Tag: Fashion Tips

Ten Tips for a More Positive Body Image

Many women around the world struggle with their confidence. Whether you just ended a relationship and feel unwanted and unloved, or just want to feel better about yourself, you will definitely benefit from a confidence boost. Remember that how you see yourself is not the same how others see you. Make sure that you learn how to show your most positive side in every situation, and your body image will become much healthier. Read our tips below.

1. Update Your Wardrobe

Retail therapy is one of the best ways of getting rid of the blues. You must update your wardrobe and stop wearing the clothes that don’t bring out the best of your figure. Looking trendy is the first step towards being liked and respected. Find your personal style and look for inspiration from others.

2. Try a New Hair Color

It might be that you are not happy with your hair color or style. Does the haircut you have had for many years still suit your body size and personality? If not, it is time for a change. Get some ideas from hair stylists in your neighborhood for free, and decide which adventurous style you are going to try.

3. Play with Online Makeover Tools

If you are not quite brave and confident enough to take a leap, you can start playing with some of the online styling and makeover tools. They are fun, entertaining, and help you decide on hair color, style, makeup, and accessories.

4. Ask Your Friends for Advice

You might not be confident enough to try new things, and could need advice. Your friends will be more than happy to give you feedback on how you walk, hold yourself, wear different clothes, and style your hair. Ask for complete honesty, but be prepared to deal with it.

5. Get Fit

While most people start exercising to lose weight, getting fit has several additional benefits, too. Going for a walk, for example, reduces the level of anxiety hormones in your body, so you stop worrying about your looks and how others see you. Simple lifestyle changes, such as walking to the shops instead of driving and taking the stairs instead of the elevator can go a long way.

6. Learn How to Wear Heels

High heels make your legs look longer and leaner. If you rarely wear them, you should start practicing. Every dress looks much better with a stiletto, and looking taller improves your confidence, too.

7. Sign Up for a Makeup Course

If you have no idea what colors and styles suit you, there is something to be done about this. Why don’t you sign up for a makeup course and learn how to make blemishes disappear and how to highlight your best features. If you need makeup to feel good walking out of the door, let it be.

“Makeup” by SAN_DRINO is licensed under CC BY 2.0

8. Tone Up and Lose Weight

Often the reason why people have a negative body image is the way they look in their tight clothes. If you are fed up with being unhappy and want to get rid of your bat flaps, you can create a personal training schedule for only a few minutes a day to get toned up. If you tend to comfort eat, find a diet shake company that offers nutritious desserts. Alternatively, eliminate sugar and fat to lose weight from the right areas.

9. Start Dating

Dating is one of the best ways of getting positive confirmation and building up your confidence. If you get to take a nice photo and register on one of the sites, as soon as the responses come in your confidence level starts increasing. Even if you are not serious about meeting anyone, you will benefit from guys expressing their interest in you.

10. Learn to Accept Compliments

One of the common traits of women with low confidence and negative body image is that they don’t take compliments seriously. They simply say thanks, but don’t think that the other person meant the positive comment they made. Learn to accept the fact that others notice your looks and try to believe that they genuinely like you.

“a little wardrobe update” by Geneva Vanderzeil apairandasparediy.com is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Low confidence is an issue that is often associated with negative body image. If you want to feel better in your skin, ask for help and start trying new things. Losing weight and becoming healthier is only the first step; you must keep on working on your confidence and appearance until you are satisfied and get enough compliments each day to keep you going.

Want To Stand Out? Hair’s How to Do It

For some people, the idea of making themselves stand out is terrifying. These people like to blend in with the crowd, be as unobtrusive as possible, and pass by unnoticed.

You’re not like that though.

You’re the kind of person who has no problem with all eyes being on you; in fact, you like it that way. You’re an expressive and creative person, so of course, you make expressive and creative choices when it comes to your looks. You don’t want to blend in; you want to be the showstopper in every room, wearing your personality on your sleeve — and on your face, body, and hair too.

If the above sounds like you, then you’re in luck. Below, there’s an exploration of three ways you can express yourself through the medium of the hair on your head. The beauty of toying with your hair and trying things out is that it will always grow back, so you can do as you please safe in the knowledge it’s not going to be permanent. Keep that in mind, and read on…

Choose A Creative Dye Job

If you don’t mind playing with the color of your hair to get maximum effect, then why not choose a dye job with a difference? Often done over bleached hair (to get the best color pop,) mermaid hair is increasingly popular. Given how beautiful the result can be, it’s easy to see why too.

If you’d rather stick with just the one color, then why not orange hair? Rather than being a problem to be fixed, orange hair is now gaining its own status as an outlandish, delightful, and absolutely deliberate hair color choice. 

Extend, Extend, And Extend!

Long hair is a statement. It’s an inherently feminine statement, and it’s also eye-catching — no matter what your age. However, long hair might be more of a dream than a reality; for some of us, our hair just doesn’t grow long enough or at a quick enough speed to sate your desire for something different. If this is the case for you, then tape in hair extensions might be the answer. With these, you can have a full head of long, flowing hair, without having to wait years to grow it out. Perfect. 

Be Brave; Go Short  

Short hair can look fantastic, as many celebrities have displayed over the years. However, among the general populace, short hair on women is less often seen. So if you truly want to stand out, then going short could be the most effective way of doing it.

One thing that short hair does, above all other styles, is accentuate your bone structure. For most people, a pixie cut will be extremely flattering. Contrary to popular belief, short hair can also be feminine, as proven by Halle Berry, Rihanna, Anne Hathaway, and all the other pixie cut fans in the celebrity world. So why not take your lead from the A list, trim your locks, and enjoy a more noticeable style as a result? 

So which of these do you think might tempt you?

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The Latest Jewelry Trends For 2017

Staying on top of fashion trends is the only way to make sure that you don’t fall out of style. Knowing what’s in and what’s out can help you avoid making any embarrassing fashion faux pa’s but a lot of people forget about the smaller details. Accessories are what make or break an outfit so if you get them wrong you can ruin a perfectly good outfit in seconds. One trend that people often neglect is jewelry. There are some pieces that will always be in style but don’t fall into the trap of thinking that this is true of all of it. Certain things that might have been fashionable last year are completely out by now so you have to be careful. If you aren’t up to date, have a look at these recent jewelry trends.

Rose Gold


Rose gold has been a part of the fashion world for a while but at the moment, the color is very popular when it comes to jewelry. It’s a great way to introduce some pretty pink things into your outfit without going overboard with incredibly bright shades of pink on your clothes that might be a bit too much. It’s also a popular choice for lots of other accessories so match your new rose gold earrings with a phone case or a necklace to top off the look. It’s also becoming a popular choice for wedding rings because it’s more interesting than standard gold.

Bold Necklaces

The past few years have seen a massive focus on smaller, choker style necklaces but that’s starting to change this season. Instead, people are going for much larger, bold necklaces that really make a statement. Thick chains with a large stone on are much more fashionable than a thin, shorter necklace. Anything that is art deco inspired is especially good as this is what most of the people in the industry are choosing.

Large Earrings


The view that bigger is better is not just confined to necklaces, it’s also directing the style of earrings that people are wearing this year. Nobody is wearing small studs at the moment, they’re going for huge earrings instead. Anything that uses interesting shapes and materials is a winner.

Single Earrings

As well as big earrings, people are also deciding to wear just the one. It’s a pretty out there move, but if you choose the right style, it can really work. If you’re going to go for the single earring look, make sure it’s something oversized that makes it clear that it’s a choice. If you wear a single small earring, people will just think one has fallen out.


Uncut minerals used to be something that people had as an ornament on the shelf but nowadays they’re being used for jewelry as well. Bold necklaces with large sections of uncut mineral on then are really in style at the moment. Healing crystals have also made a big impact at some fashion shows recently.



The crucifix is a jewelry item that’s always coming in and out of fashion for both men and women. It hasn’t been in for a few years but now it’s back. The traditional crucifix won’t quite cut it though. Find something a bit bigger with plenty of color on it and you’re sure to impress.





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