Jabong.com changes my opinion of online shopping

 Jabong.com changed my opinion of buying clothes online. Online shopping today is as common as shopping on ground, and it’s primarily due to the lack of time in everyone’s life. I am no different, juggling between work and family life, sometimes online shopping seems like a convenient option and since a couple of years I have been regularly making use of online shopping especially to buy random articles, groceries, house-hold items, electronics etc. but I have never been comfortable buying clothes and shoes online. 

Both these things mean comfort and comfort is something I cannot reassure myself by just looking at it. I always got attracted with the numerous designs and styles available online, especially in terms of dresses, but the urge to touch and feel always ended up acting as a resistance in buying the same, also I felt that buying clothes online was much more hassled than other things, as it usually takes a long time to deliver, whereas when you seeing clothes, you really wanna get them as soon as possible, and the possibility of size going wrong is also high, but this time, Jabong.com, beat me there.  There was this particular dress that I saw on Jabong.com’s site and I had an instant liking to it. It was a perfect summer things, cool colors and yet a very party like appeal, the material was silk. To me it seemed like a perfect weekend night-out wear. As usual I started contemplating the decision to buy, but this time the urge to buy was more, and my hands just moved towards the add to cart button, and following simple steps my order was placed. 

I was surprised with the ease of placing order on the site and also the swiftness of confirmation mail and message reaching my inbox, but the bigger surprise came when my dress was delivered in just 2 days, much before the expected date of delivery. 

My dress was very cutely packed and fitted me perfectly when I tried it. The material, the look and feel was as similar as it appeared on the site and absolutely correct as per the description. I could not wait for the weekend to wear my dress and head out to party. 

I am really impressed with the speed, the quality and variety of designs and styles on jabong.com and it has definitely helped me overcome my inhibitions, so think no more, go shopping at Jabong.com.

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