Vanilla Cupcakes with Centre Filling( Butterscotch , Kiwi and Strawberry) Topped with Whipped Cream

Ingredients for the Cup Cakes:
1 1/3 cups flour
1 1/2 cup castor sugar
1/4 cup oil
3 table spoons curd
1 spoon baking powder
a pinch of baking soda
1 spoon vanilla essence
2 eggs
2-3 drops of green food colour

    Preheat oven to 175 degrees C. Line a muffin pan with paper or foil liners.Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda.Set aside.In a large bowl, cream together the eggs and sugar until its light and fluffy. Add the oil,  and then stir in the vanilla. Add the flour mixture alternately with curd and beat well. Add drops of food colour and give the mixture a stir. Fill the muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake for 15-17 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean.

    Ingredients for the Filling
    3 table spoons butterscotch sauce
    3 table spoons strawberry crush
    3 table spoons kiwi crush
    Ingredients for the Frosting
    125 Ml Whipping Cream
    100 Gms Icing Sugar
    2-3 drops yellow food colour
    Coloured Sprinklers for Garnishing

    Take the whipping cream in a bowl and using an electric mixer, whip till soft peaks are formed. Add icing sugar and whip agan till firm peaks are formed. Add colour and mix very gently, for a light lemon yellow colour.
    Now scoop out a little cake from the centre of your cupcakes using a cookie cutter, but be careful to not reach the bottom of the cake. Now take your fillings and fill the scooped out portion, 4-5 cupcakes each with butterscotch and strawberry fillings respectively. Now fill up your piping bag with shipped cream and make swirls of icing on top of the cupcakes covering the filling portion as well.
    Use sprinklers to garnish and decorate the cupcakes.. and ta daahhh.. yummy cupcakes and ready for savouring..

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India