Tag: Books

Spirit Flows Power Glows- Book Review

Keerthisinghe is a Sri Lankan by origin and is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Politician, and T.V. Presenter based in India.
He is a firm believer in God and holds great knowledge of Buddhist philosophy.
Having lost his father at the tender age of eight he faced numerous challenges in life and despite his adverse circumstances managed to enter the University of Colombo and graduated as a Bachelor of Law and became a professional lawyer in 2000.
He became an early rupee millionaire and then lost it all.
Being the fighter that he is, his quest has not ended despite going through many failures.
He had firm belief in God and his own never say die attitude to rise again n again. He went through personal and professional set backs always to bounce back even defying death.

The Book as the name suggests is a work of art, a seriously motivational book with a nice and refreshing outlook to really inspire you to achieve your dreams.
A simple narrative interspersed with some truly inspiring stories and personal experiences gives you an ample window to look through the Author’s up and down journey and his strong will and belief in the Almighty to cross all hurdles and move towards the Goal. The book really takes you on a roller coaster ride and leaves you infused with positive energy and high spirit. One gets a sense of belief and feel all charged up to take on the world.

An absolute cracker of a book for all. Very Inspiring. Very Motivational. An absolute must read.

Grab your copy now, you will not regret your buy.

Its available on Amazon for Rs 270/- for paperback.

My rating 4/5 stars

Reminiscences of a Seeker- Book Review

A word about the author first.
Kapil Kumar Bhaskar was a successful businessman whose interest in spiritualism led to the World of Dark Arts. The book is his recollection of the innumerable experiences he went through on his way to seek enlightenment. He is now a full time Counsellor and Spiritual Master.

The Book
As it proclaims is a true story based on the first hand encounters of Kapil in his quest for spiritualism. Having experienced some divine encounters from an early childhood he is literally attracted to the unknown and goes on a journey that pulls him the the world of Dark Arts. He is pitched in a battle of drama, greed and betrayal.
So deep is he sucked into the depths of never ending trials and tribulations where his whole being is at stake. It is a real engrossing battle between the good and the evil. Makes for a fascinating read and at the same time gives me the goosebumps just to think what Kapil,the protagonist had to go through in life. An excellent insight it gives us into the real world of Tantrics n Aghoris. The way the author shares his experiences it becomes very easy to believe in this OTHER DARK WORLD.

But as they say eventually Good wins over Evil. A must read for everyone,and I assure you it willbe difficult to put away the book. Get your copy now and go through a fascinating journey of deceit, fear, greed and last but not the least FAITH.
Eagerly awaiting for his next.

The book is available on Amazon for Rs 250/-

My Rating 4.5/5 stars

Harappa- Curse of the Blood River- Book Review

A word about the author first.
Vineet is a very successful entrepreneur. At the young age of 22 he started his company Magnon from a shed. Magnon is among the largest digital agencies in the subcontinent and part of the a fortune 500 Omnicom Group. He was the youngest ever CEO of a multinational advertising agency TBWA as its India CEO. Much acclaimed and awarded in his field he was recently listed among the top 100 Most Influential People in India’s Digital Ecosystem.
He has authored three best selling management and inspirational books:
Build From Scratch
The Street to The Highway
The 30 Something CEO

The Book.
The most amazing fiction which gives you the feeling of being more real than real. The main protagonist Vidyut is a character one easily falls in love with. The story spanning a 3700 yrs from ancient Harappa to the modern day Kashi is a roller coaster ride that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
The author has a wonderful vision and complete hold on the vivid canvas which he spreads across distinctive time zones.
The events unfold at breath taking speeds and keep you mesmerized. Really difficult to put down the book. Vineet’s style of narrative and backdrop does remind of Dan Brown but Vineet has surpassed it in terms of vision and imagination. Its so glad to see that our Indian writers are now experimenting with topics, style of writing and giving many shades to their characters. They are no more caught up into traditional thinking, and that for readers like me is a very good news.

Get yourself a copy NOW and relish the superlative storyline.
Kudos Vineet
Anxiously waiting for Pralay!

Grab your copy here, available on Amazon for Rs. 130/-

My Rating – 4/5 Stars

Changing Scenarios of the Publishing Industry-Thank God for Half Baked Beans!

Started with a mindset to be different right from the very beginning, Half Baked Beans is not just a regular publishing house. Yes they surely publish books, but they have their own uniqueness in every thing that they do, just the way their name is. Their philosophy lies in the fact that their company is not a mere publishing house, but a company that dwells on developing talent, giving them a platform to showcase their work and also bring like minded people together through different workshops and forums.

They very regularly organise creative writing workshops, book launches, book reading sessions, open discussions related to the subject and even run a very successful group on Facebook which again encourages writing, like minded discussions etc on the online platform.

I am a regular participant in the group activities and love exploring my writing skills and who knows one day I am actually able to write a full fledged novel. Seeing so much talent around definitely gives a sense of encouragement.

Recently Half Baked Beans organised a bloggers meet, where in we met not just as bloggers but as book lovers in general and shared our views on the latest trends of the industry, writing skills, marketing needs of the hour and a detailed brief of services offered by HBB. Chetan Soni the man behind Half Baked Beans and Richa Saxena, his subordinate, both shared their passion for books and we got engulfed in a long conversation over some lip smacking snacks at the Pot Belly, Shahpur Jat.

It indeed was a very insightful session, and these open discussions have enlightened me more than before on the publishing industry. We discussed how scandals, political dramas and mythology sells and creates more buzz than other genres. We also discussed the role of book reviews and book bloggers and other marketing needs that are imperative to the success of a book in todays time.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself learning the nuances of the industry.


Half Baked Beans also offers many other services like:

  • Editorial Services
  • Beta Reading
  • Book Cover Services
  • Book Design Services
  • Book Marketing Services
  • E-Book Services

You can check out more details at the Half Baked Beans website. You can also follow their page on Facebook for regular updates. They have already published more than 40 books and are growing steadily giving chance to quality authors. Their criteria for publishing books are also fool proof and they don’t publish each and every book that comes their way. They choose quality over quantity.

As a take back I got this wonderful book to read, which I am looking forward to.

Chronux- Book Review

A word about the author first.
Sagar Kamath teaches History and International Affairs at Symbiosis International University.
He is a Masters in History and Philosophy and has almost a decade of teaching experience. He has lectured extensively on a wide range of subjects and specializes in issues of religion and politics.
In his free time he loves to explore ‘off the beaten track’ locales which hold a sense of mystique about them.

Chronux is the story of Time or let’s put it this way that Chronux is a story which time tells us about of times past to times in the far future and the times spent inbetween.

The story which starts from a a small village of Aruhu, in the Himalayas takes you on a roller coaster ride through a span of more than 3000 years BC to more than 3000 years in the future,not to forget the time in the present.

It’s a wonderful Juxtaposition of the long past events mingling with the present and the future.

Although a work of fiction a tremendous amount of research has gone into the making of this absolutely rivetting story of Time.

The events described whether in the past, present or future are so realistically portrayed that at times you pause and find that yes all this could be very plausible and true. Really a remarkable piece of storytelling wherein you feel you are a part of this journey. The events described from the past,present and future are beautifully intertwined and does leave one dazed at the aouthor’s imagination and the finesse to put things up so brilliantly.

A must must read for everyone. Go grab your copy now and enjoy a never before experience of fiction/reality. Find out for yourself.

Its available on Amazon for Rs 475 for paperback and 283 for the Kindle version.

My Rating 4.5/5 stars

Book Review- Looped by Munmun Singh Nagpal

A word about the Author, her love for writing started in standard six while writing essays. She also started writing novels for her friends when in tenth class. She has four unpublished novels before getting published with this book.
An MBA in marketing she helps out her husband in his dairy business .

Now Looped that’s what I got when I started the book.
The book is based on Time Travel to the past and it took me time to get used to the technical mumbo jumbo.
But then came an absolutely fascinating story of the Time Traveller, Toby Sezoe, falling in love with a woman from centuries past.
An intriguing story of what the future or past holds for Toby forms the crux of this endearing tale of love.
She cant see him, he can’t feel her and still the author weaves together a wonderful bond of love between the two spanning across time. A really superb must read.

Grab your copy and find out does Toby find his love,is there a way the two could get united???

My Rating 3.5/5

Its Available on Amazon for Rs 150/-

Figmented Reality- Book Review

A word about the author first, Zuko a.k.a. Siddarth Sabari is a blogger and writer based in Chennai, Born in Mumbai he spent his growing years schooling in Mumbai and later in Chennai.
He was diagnosed with Dyslexia at an early age and found it difficult to follow language, but despite his limitations and the support of his mother he passed out from Vellore Institute of Technology in the year 2013 as Mechanical Engineer specialising in Energy. He was awarded the First Indian Dyslexic Writer by the K.L.University,Vijaywada.
He worked for a couple of years in a Public Limited Company before joining his father’s business in Chennai.

Figmented Reality is a psychological book which forces the reader to analyse answers to certain fundamental questions in our lives.
The protagonist is a boy who at a very young age is sexually abused by an elderly woman. He is unable to get over the pleasure he derives from that one sexual encounter so much so that it engulfs him completely.
The encounter leads him to ways of self attaining methods of sexual pleasure.
As he grows up he is always on the look out for elderly women to satisfy himself but fails and in the process he offends women his age as the only thing he seeks from them is sex.
He is generally perceived as a pervert and avoided.
He goes deep into the dark world of drugs and constant state of wanting sex which he is unable to get.
Then enters Veena, a mother of two, and he falls for her head over heels to the point of obsession.
But his mind has so degenerated by this time that all lines between a figment of imagination and reality have blurred.
The author has really woven a brilliant narrative taking us through the dark dingy world of addiction and hallucinations.
The climax of the book is most unexpected and shocking.
A must read, I just enjoyed reading my copy, you go grab your copy now!!!!

Available on Amazon for Rs 150

My Rating 4/5

Book Review- The Coffee and The Cola

A word about the author first,Kapil Muzumdar comes from the world of advertising and branding having been in the trade for over twenty five years crafting stories for brands,celebrities and corporate icons. He loves studying human behaviour and profiling people,mostly along psychographic outlines.
Presently he works as a creative philosopher and is often invited to speak at educational institutions and corporates.
He is deeply fascinated by women and the complexity of their nature.
The Coffee and The Cola is his first book.

The author relates to two kind of women whose traits he compares to Coffee and Cola. Two very different types of women.

The story revolves around the main protagonist Rahul and his tryst with these two women with diametrically opposite traits, The Coffee and The Cola as the author sees them.

It is the journey of love which Rahul goes through first with Radha and in a small detour with Nora.
Two women of diverse personalities which leave Rahul confused with the reality check; Who should he choose between the two for a life partner. The way author has characterised his leads is commendable. You can easily relate to Rahul who faces a confusion of choosing the one over second as we lot of times see in real life as well. The women leads are both portrayed very interestingly. The book has a dose of romance with reality thrown in beautifully. Some twists and turns keep you engrossed and curious all through

Will Rahul be able to decide? Will he really get what he wants or Will he lose it all? Grab a copy now and find out for yourself. I just loved reading my personally signed copy 🙂 As the author puts it: An Ordinary Narrative Built Around an Extraordinary Premise.

Available on Amazon for Rs. 199/- for paperback.

My Rating: 4/5

Should I Hate or Love- Book Review

A word about the author first, Kisnaa is a 24 year old born and brought up in Delhi. An engineer by profession having done his B.Tech from a renowned college of Delhi/NCR is currently pursuing his M.Tech from MD University. He started writing poetry at the age of 14. Writing is his passion apart from his interest in cricket, movies and traveling.

Should I hate or Love, as claimed by the author, is based on a true story.
After reading the book, and if it is a true story; a very filmy one at that, I feel that whatever our Hindi films depict however audacious it may be seems plausible. Though hard to digest for me.
The book is beautifully penned with some really lovely poems interspersed artistically in the script just as we have songs in movies.
It is the story of the main protagonist Aayan and his journey of love from the adolescent years to his coming of age.
The whole gamut of emotions from his adolescent love to his pining for his love when circumstances force them to stay far from each other to his reverential love have been very well woven into the book.
Does Aayan get his true love or not.Does his unconditional love bear fruit? Grab a copy for yourself and enjoy this beautiful journey of love. Happy reading.

Available on Amazon for Rs 175/-

My Rating: 4/5 Stars

Super Women- Book Review

Super Women is a compilation of inspiring stories of 20 women entrepreneurs.The author is Prachi Garg,a Mirandian and an inspiration herself.She is co-founder of Ghoomophiro.com and Anmoluphar. An alumni of Great Lake Institue of Management, she is a passionate writer and fond of traveling. In many ways she herself is an entrepreneur and a successful one at that and a great role model for women.


Super women brings to light the stories of twenty women entrepreneurs who have by their sheer hard work and will to succeed have found the right balance in their personal and professional lives, managing to hold fort on both fronts with equal dedication and love.

These women have foraged into a vast range of services like extending support to acid attack victims to providing free skin care solutions; online retail of lingerie, handmade bags and fashion accessories.
They have also found a niche in providing eco friendly utility products; some awe inspiring quirky merchandise; another very inspiring service has been to empower folk artists and showcase their art to the world to providing clinical assistance those suffering from depression and allied problems; image consulting to house hunting, arty solutions, to innovative marketing and corporate communication; from creating happy readers to making religious ceremonies simpler.
These super women have opened doors to some yet unexplored avenues.

The author very beautifully traces the journey of these women from their baby steps to finally realising their dreams and in the process providing us with various services.

Kudos to these super women and Prachi, a super woman herself for bringing together this inspirational book.
Grab a copy and live the lives of these super women. A salute to Women Power.

Available on Amzon- Price Rs 123/-

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India