Tag: Men Health

Do you know what is the Diastasis Recti in men?

There are many men who have difficulty in some form of exercise, which is related to abdominal muscles. It can be as you sit, walk, carry heavy loads, or typical when exercising. This usually lasts, and you often have back pain when you wake up. It may be a few basic symptoms that indicate your body is having problems.

Have you heard of Diastasis recti in men? It may be a symptom we hear in women after childbirth. However, it also appears in men. These symptoms are not dangerous, but they make your activities confused. Let’s find out what Diastasis recti is?

What is the Diastasis Recti?

Normally, the left abdominal muscles and right abdominal muscles must be held together by the muscle tissue, which serves to keep the internal organs in the abdomen. Diastasis recti are the separation of the abdominal muscles from the horse bone to the pubic bone. This stretch can reach 2-3 or more fingers.

Diastasis recti in men gradually over time and are noted by a hollow protrusion in the middle abdomen. It is easy to see when we make some bending or sitting exercises. This problem is often confused with gaining weight in some people.

Simple test whether you have Diastasis recti or not

Step 1. Lay your back on the floor with your legs closed, place your feet on the floor and close to your buttocks.

Step 2. Lift the head and neck slightly off the floor

Step 3. Ask someone to press your finger on the middle of the abdomen. If there is space under the skin, between the left and right muscles, you have Diastasis recti. The bigger the gap, the heavier you are.

People are susceptible to Diastasis Recti

Excess weight

As for women, when there is excess weight, or excess fat builds up on the sides. As for men, it happens in the middle and lower abdomen. Excessive body weight increases in men, resulting in increased pressure on the muscles in the abdomen, resulting in stretching and stretching, leading to Diastasis Retic in men.

Weightlifting the wrong way

Exercising with weights is quite common for men. However, many people practice the wrong way, without the instructor, follow the group of muscles that you want. This leads to the practice of unstructured exercises, and for long periods of time. This will cause the body to suffer from mild to moderate injuries.

Especially for abdominal exercise. Many people find their online exercises to follow. Exercises that come with the weights are always the best interests of the people because they are effective. So, if you do not want to have Diastasis Retic in men, I recommend that you exercise caution when exercising, and choose a coach yourself.

Perform excessive abdominal exercise

There are many people who want to have a firm abdominal muscle, 6 sections, beautiful, well balanced. So they often think, if the training with double the intensity will be achieved twice as fast. However, you are completely wrong.

Regardless of a problem, when we want to have good results, it takes a lot of time. Most of the advice is that each person should only exercise from 1 to 2 hours for 1 day. And we have to split the schedule of muscle groups, body areas on different days in a week.

Be careful with Diastasis Retic in men. You will see it in people who practice abdominal exercises for more than 3 hours a day, and continuously for a week. Then the pressure on the abdomen is too big, and it will not be good for you.

How to treat Diastasis Retic in men?

It can be seen that Diastasis Retic is an increasingly common symptom in men in recent times. It is important to regain your shape when you have diarrhea. During this period, you should pay close attention, especially it must be agreed and advice from the doctor.

Abdominal fat reduction exercises, as well as abdominal muscles such as Crushes, will create more weight on the abdominal wall. This will make the situation worse. You should stay away from such exercises, but it is best to choose light exercises that do not affect the abdominal wall. Also, physical therapy may also help to remove Diastasis Retic.

If the Diastasis Retic is too wide, surgery is the best way to remove excess fat. However, think of this as a last resort as it is not entirely good for your health. You should only operate when you are sure you need it.


So you understand what is the Diastasis Retic in men is not yet. Health issues are a priority, not just for women but for men. Understanding the symptoms, you will know how to solve the problem easier. Hope the information we give above is suitable and useful for you in life.


1, https://carekees.com/diastasis-recti-in-men/


Male Matters: The Health Issues Every Man Should Know About

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Whether you’re a man reading this, or someone who has a man you care about, take the time to read about these common make health issues, so that you can spot the warning signs and get treatment early should you or your loved one become affected:

Heart Disease

Heart disease id the number one cause of men aged over 50. Usually, it is caused by obesity, smoking, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Common signs of heart disease include breathlessness, palpitations and a heavy feeling in the chest. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention straight away.

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the 20-25 age group, and that makes it one to look out for. Common symptoms of this cancer include lumps and heaviness in the testicles, but it is usually painless, so you need to check the area regularly just to be on the safe side.

Penile Cancer

Penile cancer is not as common or as well known as some of the other health issues in this post, but it is worth mentioning because, not only can it be very deadly, but because it is often an easy cancer to avoid by maintaining proper hygiene practices, and perhaps visiting a circumcision clinic. Common symptoms of penile cancer include thickening of the skin, ulcers and unpleasant discharge from under the foreskin.

Depression and Suicide

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Men in the United States are four times more likely to commit suicide than women, and approximately 30 percent of all men in the country have felt depressed at some point in their life. It is important then that you are able to recognize the symptoms so that you can seek professional help from a therapist immediately. Common symptoms of depression include lack of interest in things you once loved, fatigue, sadness, suicidal ideation, and inability to concentrate.

Bowel Cancer

Bowel or rectal cancer, as it is also known is extremely common in men over 60. The main symptom is blood in the stool, which if you see it, should prompt you to see your doctor immediately. Bowel cancer can be a silent killer, so as well as checking for blood, be aware of changes in bowel movements and discomfort in your lower abdomen if you want to catch it quickly.


Type 2 diabetes is becoming somewhat of an epidemic in men and women, but fewer men seek treatment for the illness before it develops and that can have devastating consequences, including the amputation of one or more limbs! Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes include excessive thirst, blurred vision, fatigue and dizziness. Luckily if caught soon enough it is possible to treat diabetes with diet and exercise alone. If you leave it too long, a life of medication may lie ahead.

If you notice any symptoms of any of these illnesses, don’t panic, but do act. Make an appointment with your doctor and make sure you keep it – your future health could depend on it.




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