Is Your Bedroom Keeping You Awake?

Having trouble sleeping? There are a lot of reasons as to why you may be struggling to sleep. One of these reasons could be your bedroom environment – instead of being a cosy environment that promotes sleep, it could be full of distractions that are keeping you awake. Below are just some of the ways your bedroom could be keeping you awake. 

It’s too cluttered

Research has shown that living in a messy bedroom can increase stress levels and lead to a worse night’s sleep. A tidy bedroom can provide a calmer environment where your mind feels more at peace. Think about ways in which you may be able to reduce clutter in your bedroom – if getting rid of things isn’t an option, find ways to maximize storage solutions so that you can hide this clutter out of sight. 

It’s too bright

Most of us sleep better in total darkness. If there’s too much light getting into your room at night, find a way of blocking it out. Blackout blinds and blackout curtains can be a great solution for blocking out street lighting or early morning sunlight. While considering the lighting in your room, you may also want to consider the colour scheme. Bright colours like red, orange and yellow are best avoided in a bedroom as they are energising colours – blues, greens and greys tends me much more calming. 

It’s too hot/too cold

Do you struggle to get to sleep at night because your room is too hot or too cold? While you may be able to choose warmer or cooler bedding, there could be another solution. Firstly, consider whether you need to install new heaters or coolers. Electric heaters and fans tend to be the cheapest options. A more expensive option could be to upgrade your home’s entire heating or cooling system. Sometimes these systems can become faulty, in which case HVAC repair may be necessary. If you’ve noticed that your home isn’t heating or cooling at the same rate as it used to, then a fault could be the issue. 

It’s too noisy

Is noise keeping you up at night? It’s possible that there could be noises within your bedroom such as gurgling radiators, loud fans or buzzing electrics. These are all things that can usually be solved either by fixing, replacing or turning off the sources of the noise. If you’re getting woken up by noises outside of your room, consider looking into soundproofing your bedroom. Measures such as adding foam to walls or hanging up thick curtains may help to reduce noise.

Your bed isn’t comfortable

Your bed is the most important aspect of your bedroom. If you spend the night tossing and turning, consider whether you need to upgrade your mattress or bedding. A new mattress could make a world of difference – especially if your current mattress is quite old. As for bedding, try to match this to the weather. Having a duvet and a throw on your bed that you can easily switch between can be useful if you get too hot or cold. If you get itchy in the night, trying new fabrics could be the solution (cotton tends to be a safe hypoallergenic option). 

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