Tag: Wedding Ideas

Dress Your Bridesmaids With These Go-To Tips

You might think that you and your besties are totally inseparable and that nothing will ever come between you all. But have you ever had to dress them as your bridesmaids? When that day finally arrives and you have to find clothes and accessories for them to wear as your bridesmaids, you will find out that dressing friends is like walking through a minefield!

Your friends might have completely different ideas to you as to what looks good, and you might come to blows other your different ideas of what the ideal bridesmaid dress is. But this doesn’t have to be completely stressful! All you need to do is dress your bridesmaids with these excellent tips, and you should find that there are very few arguments and squabbles between you all!


Discuss Your Ideas Before You Go Shopping

If you have a specific idea in mind for your bridesmaid’s dresses, then it’s important that you let them know before you all go out shopping together. This will give your bridesmaids a chance to voice their opinions and also let you know any ideas that they had as well. You can put all your ideas together to see if you can come up with a compromise, if needed. It’s much better to get everything out in the open before you go shopping, as it prevents any arguments in the shops!



It’s OK To Be Different

Do your bridesmaids all want different styles of dresses or keep on saying they’d look better in a different colour? If so, don’t worry. The big bridesmaid trend at the minute is to have bridesmaids that are all dressed slightly differently. So, you might want to have everyone in a matching style of dress but by the dresses in different colours or shades. Alternatively, you might want them all to wear different dresses that all have a matching colour. So, if you and your bridesmaids do have wildly differing ideas, you shouldn’t be too worried – it’s now cool for them all to be dressed slightly differently!


Help Them Sparkle

If you had asked a bride to be just a few years ago what their worst nightmare for their wedding would be, it would probably be something along the lines of their bridesmaids outshining them on their big day. But this is rarely the case now with most brides, and lots of ladies want to help all their bridesmaids sparkle just as much as they do on their wedding day. One way you can do that is buy treating them to some gorgeous jewellery from The Iconic or another trusted jewellers. Make sure there are plenty of gemstones in the pieces they wear so that they catch everyone’s attention! You can also add some extra glitz by making sure their dresses are covered in gems and glitter.

Don’t Ignore Your Budget

You have a budget for your bridesmaid’s dresses, right? If not, you need to get the calculator out and start thinking about how much you can afford to spend right now before you hit the shops! Otherwise, you might end up going over budget by quite a bit, and this could leave you with a lot less money to spend on other areas of your wedding. So, before you do start shopping or looking at potential dresses outline, get to know your finances, and write the amount you can spend down on some paper. It’s useful to take this paper with you when you are in the shops so that you never forget what your budget actually is!


If In Doubt, Go Long

If your bridesmaids all have different body shapes, you might struggle to find a style of dress that suits them all. Thankfully, though, there is one way to get around this – just mix up your hemline lengths! Anyone who is average height or above should be able to get away with a maxi-dress. Those girls who are short will need to go for a midi or mini hemline as a maxi one could drown them. So, if possible, look for dresses that come in different hemline lengths. Your bridesmaids will certainly thank you as they will definitely look great in the dress!

I know that lots of brides often get nervous about dressing all of their bridesmaids. After all, each of your friends will know what suits them and might not want to be too keen on wearing anything other than this specific style. But, as long as you follow all of the above tips, you should find that dressing your bridesmaids isn’t actually that bad!

From A to B: Wedding Navigation

When you first take on the role of bridesmaid for your friend, you probably have a very rose-tinted view of how it’s going to be. Images of you and the bride gleefully making wedding favors together, spending hours poring over beautifully dresses and pulling it all together in time for the big day fill your mind – but just how accurate is this vision? Many of us grossly underestimate the responsibilities that being a bridesmaid can entail, and therefore the demands of the role can come as quite a shock! Plus, sometimes you may need to take on jobs that you never even thought about before – after all, there are so many different logistics that play a key role in running the average wedding day. Getting from A to B is one of them, especially if the wedding is not taking place somewhere particularly local. It’s only natural that you will end up getting almost as attached to the wedding as the bride herself, and you want all the important people there to watch the happiest day of your friend’s life. So, if wedding transport is something on your bridesmaid to-do list, you may want to start thinking about what your options are now.

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The bachelorette party

Arguably one of the biggest roles you will take on a bridesmaid is organizing the infamous bachelorette party. These are a rite of passage for many women all over the globe, and, much like bachelor parties, are known for their wild and risque antics. If you want to go the whole hog with this, why not look into Party Bus Rental here? Even the journey can be an excuse for a party, so crack open the bubbly and travel to your venue in style.

Guests on the day

On the actual day of the wedding, you need to be aware that the bride will have a million and one things to think about – and she is also likely to be a huge bag of nerves as well! To take some of the pressure off her, make sure you have everyone’s wedding transport accounted for. She won’t be in a position to worry about who is going in what car, and knowing that you’ve got it all under control can help her to immediately relax. The bridal party may travel in specific cars (such as classic cars), while the other guests may need to get cabs. Just always make sure you have more booked than you need, in the case of any shortcomings.

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In case of an emergency

Sometimes, things happen that are beyond our control, and we need to think quickly on our feet. Even if you booked all the transportation months in advance, you could well end up with one car not turning up, or running exceptionally late – in which case, some of the most important wedding guests might not even make the ceremony. For this reason, you may want to have a backup in the form of your own car. Sure, it’s not very glamorous arriving at the church in one of the bridesmaid’s hatchbacks – but better to do that than to not arrive at all!

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