Blackcurrant Swiss Roll

 As compared to the common myth, swiss rolls are actually quite simple to make, and I bet you will enjoy the process and be very glad with the outcome, I remember when I made it for the first time and it turned out super cool, it seemed like an achievement,
and left me exhilarated. So lets get started..



  • 4 eggs
  • 125 gms castor sugar and a couple of spoons more for dusting on the surface
  • 2 tablespoons warm water
  • 125 gms refined flour
  • 2 drops of purple food colouring
  • 1-tablespoon vanilla extract




  • Line the base of a 10 by 15-inches swiss roll pan with a baking sheet. Grease the base and sides of the sheet with melted butter and dust some flour.
  • Take a large bowl, and whisk eggs and sugar together, till light and fluffy, approx 5 minutes of whisking at high speed will give you the desired consistency. Then add water, followed by vanilla extract
  • Sift in the flour, about 1/3rd at a time and with a metal spoon, fold it in the egg mixture.
  • Now separate about 3 tablespoons of this mixture in another bowl and add 2-3 drops of purple food colour and mix gently.
  • Fill a piping bag with the mixture and draw a patter of your choice on the baking sheet. Put this in oven and bake for about two minutes to let it set.
  • Now pour the remaining white mixture gently into the prepared pan, and bake in the oven until the center of the cake is slightly springy and the edges have shrunk a little from the sides of the tin, about 12 to 15 minutes.
  • Spread out a piece of baking sheet, which is slightly bigger than the tin on a work surface and sprinkle evenly with caster sugar. Turn or invert the pan onto the sugared parchment paper, and then carefully remove the tin and parchment paper from the bottom of the cake.
  • Put over a slightly damp kitchen towel over the cake and let it cool down for sometime, this will prevent cracks and breaking of the cake.

Ingredients for the filling:

2-3 table spoons black currant crush


  • When the cake is cool, spread the jam sparingly over the cake, leaving a 1-inch border.
  • Now with the longest side facing you, roll up the swiss roll away from you, then transfer to a plate to serve.
  • Sprinkle the cake with caster sugar or dust with icing sugar to finish and you have yourself an amazing looking and awesome tasting, soft and succulent black currant swiss roll.



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