Tag: Hacks

Amazing Hacks Every Fashionista Needs To Know

If we had to pick out one thing we love about the internet-age in which we live, it would take something super-special to topple our love for hacks. The people of this world just have a brand new way to share their best pieces of genius, their little bits of innovation and their top tips when it comes to navigating life. If we had to narrow this down even further, well, we’d have to incorporate these hacks into our absolute love of all things fashion.

There is just so much that needs fixing on this front. Like when we lose the back of our earrings or spill red wine over our favorite summer dress, or any one of the infinite other surprises that can creep up and wreak absolute havoc on our fashion plans, and maybe prevent us from having to have that wardrobe clear out prematurely. That is where having an arsenal full of practical solutions can be nothing short of a lifesaver. Yup, even the most disastrous and annoying fashion failures and outfit catastrophes can become manageable thanks to the hack-inspired world that we exist within.

Accidents happen, there is nothing you can do to prevent that fact of life from continuing. However, there are some bits of know-how you can swat up on to become the most incredible handywoman of fashion and help your wardrobe to live another day.

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Problem No.1 The Stubborn Zipper

There is nothing more frustrating than when we go to pull on that pair of jeans that gives your bottom the most amazing shape, or you grab that cute little bomber jacket you love, only to find out the zipper is stuck. Well, instead of cursing up to the skies and giving up on life, there are a few things you can do. Rubbing Vaseline into the teeth is one. Using a crayon along the teeth is another. While a graphite pencil should also do the trick. A quick rub and your zipper should run as smooth as ever.

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Problem No.2 The Soggy Canvas Shoe

Canvas shoes are so in right now. Not only are they cool, they are also cute and pretty and oh so comfortable. Oh. So. Comfortable. Until you walk through a puddle you hadn’t seen because you were texting, or it starts raining unexpectedly. That is when wearing canvas shoes can really, really suck. But there is a way to waterproof them. All you need to do is buy some beeswax, rub it in all over your shoe and then use a hair dryer to help the wax set and create a natural waterproof seal.

Problem No.3 The Ironing A Buttoned Shirt

Ironing in itself isn’t the joy-filled pastime we all hope it will be. It is boring. Not only that it tends to be an art form that we can’t get our heads around no matter how much we do it, especially when it comes to ironing a button-down shirt. Luckily for you, there is a very simple solution to this horrid experience. All you have to do is turn your shirt inside out and, voila, you can now easily glide over the buttons without melting them with your hot iron. Amazing.

Problem No.4 The Lost Earring Back

Okay, I don’t know why we specifically state earring back when losing the actual earring is so much worse. All you remember is, you went out the night before, came back late, fell into bed with your earrings still in because you were absolutely exhausted and woke up only to find them missing in action. Well, your solution lies in a nylon stocking and a vacuum cleaner. Simple put your stocking over the vacuum hose and then going on a retrieval mission. Hopefully your missing earring (and back) will stick to the nylon for you to retrieve and enjoy once more.

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Problem No.5 The Deodorant Stain

It is one of those lose-lose situations, isn’t it? Either you don’t wear deodorant, which will mean sweating, which will mean you stain your clothes both visually and in terms of smell, or you wear deodorant and you stain your clothes that way. Obviously, the latter is the better of two evils in that scenario. The good news is there is a very simple way to get rid of this kind of stain and it relies on nothing more than you rubbing your jeans on the stained area. The only thing you want to be a little conscious of is transferring the color of jeans onto the item in question, so just test it on a small patch of the clothing area just to be sure.

Problem No.6 The Red Wine Stain

We’ve all been there. We’ve been at a party or a wedding where there is a free bar and we’ve gotten a little too excited and ended up spilling red wine on that summer dress we’ve been waiting to wear for an absolute age. Well, the best way to solve this issue is to immediately soak some cloth (say, your napkin) with white wine and then gently blot the red wine stain. It is one of those old wives tales that we rarely give credence to but, trust us, it totally works.

Problem No.7 The Fading Black Clothes

It doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been in a relationship with your washing machine for; it still has a way of fading your dark clothes and that is so much more annoying than we can ever fully comprehend. It is also expensive. So to make clothes last longer, it is so important that you learn how to wash your dark clothes properly and that is where turning your clothes inside out can come in handy. You see, the reason your darks fade is that they get hot and then rub on the other clothes. It is that simple. So, turn them inside out and that won’t happen anymore. Simple and incredible.

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Problem No.8 The Dirty Suede

Suede is one of those materials that is so nice to wear and look at. Even faux-suede is gorgeous; it instantly makes an outfit look that much more expensive and sophisticated. However, cleaning dirt off your suede isn’t as easy as it should be and we can often end up ruining the suede itself in the process. That’s where bread can be your savior. Simple remove the crust from a slice of bread, leave it to go stale and then gently rub the dirty suede with the edge of the bread. You will see it disappear before your very eyes.

Things You Didn’t Know Could Be Hacked

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You might think that you’ve done well by installing anti-virus software on your computer network and securing your smartphone you’re safe. You may think that telling your employees not to open unsolicited emails and hiring a strong IT Support team is enough to keep you safe from hackers and ransomware, but it isn’t. You see, although all of the measures above are right and sensible, they don’t take into account the myriad of things that can be hacked, many of which you wouldn’t expect.


Just look at these things you probably didn’t know could be hacked and you’ll see how much more you need to do to stay safe when you’re connected:

Low Orbiting Satellites

Most of us rely on satellites to run our lives for us. Whether they’re allowing us to communicate across the globe, beaming entertainment into our homes or giving us accurate weather reports to plan our business with or aiding in national security, satellites are important, so it’s scary to think that Low Orbit Earth Satellites can actually be hacked by wrongdoers! Sadly, unless you’re a satellite owner, there probably isn’t much you can do about it, but being aware of the problem might make it easier for your and your team to beef up security back here on Earth.

Printer Networks

If you run a printer network as part of your business, you might want to have your IT team take a look at your network security because although a printer isn’t something we think of as having the potential for harm, it is actually very easy to hack into printers and cause all kinds of mischief.

Air Traffic Control

Flight safety is never too far from the minds of those of us who fly or have family who fly regularly, so it’s rather a scary thought that the number of air traffic control system hackers is growing significantly. After all, it only takes one fake instruction or missed command for disaster to strike!

Child Trackers

More parents are using Child Tracking Devices to help them keep track of their children and ensure that they’re safe. Sadly, these trackers are very easy to hack into and in the wrong hands could allow the wrong people to find and follow our kids!

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Power Grids

Power. We all need it, whether to run our businesses successfully; cook and keep ourselves warm; keep ourselves entertained or charge our smartphones, so we’re never out of the loop. So, it’s pretty important. It’s also pretty easy for skilled hackers to infiltrate the planet’s power grids and cause chaos. In fact, they did just that in the Ukraine in 2015 causing the kind of scenes you’d expect to see in a Hollywood disaster movie.

As you can see, there is much more to hacking than mischievous people trying to steal your bank details or infect your network with ransomware. There are many more nefarious things going on out there, many of which you would never expect, and it’s important that we don’t forget this and remain vigilant, without getting too worried, if we’re to help in the fight against cybersecurity crimes.





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