Pasta Chinese Style

So here is a recipe that speaks volumes about integrating cuisines and tastes and it comes out as a perfect fusion. An Italian Pasta with Chinese flavours.

100 gms Macaroni
2 table spoons oil
1 table spoon ginger garlic paste
1 capsicum shredded
1 tomato diced
1 table spoon soya sauce
1 table spoon red chilli sauce
1/2 table spoon vinegar
1/2 tea spoon ajino moto
salt to taste

Onions, Carrots , Baby Corns can also be used as per taste and choice.

Boil the macaroni in water till the time its done. Drain the water and wash the macaroni under cold water in order to reduce starch. Add some old to avoid stickiness and keep this aside.

In a wok, take oil and saute the ginger and garlic paste. Then add the vegetables and saute some more. Add vinegar, soya sauce and chilly sauce to the vegetables. Mix gently. Now add the macaroni and mix in the prepared sauce. Add ajino moto and salt to taste. Toss is for a couple of minutes. Serve hot.

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