Rukhsat the Departure- Book Review


This is the book by the author Sujit Bannerjee a certified healer and a professional in the tourism industry.
A very commendable effort.
He has taken the Alphabets from A to Z and given us twenty six short stories.
Some stand alone some intertwined which really take you by surprise.
I had to at times go back to the earlier story linked together to really get to the related content. Another novel way of presentation. The author has a simple straightforward narrative most of the way. But I found the opening story Abhimanyu a little profound but aesthetically captured.
The nuances of the thought process of an unborn child visualizing history is very well put together.
The collection of other stories takes you through a wide range of emotions. Some of the standout ones for me were Devesh the Confession and Yasmin Bai and the Letter Box.
I would definetely recommend it.Go for it friends. Really worth a read.


Price: Rs 250 Paperback

Available on: Amazon

About the Author, From the Author

Born to Bengali parents in Lucknow, I grew up in Patna where I finished my post-graduation in Psychology and ended up becoming a tour operator instead of a Psychologist! Which was
good since a Bengali born in UP and reared in Bihar does not make a great Psychologist! Am I now glad to be in tourism? It has taken me all over the world including places you would have never heard of. Eh? How about Tlacotalpan? It’s in Mexico.

Destiny had other plans as well so I became a reluctant healer. A crazy Shaman in Mexico set the ball rolling and it has rolled all the way to Delhi. Today I both heal as well as read Tarot cards. My wife thinks I am mad. My friends think I am weird. I guess I am both.

My first story was published in a magazine when I was seventeen. The Editor made such a hash of it that I stopped sending out my stories but I continued writing. Then I broke my heart and started writing poems; first in Hindi and then in English. All personal collection. They still remain personal. I do shudder when I read some of them! Then the short stories came back and written over two years – now is a collection.


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