Tag: Self Beauty

How To Completely Change Your Look In 4 Steps

Whilst the thought of improving your appearance drastically always sounds like a pipe dream, that’s just the negative voice in your head getting you down. We’re programmed to criticize ourselves; don’t ask me why, but it’s the way things are. Still, you don’t need to put up with that. You don’t need to look in the mirror and sigh as you dream of the way in which you wish you’d look.

Healthiness and happiness should be the motivator to change your appearance and your life in general, so you need to push away vain thoughts. Wanting to look good for shallow reasons is never a good motivator because the negative voice in your head will always find something to say to put you down. You need to change your look for you, and it needs to be for the right reasons. Here are 4 steps to get you on the right track.

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Your body.

Your body is probably your worst enemy, as it is for most women. Our heads are filled with so many conflicting ideas as to what constitutes the perfect body. Some people say we should be as skinny as a rake, but other people say we should have voluptuous curves. It’s an absolute headache, and it’s all rubbish.

You don’t “have to” look any particular way when it comes to your body other than the way you want to look. In fact, to be more exact, you should look the way that makes you feel comfortable. Don’t starve yourself, and don’t over-eat. A healthy body should be your priority because there is no ideal size. If you eat a consistent diet and keep active on a daily basis then you’re doing everything right.

Your face.

Another aspect of your appearance that you want to keep healthy in a practical sense as well as in terms of its appearance on the surface is your face. Frequent moisturizing is crucial to avoid dry, cracked skin, and a clean face is absolutely essential when it comes to avoiding acne and other blemishes. There’s nothing wrong with a little make-up, of course, but try not to let your face become too oily during the day.

Mental health also affects appearance, so through practicing positive thoughts about your appearance you’ll reduce your stress and, in turn, your acne; it’s a positive cycle. You should also be looking after your dental health; your teeth shouldn’t just look white but actually be healthy. Look after your gums, in particular, by flossing and ensure that you brush your teeth two or perhaps even three times a day.

Your fashion.

Ah, fashion. It’s a love-hate relationship. We love pretty clothes, but we hate it when they don’t fit us or we think they don’t look quite right on us. If you’re lacking in confidence with regards to the fashion department then you could go on a shopping spree with your pals so as to have a team of advisors on what looks good or bad. You could also browse through online sites offering sleek and modern dresses for women because you might be selling yourself a bit short with your current wardrobe.

Again, don’t put yourself down; a good fashion sense isn’t some elusive concept that you can’t quite grasp. What’s most likely is that you never had the confidence to wear the pretty dresses or outfits you saw in shops or on other people; you need to rid yourself of these doubts and take a risk. Self-esteem is absolutely the key to changing your overall appearance, as we’ll discuss in the final step…

Your confidence.

This is the final step to looking good. Whether you want to try parting your hair on the other side or completely changing the color of your hair altogether, everything will come together if you just work it. People pick up on positive energy and confidence. You look more attractive when you feel more attractive, so you should be making yourself look the way you want to look; that way, you’ll be happier about your appearance, and this will make you look more attractive to others.

Are Your Teeth In Tip Top Condition?


Being human comes with a lot of responsibility. Our bodies are incredibly powerful machines that are super strong and can take us all the way from infancy to old age. To make sure that they can do that, we have a lot of health concerns to take care of. From healthy skin to organs that function properly, our lifestyle choices can make or break the way our bodies handle things. This couldn’t be any truer when it comes to out teeth. Not only are they an important part of our beauty regime, but they also are a huge part of our health. So, you need to be able to ensure that you keep them in tip top condition.


First things first, we all need to make sure that our teeth are clean. Although you make sure that your brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day, that might not be enough. You have to get serious about flossing and start to focus on your gums too. If your teeth aren’t properly clean, even if you think they are, your gums will suffer and could even get infected. So, it could be in your interest to book in with a full-scale cleaning service with the hygienist at your dentist’s office. That way, they can be sure to clean off all of the junk and keep your teeth super clean.


Perhaps more of a beauty concern than a health one, but it’s always beneficial to your overall oral health to ensure that your teeth are super white. You might want to consider professional whitening options, but they can often be quite costly. If you don’t want to put a lot of money upfront to get whiter teeth, there are alternatives to consider. Along with at-home whitening kits, there’s also the super exciting idea of using charcoal toothpaste to create a longer lasting, shinier whitening effect.


Getting back on to the health side of teeth, let’s talk about how to freshen up. Even if you don’t suffer from a strong case of halitosis, nobody likes to think that they have bad breath. So, you might want to take a few precautions to make sure that yours stays extra fresh. If you’re keeping everything clean, then you’re probably doing a good job already, but you’ll also find that mouthwash will help you out with this too. You can even get super strong brands that aim to kick bad breath. And just to be extra sure, it’s always a good idea to keep breath mints to hand.


And finally, up there with keeping your teeth white for beauty reasons, you might want to think about making them straight. Now, you may have had braces when you were a teen, but that doesn’t always mean that your teeth stay straight. The best part is that you don’t even have to wear the same kind of braces anymore. There are so many different ways to straighten crooked teeth; you can have a teeth straightening treatment and not even notice.

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