Tag: Self Healing Workshop

SoulKonnection Presents Soul 108

SoulKonnection is an organization that is a celebration of conscious life through various wellness events of Self Transformation and Uplifting Programs. On 8th April 2017, Soul 108 by SoulKonnection is a one day festival in Andheri, Mumbai inviting people to experience a holistic healing experience. It is a one of a kind festival that gives a platform for participants to engage in a wide array of traditional and non-traditional activities including Yoga, Meditation, Dance Movement Therapy, SoulKonnect Self – Healing, Lifecoaching – Secrets of Time Management, Sound Healing and Art Therapy.

Soul 108 is designed for all age group including kids, adults and seniors. There are special Art Therapy and Etiquette classes for children to experience, while their parents can attend workshops simultaneously. Besides this, an array of food stalls will ensure a guilt-free, healthy experience with fresh produce, organic food and drinks. The workshops aimed towards self- exploration and self – discovery will take place through the day while the evening will include live singing and stand – up comedy act.

The event is designed and curated by the Founder of SoulKonnection, the celebrated Life Coach, Amit Bhandari who is an ex-captain of the Merchant Navy. His award-winning methods have helped clients across India and Australia.

For Adults –

Time Hall 1 Hall 2
9 – 11 am Yoga & Meditation SK – Self Healing
11:30 -1:30 am Dance Movement Therapy Secrets of Time Management
1:30 – 2 pm Break Break
2:30 – 40:30 pm Yoga & Meditation SK – Self Healing
5 – 7 pm Dance Movement Therapy Secrets of Time Management


For Kids –

Time slots for Art Therapy –10 to 11 am, 12 noon to 1pm, 3 to 4 pm, 5 to 6pm

Time slots for table décor & etiquettes – 11am to 12 noon, 2 to 3pm, 4 to 5pm, 6 to 7pm

Evening entertainment Segment –

Time Activity
7:30pm Panel discussion with faculty
8:30pm Stand Up Comedy Act
9pm Live singer with acoustic guitarist


Self Healing Workshop by Dr. Rangana Choudhuri

If we look around us closely, we would find a lot of people who are true living inspirations, there is a lot to learn from their lives, their journey and their experiences. I recently had an opportunity to meet one such lady, Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri. She is the founder of Vitality Living College, Vitality Leadership and Vitality Living, transforms lives through emotional well-being, personal development and spiritual growth seminars and trainings with international certification as well as one to one sessions.


Self healed from cancer, dys-functional reproductive system and chronic pain using alternate therapy and then left her highly paid career to develop a 7 step coaching system and created the life she wanted and now travels around them world-wide helping others to heal and transform from within and create the life, health, relationships and wealth they desire. According to her poor health is related to emotional stress and trauma, suppressing emotions can lead to diseases and hence she insists on healing oneself by controlling emotions and stress. She teaches EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques) for the same. EFT is now used worldwide by millions and clears emotional stress and upsets. The technique has been clinically shown to reduce depression, anxiety, traumatic stress, phobias, pain, cravings, grief, fear, hurt, guilt as well as negative memories. Once negativity is cleared it creates a feeling of well being and calmness.


EFT combines tapping on acupressure points while repeating specific phrases relating to stress and emotional traumas. The technique integrates ancient wisdom and the science of acupuncture with modern day psychology without the need of needles.

Negative emotions cause a disruption of the body’s energy system. By tapping on the acupuncture points and saying phrases out loud EFT re-wires the energy system creating a feeling of peace, calm and letting go. In many cases after EFT, people experience a shift in thinking that is more empowering.

While attending her workshop, I saw many live examples where in people shared their issues and Dr. Rangana instantly guided them through the process of EFT. I myself have been practicing EFT ever since I attended her workshop and I recommend this strongly. Dr. Rangana keeps conducting these workshops worldwide and the information for the same can be found on their website www.vitalitylivingcollege.info. Make sure you attend her workshop next time and benefit from her healings like many others.


For me, meeting her and attending the workshop has been a life changing experience and I look forward to many more. I truly believe that no one but we ourselves can heal us from inside and that is what matters the most, but people like Dr. Choudhury act as catalyst in making us understand the importance of self healing and also the processes for the same. In the end I leave you all with a quote “I suggest that the body and soul react to each other in sympathy. A change in the state of the soul would necessarily have an effect on the body and vice versa.” – Aristotle, 400BC

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Goa, India