Vaishnavipratima- The New Interiors Studio Opens in Goa

Vaishnavipratima is as unusual a studio as its name. Just like its name, it stands for uniqueness, uniqueness in approach, uniqueness in designs and uniqueness in attitude.

The Store

This interiors studio opened its doors on the 14th of September in Soccoro, North Goa. Expansively created in a 90-year-old Portuguese Villa, the visuals take your breath away right from the entrance. As you move in, the individually designed pieces of art start talking to you. One biggest uniqueness about the store is that no two pieces are identical, Pratima has carefully chosen it to be this way. Unless placed on order, all her designs are individualistic in nature.

The Collection

The store has both a mix of traditional and contemporary designs as well as ultra modern, chic and minimalistic designs. From bold chairs to rustic looking almirahs, sofa sets, lounge chairs, designer shelves, beds, colorful cushions, photo frames, paintings, artifacts, you name and its there. The huge villa has been beautifully designed with various sorts of art forming a cluster.


The first room of the villa showcases some beautifully designed and handcrafted furniture pieces. The color tones strike great contrast from subtle pastels to bold color pops, the area looks stunning with this combination of colors. This area showcases consoles, bookshelves, bar cabinets, wing chairs etc. and these all are made by Indian artisans.

Pop art dining couture and various artists’ works are on display in the second room. The third room comprises of an elaborate four-poster bed with cushions, throws, and rugs, giving it a very homely feel. There is also an open cafe area in the passage and back foyer of the villa and will soon serve exotic teas and bites.

This studio also houses some exquisite jewelry and designer apparel pieces; Chanderi Sarees designed by Prama and Pratima Pandey has designed the indo-western outfits and Bhavaa jewelry comprising of semiprecious gemstone collections. These have been introduced for the first time into the brand.


About the Brand

With its maiden store in Mumbai, Vaishnavipratima expanded its wings to Goa. Goa is the ideal choice as more and more people are investing in properties in Goa. And most of these properties are converted into villa homestays and resorts and thus the need for an exclusive interiors studio is obvious. Thus the brand opened up its second store in Goa with its signature collection and some add-ons like the jewelry and designer wear.

The Woman Behind the Brand

A self-made and self-taught interior designer, Vaishnavipratima started her passion by designing and redesigning her our house along with those of some close relatives and friends. In 2012, she thought of taking it up as a profession and started working on interior designing projects for other people’s home. The year 2016 saw her making it big by opening her first store in Mumbai. The store has a vast collection of home decor items that are customized and exclusively designed drawing inspiration from Pratima’s travel and aesthetic sense.

Have you been there yet?


Studio Address

Vaishnavipratima- Signature Collection, Goa.

Villa No-190 -268(1) Vadem, Near Vetal Temple,

Soccorro, /Bardez, Goa.

Open From

Monday-Saturday, 10 AM- 8 PM

5 thoughts on “Vaishnavipratima- The New Interiors Studio Opens in Goa

  1. Hey,
    I am Dhrithi
    We do interior, architecture and product shoots. Incase you need a shoot for your studio, please contact us.

    Thank You,

  2. this is a great looking store, i like it because it’s a shop that looks like it could be a bed and breakfast! If they did consignments I know a local jewelry maker here who works with gems and feathers who would fit into this vibe!!

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