Tag: Home Care

4 Signs Your Home Needs Urgent Roof Repair

Simply because it’s hard to reach and inspect on a regular basis, the roof of a home tends to be neglected even by the most observant homeowners. No part of a home’s exterior suffers as much damage from changing weather as does the roof, for it is constantly exposed to sunlight, rain, wind, snow, hail, bird droppings and so on.

Over time, your home’s roof loses structural strength and needs regular repair and maintenance to preserve its longevity and reverse damage from the elements.

To keep your roofing in top shape, be proactive and check regularly for the following signs of deterioration.

Your roof has started to sag at some places

If your roof is sagging, it is a tell-tale sign of impending trouble. A roof would usually sag because it has turned old and weak and has suffered continuous damage over time. Poor installation is also a common cause of sagging and faulty alignment.

Ideally, regular upkeep and repair would help you avoid reaching such a situation. However, if for some reason you have not been able to care for your roof(for instance, if you live in a different location or if your home suffered unprecedented damage from a natural event), take a slumping roof as a warning sign that it could collapse any time if not repaired or replaced urgently.

The shingles on your roof are falling apart

Remember that even a couple of loose, broken or damaged shingles should be enough to consider a professional roof inspection followed by necessary repairs. Loose or missing shingles is an indication that your roof is not as robust and strong as before. This could be due to aging or damage from hail or dust storm.

Similarly, if you notice cracks (caused by excessive dryness) or blisters (caused by excessive moisture) on the shingles or find some of them curled, it is time to consider getting a professional opinion on whether you should have your roof repaired or replaced.

Rainwater is leaking into your home

Leakage is the most obvious sign that there are cracks in your roof or in its supporting elements such as the flashing or the underlayment. While inspecting for leakage, don’t forget to check the attic and hard-to-reach areas around the house.

Faulty ventilation, broken flashing or sealing, and aged shingles can all cause water to leak through the cracks and damage your possessions. To preserve your roof in time and avoid costly repairs and replacement, get a free roof inspection by a local Boise roofing expert.

Your power bills have shot up

One of the common causes of high electricity bills is damaged, poorly maintained roofing. Damage to any of the components of a roofing system can cause cool or warm air to escape your home, causing your HVAC to work harder. If you’re wondering why your energy bills have shot up in the recent past, have your roof and ventilation checked for deterioration by a licensed roof technician.





Freedom from Dampness This Independence- Get Waterproofing Solutions from Dr. Fixit

Freedom from Dampness This Independence- Get Waterproofing Solutions from Dr. Fixit

Who doesn’t love the smell of wet mud, the thundering of clouds, the lightening and the drops of rain hitting the windowpane? Everyone enjoys a hot cup of coffee, some steaming hot pakodas and long drives in the monsoon season. But there are two sides of every coin; there is always a flip side. So is with monsoons, while we enjoy the weather, rains also bring with them quite a few adverse effects. In India, water seepage in homes and other buildings is one of the most common issues that results because of monsoon rains. Dampness has a lot of ill effects not just on the building and its infrastructure but also on the health of the people who live in these buildings.


It’s sad to see every second home dealing with such issues of dampness and yet people are so ignorant about them. In fact I just observed a damp patch on one of my room’s wall and I realized that we have been ignorant about it since quite sometime, and this monsoon season it has become more prominent than ever before. I immediately searched about dampness on the internet and learned so much, dampness is not a small issue, it can cause a lot of damages.

Bad design, faulty construction or use of poor quality of materials are some of the reasons that cause dampness. Dampness not only affects the life of the building but also creates unhygienic conditions.

Dampness tends to cause secondary damage to a building. The unwanted moisture enables the growth of various fungi in wood, causing rot or mould health issues and may lead to sick building syndrome. Plaster and paint deteriorate and wallpaper loosens. Stains from the water, salt and from mold mar surfaces. The highest airborne mould concentrations are found in buildings where significant mould infestation has occurred, usually as a result of severe water intrusion or flood damage. Molds can grow on almost any surface and occur where there is a lot of moisture from structural problems such as leaky roofs or high humidity levels. Airborne mold concentrations have the potential to be inhaled and can have health effects.


Health concerns around mold include infections, allergenic or immunological illness, and nonallergic illness. Asthma is also triggered by the sensitization of dust mites accruing humid, wet regions of a structure. Another health effect associated with structural dampness is the presence of bacteria in an indoor environment. Bacteria require water to grow and multiply. Bacteria are a source for the transmission of diseases, therefore putting occupants’ health at risk by water intrusion into the indoor environment.

To sum up, we can easily say that dampness can lead to following problems:

  • Reduce the life of structures
  • Causes bleaching and blistering of paints.
  • Causes petting off and removal of plaster.
  • Causes corrosion of metallic fixtures.
  • Deteriorate carpet & furniture.
  • Deteriorate electric installations
  • Causes spots on the floors and walls.
  • Causes rotting of wood.
  • Causes effloresce.
  • Dangerous for the health of occupants.

Though solutions are available people don’t take these problems seriously unless they become mammoth.

Watch this new ad by Dr. Fixit with Mr. Amitabh Bachchan where he has portrayed the importance of waterproofing in his amazing way!

It’s strange that on one hand we are celebrating 70 years of independence whereas on the other hand we are not even free from the adverse effects of dampness in our life. This Independence can we all take a pledge that we won’t let dampness ruin our homes and health of the people we care about? At least I am going to get my home sorted immediately and also urge my near and dear ones to do the same.

Dr. Fixit offers both preventive and post-damage care solutions.

So whether you are building your home or repairing it, Dr. Fixit has products that are of high quality and assure fixation of issues. From external walls, to roof protection, from water tank seepage issues, to internal wall cracks, Dr. Fixit has products for all your needs and they offer recommendations with the help of their technical experts.

So lets all take a pledge “This Independence Month, Say No To Damp Walls & Ceilings, Leakage and Cracks, let’s take the opportunity of this time of the year to take an oath to strive for Freedom From Dampness”

Also, next time when you want to get any tips or solutions to make you home healthy and happy, check out the Happy Homes Blog.



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Goa, India