, stay, desk space, and everything else so that one can see the world, without leaving his/her work. Well, Remote Life does not provide remote jobs infact Remote Life is a group of like minded people that travel the world while working, not a holiday or vacation package.
  • Cost: USD 1300/month
  • www.theremotelife.com/south-east-asia-trip

So what are you waiting for, log on today and give your work life a whole new meaning, travel the world without compromising on your work! Enjoy

3 Months | 3 Countries | 30 Extraordinary People

Destinations: Indonesia, Cambodia & Thailand

23 thoughts on “A long vacation where your fun, excitement and even work is taken care of! Enjoy the REMOTE LIFE

  1. Very great program as it brings freelancers, entrepreneurs and any regular job person to travel the world and work from anywhere anytime. The main aim of the program is to let everyone enjoy their travelling without any obstacles related to work.
    Wonderful program initated by remote life

  2. This digital Nomad life style sounds interesting but I personally feel remote work information should be spread to people and make them updated. Share it everyone.

  3. The Remote Life is a unique program in itself. The program allows individual to travel and work from anywhere around the globe. Who wouldn’t want such a vacation and freedom from their cubicles to something big and adventurous.
    For people who work hard going to office with the same 9-5 routine, The Remote Life Program give us opportunity to explore new places while providing work balance simultaneously.
    This is what we call a perfect life!

  4. An incredible travel experience without quitting your job is what most of the people sitting at their desks, working in their offices wish for!
    “Remote Life” captures the essence of working remotely in its true sense. It is allowing one to work with 29 other amazing folks but also lets them satisfy their wanderlust.Both at the same time. Personal development with a great balance of the work place environment is being achieved in a great way. Incredible it is and much needed these days, I feel. Best of luck to the team!

  5. I loved this unique program of travelling and working.An innovative idea to explore new places, make new friends.Apart from all these The Remote Life teaches and makes our life much easier and better.

  6. This is the best initiative through which a person can see the world along with his work. This innovative idea of bringing a diverse and balanced group of people from different backgrounds and experiences together will result in an effective growth of an individual.
    This program gives a working professional the opportunity to travel and work simultaneously.

  7. The name says, Ikreate- Created with passion!
    Remote life completely justifies the name. Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions. Remote life has brought about this phenomenal idea of combining voyage and routine! You can explore different lands , meet different people , fathom the diversity across the globe , and all this without hampering your work-life.
    Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.
    Kudos to Mr. Nishchal Dua and Remote Life!

  8. The name says, Ikreate- Crafted with passion!
    Remote life completely justifies the name. Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions. Remote life has brought about this phenomenal idea of combining voyage and routine! You can explore different lands , meet different people , fathom the diversity across the globe , and all this without hampering your work-life.
    Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.
    Kudos to Mr. Nishchal Dua and Remote Life!

  9. In this era of advance technology and science, being your own boss sure does sound great but how to be one is indeed most chased question. Gone are the days where degrees and diplomatic thinking was the key to be on top of successful list. I think entrepreneurship was in past, is in present and will prevail in future too. But most of dreamer remain dreaming because they don’t have a right platform. Hats off to Hacker Paradise and The Remote Life, who have initiated to provide such platform.

  10. Mesmerized by this initiative of Remote life !
    As the results speak itself , remote life has progressed at appreciable speed.
    It helps people of various temperament to come out of the blues travel enjoy and work altogether , complete package .It will propel entire generation to work happily.

  11. do we require anything else?? they are giving almost everything , right from flight tickets to private accommodations ,local sim , professional work environment. this is a very unique opportunity for the one tired of the daily job routine, who has a dream of exploring the world before retirement, who has a dream to enjoy the loooong holiday to the fullest. these people has taken a great step by arranging such a platform and by providing the immense facilities.

  12. Mesmerized by this initiative of Remote life !
    As the results speak itself , remote life has progressed at appreciable speed.
    It helps people of various temperament to come out of the blues travel enjoy and work altogether , complete package .It will propel entire generation to work happily

  13. I love the way this blog post has been written. The entire program of The Remote Life is presented in a simple and concise manner, which is easy to understand and gives the necessary information, one would need to join it. As for the program, it would be a blessing in disguise for all the entrepreneurs slogging away in their offices amidst towering piles of folders and documents.

  14. Remote Life’s idea filled me with excitement. Such a unique idea no one has ever thought of. They are give us a helping hand to come out from a monochromatic worklife. And they have striked a right chord too because everyone wants to go to great places but there is only one thing which holds them back, Work! So, here you are going to carry your work along with you. And everything will be taken care of. This initiative will give India a creative, more efficient and broad thinking workforce. Thanks a bunch Remote Life!

  15. Everyone wants an escape from their monotonous job and life. Everyone is tired of doing work, home and work. A vacation always sounds so pleasing until you realize that you have to return to that stupid desk of yours on Monday and sit their till Friday daily or else your work will just keeping on piling and your salary of course goes down. Remote life is a alternative to your vacation without having you worried about your job. It is the escape you were looking for! You get to travel,learn,enjoy and work. When you go out there you will realize that not only are you relaxed and happy but your work speed has increased and so has the quality. That will be because you are enjoying, happy and more energetic.

  16. Such a great and energetic program started by remote life. It is great way for young India to achieve a fullfilment in life. The unpredictable idea of Nishchal dua will surely lead to a great success to ‘workation’ where freelancer and entrepreneur would be able to work as well as travel in three good countries.

  17. A common platform for those who aspire to work in a world free of commotion and the norms set by society. Hunting for a breath of fresh air turns sane men into beasts compelling them to constantly run from their given environment . This program not only satisfies that urge to break the line of routine and do something creative but also keeps you on the track by not letting you compromise on your commitment to your boss. Extraordinarily thought 🙂

  18. There’s an inherent appeal in being nomadic – even if it means escaping the repetition of a desk job and traveling through the world. All hail the internet for making working holidays a reality. With a laptop or a smartphone in our hand, we can fly across continents and still have the potential to work. For those in creative fields, the opportunity to meet other people, be influenced by other cultures and being inspired by the sheer beauty of the world is like no other. While this sounds too good to be true, The Remote Life proves that earning bread and butter isn’t synonymous with a monotonous job. With every boring, tedious aspect being taken care of, all that we’re supposed to do is soak in everything the world has to offer and carpe diem.

  19. In this world full of stress and tiredness, The Remote Life allows people to take a break without actually having one. It allows you to travel along with your work, allowing people to go out and discover the world. People often find themselves making travel plans but with the constraint of holidays. With The Remote Life, one need not wait for a long weekend or vacation, just pack your bag and laptop and you’re all set to go. Having an amazing experience without tampering your work is a live possibility that’s flourishing with the help of such programs. Kudos to The Remote Life and its CEO for producing the brilliant idea of combining travel and work.

  20. In the present time where our jobs don’t even give us quality time to spend with our family, Brainchild of Nischal DuaThe Remote Life is truly the best exposure for wanderlusts to travel the world without even compromising their works.At times,when due to the work-load, people usually feel depressed and need some break from work but due to the burden of work they fail to do so.But if someone gets a chance to work while enjoying the mesmerizing beauty of nature ,interacting with new people and exploring the world, who would feel depressed in ambience like that.’The Remote Life’ will give that kind of life to freelancers.Moreover,all the facilities and formalities are provided by remote life,The only thing one has to do is grab this opportunity and pack one’s bag and while ‘the remote life’ will take care of the other things.

  21. Wow! What can be better than this? Work and adventure at the same time this sounds interesting. By far this program is actually the best option for those who want to run away from their cubicles. Working amidst serene beauty of nature will make us fall in love with our job. Everything is so sorted I would just say “Hat’s off” Remote Life for introducing such innovative idea where work is a pleasure.

  22. What remote life is doing is almost everyones dream come true , working while travelling . This fascinates a lot of young people also the servives provided are just amazing. But 1300usd/month for a youngster who wants to live his dream could really make a hole in his pocket. Above all this working in a serenic environment without no hassles , meeting up new people, new culture, new food and everything new from one place to another would be worth it . Going to a same office , meeting same people make employees kind of used to that environment and can tend to make them more casual or lazy . A new place will bring its own freshness. So congratulations remote life really breaking the chsnge of monotonous office

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