Gadre Marine Showcases Sea Food Range @Cafe Public Connection

Gadre Marine hosted an evening especially for foodies at the Cafe Public Connection in Connaught Place. The highlight of the evening were the dishes prepared using Gadre Marine’s range of sea-food products.
Chef Chauhan at +Cafe Public Connection had prepared some unique dishes for enhancing the taste of Gadre Products.
To start with there was a crab stick cold soup, prepared using coconut milk. It had a very subtle and different kind of taste, though I am not a coconut person, but still the taste of the soup was something I relished.

It came garnished with crab sticks that are the most popular speciality of Gadre. These carb sticks are not made using crab meat, but with fish. It helps reaching out to those who have allergy to carb meat or find it too expensive, so the solutions comes from Gadre by giving you the experience of similarity in taste, which is less expensive and made of fish.

Chef Chauhan Posing With His Creation

Next was some crab stick salad, healthy and tasty are the two words I could use, to describe this dish.

Then there were lobster bites and they were the best I have eaten. Crispy on the outside, and soft inside.

Butter Garlic Crab Sticks were another hit amongst those present, they were very juicy and tender.

Spicy Masala Prawns went to become my favorite food from the evening. They were super delicious.

There was some chicken tikka also from Cafe Public Connection’s side for those who didn’t like much of sea-food.

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at the Cafe Public Connection and the yummy dishes prepared using Gadre Premium Sea Food Products.
I also happened to meet the Brand Manager of Gadre Products, Ms. Sneha Sharma and It was such a pleasure meeting her. She went on to explain all the minutest details about the product and its quality that I now believe in the products even more.

I am gonna buy my choice of these sea-food products and enjoy eating them at home as well. The products are available at a wide range of stores and in raw, ready to cook and marinated variations. Grab your packs now…!!

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Goa, India