New York City: Exploring This Famous Concrete Jungle

New York is perhaps the symbol of America, more so than Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Chicago etc. Even though the Big Apple is not the capital of the country, it sure does act like it. The streets may be paved with a greyish-black tarmac, the vents might be spewing up steam, the buildings might be made from dull brown bricks but even the urban neighborhoods are worth exploring. In fact, high rise buildings and skyscrapers are just what you see in the center of the city. The financial heart of this concrete jungle is teeming with activity all throughout the day and night. NYC is the city that just doesn’t sleep. Burning the midnight oil are those that believe in the mantra that if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Full of ambition and lights, this city is ripe for the picking when it comes to delving deeper into what it has to offer. Don’t just go to the usual places if you want a more authentic experience, you have to see what’s in the back alleys first.

Into the grittiness 

The Lower East Side is the gritty part of the city. It’s the picturesque image of what you think of when considering the ground level of New York. More than likely you have seen this part of the city in many movies. The Godfather, Once Upon A Time In New York, and Gangs of New York all have this neighborhood in mind and featured in their tales. The buildings are tenant-style, with three sometimes four stories. Here you’ll also find unique boutiques that sell items that you couldn’t find anywhere else in the city. It’s changed a lot since the 50s and even the 90s, because now some of the most trendiest bars and restaurants are located in among the broil. Upcoming bands also play their music for free in many places, and of course, you have the traditional delis that do fantastic food for a very reasonable price.

It’s a little morbid

You cannot take off and leave this city, without visiting Broadway. Actors of all kinds come to the city to hone their craft and perform in the many shows that are on. You can book cheap broadway tickets online so when you arrive in the city, you already have something to look forward to. Take for example Madame Morbid and her custom-made trolley that guides you through the dark history that impacts New York. Many places in the city are around 200 or more years old. Ghosts are said to linger in dungeon halls, and basements where the humble barrels of beer are stored. Some people say they have seen creatures crawl the walls at night, pertaining them to be vampires. Come and see the show and take the tour, learn about the back alleys of the city where the rich and famous have once walked through on their way to the top.

This concrete jungle is only getting bigger. Luckily however, some neighborhoods like the Lower East Side are trying to keep as authentic to their roots as possible. 

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