Tag: Expressions

Thought for the Day


Thought for the Day…!!

There comes a time in life when you got to stop calling people who don’t call you, stop visiting people who don’t know where you live and stop spending your time on people who don’t have time for you.

Stop investing on people who don’t spend on you or else you will go bankrupt emotionally.

You can love someone from a distance and I am not talking about a romantic relationship but anyone be it relatives or friends.

Treat people the way they treat you and do not go overboard showering love where it is not returned. Life is complicated enough without having to beg people for love.

So wake up and surround yourself with people who genuinely love and care about you.

People who don’t see you as an option but truly want you in there lives.

Let no one treat you as replaceable because if you are then so are they.

Move on.

Just a thought- a small poem




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Goa, India