Book Review- Looped by Munmun Singh Nagpal

A word about the Author, her love for writing started in standard six while writing essays. She also started writing novels for her friends when in tenth class. She has four unpublished novels before getting published with this book.
An MBA in marketing she helps out her husband in his dairy business .

Now Looped that’s what I got when I started the book.
The book is based on Time Travel to the past and it took me time to get used to the technical mumbo jumbo.
But then came an absolutely fascinating story of the Time Traveller, Toby Sezoe, falling in love with a woman from centuries past.
An intriguing story of what the future or past holds for Toby forms the crux of this endearing tale of love.
She cant see him, he can’t feel her and still the author weaves together a wonderful bond of love between the two spanning across time. A really superb must read.

Grab your copy and find out does Toby find his love,is there a way the two could get united???

My Rating 3.5/5

Its Available on Amazon for Rs 150/-

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