Spiritual Symphony-The Divine Life You Were Born To Live, Workshop with Pami Singh

Some experiences can never be fully comprehended in words, but still its imperative that I share my experience with you all and urge you to experience it for yourself.
I attended this Spiritual Symphony workshop organised by Mr. Pami Singh on the 27th and 28th of Feb, and I am writing about my experience now after almost 20 days. My reason for the same is that normally when we attend such spiritual & meditation workshops, for the first few days we are in awe of it and we try to bring some changes in our lives, but slowly we start coming back in our existing world and the influence of the workshop starts diminishing. But not this time, 20 days ago whatever I learnt and experienced in the workshop, it remains with me very strongly.

This workshop by Mr. Pami Singh was organised at a serene and calm venue in the Greater Noida called House of Kapaali, and it was spread over 2 days.

“The Divine Life You Were Born To Live” is one of the most powerful and exciting program developed by Pami Singh. This two day workshop enabled me to embrace my true and unique purpose for this divine journey and it helped me believe that I am the true divine perfection of God, the God is within me, and I am the God. The journey was replete with guided meditation, interactive exercises and personally validating experiences. Each and every aspect of this journey left me asking for more.

The interactive sessions and demonstrations took me to another level of understanding. It really made me question myself, it made me realise that most of the things that happen around us are a result of our own belief system that we are ignorant to change.

Pami Singh

For example, there was a particular activity where in using broken hangers and straws, we were demonstrated how the universe responds to what we think and how can we control and change our thinking to in return get desired results. But then the whole confidence comes when the demonstration is not a mere demonstration by an expert but an experience that we observe by doing the activity ourselves. Because unlike the normal beliefs of spiritual consultants being blessed with some extra powers, Pami focuses on the fact that we all possess the similar power, we all are equals, he just helps us making more aware of ourselves.

Pami works unhurriedly and with his nurturing insights it helped trigger within me the knowingness of my own inner wisdom which, in turn lead me to the unchallenged awareness of the perfection

and powerful divine creator that I truly am, always have been, and always will be provided I keep believing it.
With Pami’s guidance, I understood that all that I want to know, I want to achieve, and I want to become is within me. Its a mere shift and change of the existing belief system, and we can really get what we want and wish for.
In fact, as per Pami, now also whatever we are, we are because of our own thinking that leads to actions and reactions of similar kinds. For example, when we pray to God to become successful, In Pami’s words, we are somewhere establishing the fact that we are unsuccessful and hence praying to become successful, in his opinion because we create this negative aura, we get more negativity in life. Instead we should believe that we are successful, visualise ourselves in that happy space and then that is what we will actually end up creating with the help of universe.

All the topics covered in the workshop definitely helped me see things differently and now even after 20 days, the shift in my belief system that I started experimenting with, is working wonders.
I suggest all my readers to please experience this once for yourself and I can guarantee that you won’t regret it.
Everything you want to know is within you. In this workshop you will learn and experience how to access this wisdom and to integrate it into your daily life with love, joy and compassion. In today’s stressful life, we have all forgotten the true meaning of life, we have no idea what we truly need to do, and we have forgotten are true being. We have forgotten that we are his perfect divine creation; the only thing required is for us to believe in it.
This is exactly where Mr. Pami Singh will help you, a two day workshop, will take you through a journey of finding yourself, nurturing yourself and believing that you are the perfect divine creation of God.Some of the timeless awareness that will be covered during the workshop are:
 “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”
Why Meditate? And what is Meditation?
The limitless and ever creating self
Intuition – the everyday language of the soul
The very conditioned Mind we possess – Explained by interactive demonstrations
The Laws of Attraction and how NOT to use them inappropriately
Guided Meditations to the Source of Love
Left and Right Brain Exercises
How to move from ‘Pride to Purpose’
Severing Links with the Past
Relationships and much more………..

To know the details about next workshop, you can get in touch with Pami through his Facebook

About Mr. Pami Singh
Pami Singh is a Psycho- Spiritual Consultant, a past lives regression therapist, meditation teacher, and personal guide/coach who has been conducting workshops on the practical aspects of everyday spirituality since 1993 for all age/cultural groups- from individual teenagers /adults to corporate businesses to sports professionals in the European community, USA and India.
In 2009 he released a DVD, “Who I Really Am” and a CD, “ A guided Meditation – with Pami Singh”. Last year his first book, “God I AM”, was released in print and eBook form and it has received many meaningful testimonials from readers across the world. It is available on Amazon everywhere. He is now writing his second book, “The Born Again Human”, plans to release it later this year.
Says Pami “My life path and commitment are to help re awaken the inner wisdom that lies deep within us so that all of humanity can, once again, be free of the shackles of fear and hate, and instead, embrace the joy of love and nurturing of/for all. My programmes are carried out under the banner of “Spiritual Symphony” which takes you on a practical journey of self awareness, enlightenment, creativity and bliss by guiding and supporting you to re-connect with your ‘Divine Self’ through the medium of Meditation.”
In this line of work, there are no ‘certificates’ or ‘honours’ conferred by institutions. The real ‘honours’ for those of us who are committed to this kind of work are to see the transformation in the quality of life of the people whose lives touch ours. For that no certificate exists, and none is required.

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