Water Leakage in Monsoons can be a concern for HEALTH..! Read here for solutions

Mould can spread throughout the home’s structure where it can spread on to the carpets, furniture and even clothing.
The most common type of mould is the black mould, though this one being toxic is rare but even the non-toxic one attacks wood framing, ceiling tiles, walls and floorings. It is quite cumbersome to get rid of black mould and is rather costly.
Lest we realize that these moulds can lead to severe health issues. The term mould is used for a group of fungi that grow on wet materials. Different mould species adapt to different moisture conditions and can be of different colours.
Researches have shown that moulds have been associated with respiratory issues the most. People with respiratory symptoms like asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, rhino sinusitis, bronchitis, and respiratory infections are highly prone to develop even severe issues with prolonged exposure to dampness.
Dampness also gives rise to breeding of mosquitoes and other insects, which again proves to be harmful for the health. Apart from diseases like malaria, and dengue that result from mosquito bites, insects like mosquitoes and flies are generally responsible for contamination of water and food, which then lead to gastrointestinal diseases.
Now let’s understand how can we control this damage and what can be done to prevent the hazards all together.
Check for leakages
-When it comes to walls and ceilings, one must look out for wall discoloration or paint and wallpaper peeling off the walls.
-The flooring tiles can also have water seepage or dampness especially if the home is situated at ground level.
-Bathrooms could also be affected from too much condensation due to showering, bathing and the use of hot water. Condensation in bathrooms often leads to a rapid and unhealthy spread of black mould and other fungi.
Some tips to avoid leakages in monsoons
Fixing it
Water seepage does not have to be a universal phenomenon; it is easily preventable and remedied. The important thing is to know what products to use, and get the right professional advice on dealing with water leakage and preventing it in the future. Employing trained labor is also an essential factor to keeping seepage issues at bay. It is for this very purpose that companies like Dr. Fixit provide a team of dedicated technical experts for site inspection and timely solution with recommendation reports.
Dr Fixit has also trained applicators who are ambassadors for good waterproofing workmanship. Get the best possible solutions for your seepages issues; the benefits far outweigh the costs – both in terms of money and health.