Category: Parenting

Family Matters: Ways To Care For Older Family Members

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When you’re young, it seems impossible to imagine your parents or any other older relatives reaching the stage where they’re not able to do everything for themselves. Which means that when that time does come, it can be incredibly upsetting to come to terms with. However, just because it’s upsetting doesn’t mean that it’s something that you should ignore. The truth is that when your older relatives start to struggle with day-to-day tasks, their need for support is likely to fall onto you. Most people are more than happy to be there for older relatives when they need them, but they aren’t sure what they can actually do to help. With that in mind, here are some ways that you can more effectively care for your parents or any other older family members.


Set time aside for them


One of the hardest things for older people is the feeling that they no longer matter to those around them. As though, now that they’re older, they’re no longer as important as they might have been once upon a time. However, that’s obviously not true, and a great way to support them is to let them know how important they are to you by spending time with them. Sure, most of us have pretty busy lives, but the fact of the matter is, no one is too busy to take a little time out of their week to spend with someone important to them.


Get them professional help


Of course, the help that your older relative needs might be a little more specialised than just a sympathetic ear. If they need some kind of specialised care, then a service like Spectrum healthcare might just be perfect. Organisations like Spectrum offer some of the best home health care available meaning that they can get all of the help they need without having to go into a home and leave the place where they’re most comfortable.


Help them keep their independence


If there’s one thing that a lot of people say is harder than anything else when it comes to getting older, it’s the fact that they begin to feel as though they have no independence. If you’re looking after an older relative, then make sure that you’re not smothering or patronising them. Make sure that you can help them in ways that won’t make them feel useless or lacking in independence. If they can do things by themselves, don’t hover over them. Just because they need a little extra help doesn’t mean that they’ve suddenly turned into children who can’t do anything.


Of course, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t put your life on hold in order to look after your relatives. Sure, you may be willing to make changes and sacrifices in order to help, but if you’re giving everything up, then you’re just going to end up missing out on time that you could spend on your own life. If you can’t take care of yourself, then you’re never going to be able to take care of anyone else.



Painless delivery is not a myth anymore..!!

Giving birth to a child is one of the most cherished experiences in a woman’s life. Her ability to give birth to another life in itself is her biggest achievement ever. It is one of those things that make a woman stand out from men.


With changing times, women have also modernized and they are still able to multitask effortlessly. They’re involved in a lot of other things in life such as career, profession, goals and meeting targets.

Pregnancy is a crucial phase as it involves taking utmost care and precautions when it comes to her nourishment, health and care. Some women think of childbirth as an enriching experience while some often feel afraid and tensed when it comes to giving birth. Most women opt for a Caesarean Section as they feel that the normal delivery method is too painful for them to handle.

But all these are a thing of the past! Today, painless deliveries are common and easily possible. All you need is an expert’s help and your baby can be welcomed into the world easily and painlessly.

Hence, choosing your doctor and hospital is an important decision. Never compromise on choosing the hospital and expert when it comes to delivering your baby. Of course, you want the best for your baby, don’t you?

BirthRight by Rainbow Children’s Hospital, is one such medical care center, which provides state of the art facilities for women and children. The hospital has the best doctors and is fully equipped with the most technologically advanced equipment and procedures.

Birthright is the perinatal division of Rainbow Hospitals providing Antenatal Services and Gynecological Endoscopic Procedures to women. The team specializes in tertiary level of care extended to both, the women who have high-risk pregnancy as well the ones with normal pregnancy.

The integrated team consisting of Obstetricians, Fetal Medicine Specialists and Geneticists, working closely in conjunction with Neonatologists, Pediatric Subspecialists and Maternal Intensivists to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes.

BirthRight, the perinatal division of Rainbow Hospitals has a team of well-qualified Obstetricians and Fetal Medicine specialists with rich experience of having worked abroad and at reputed corporate hospitals across the country. They are ably supported by their in-house Neonatal team and round-the-clock Obstetric Anesthesia and Epidural facilities. Their services are effectively delivered by childbirth educators and lactation consultants.

Support services:-

  • Pregnancy Counselling
  • Childbirth Preparation Classes
  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Postpartum Care
  • Nutrition and Dietary Support
  • Yoga and Fitness Counselling
  • Well-qualified Obstetricians
  • Fetal Medicine specialists
  • In-house Neonatal team
  • Round-the-clock Obstetric Anesthesia
  • Epidural facilities

Diagnostic procedures:-

  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorionic villus sampling

Therapeutic procedures:-

  • Selective reduction
  • Multifetal pregnancy reduction
  • intrauterine transfusion
  • Therapeutic pleurocetesis
  • Thoracoamniotic Shunt


BirthRight recognizes that childbirth is one of life’s major events, sometimes complicated, but mostly a natural process involving intense emotions and physical experiences. It is an event which profoundly changes people’s lives and is very fulfilling for both the mother and father. Therefore they place emphasis on safety and quality as well as providing a premier service to ensure that your birthing experience is memorable for all the right reasons.

At BirthRight they provide care for you right from conception to delivery. During your pregnancy, they offer antenatal classes which are conducted by an expert childbirth educator.

They also have a friendly outpatient department for your check-ups backed by a full range of laboratory services inclusive of fetal medicine and ultrasound services for monitoring the health of your unborn baby (fetus). They believe that information empowers pregnant women to handle their pregnancies without fear and anxiety. They ensure that all the going-to-be-mommies have an adequate supply of information throughout their pregnancy.

The diagnostic procedures include tests like Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling to ensure a smooth birth process and get an in depth knowledge on any genetic disorders, abnormalities, birth defects or down syndrome etc.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder which is caused due to a defect in the 21st chromosome. It generally occurs due to an excess of genetic matter in the chromosomes. Children who have Down syndrome tend to have certain features, such as a flat face, a short neck, longer forehead and short fingers. They also have some a degree of intellectual disability. Down syndrome is a lifelong condition but with care and support, children who have Down syndrome can grow up to have healthy, happy and productive lives. Tests and diagnosis can help in evaluating these conditions at an early stage and thus precautionary methods can be brought into practice, thereby, reducing the risk.

Also the facilities like Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction, Intrauterine Transfusion, Therapeutic Pleurocentesis and Thoracoamniotic Shunt which ensure least risk in the pregnancy and smooth delivery.

Hence, to conclude, choosing the right hospital for pregnancy and delivery is imperative to both the mother and child’s health so be wise and choose BirthRight.



Next Steps If A Relative Needs Home Eldercare

For many, it can be a sad or even worrying time when a relative begins to require more and more care. This care can take many forms, but very often it will mean that they need to receive some kind of home care. When this becomes apparent, it can be a shock not just to the individual in question, but everyone around them. In these circumstances, it can help to know what your probable next steps are, so that you can make the most of it all and ensure that your relative receives exactly the care they need. Let’s look into some of the major concerns you will need to consider at this point.

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Is It Really Time? 

First of all, you will likely want to determine whether or not it is really time to find your elderly relative some home care. This might sound like an obvious question, but it is true that a surprising amount of people get put into this situation before it is really necessary to do so. You can be sure that it is the right time to find home care for them if nobody else is able to provide them with the care they really need, and if they are getting to the point where looking after themselves in a basic way day after day becomes difficult or even impossible. Make sure it is really time before you make the decision. 

Choosing The Care

At this point, your most important decision will of course be what care to go for. It is highly likely that, no matter where you live, there will be a huge number of choices for home eldercare for you to choose between. The question here is how to know which are better than the others, something which can be hard to work out at first. To find the right home health care agencies can take some time, and it’s a good idea to have a little patience with the whole process. Remember too that you don’t want to end up choosing the wrong kind of care, or level of care, as this can actually be damaging in the long term. Don’t rush this process, and be sure to include your relative in all of the decisions as far as is possible.

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Levels Of Care

There are many different levels of care which people can need, and it is essential that you work out which is needed in your situation, so that you can be sure that your loved one gets exactly the kind of attention they need. There are so many different individual cases, and no two are ever alike, so make sure you are paying attention to the actual needs of your elderly relative. If you do this, you can be sure of finding them the care they are really in need of, and not just a generic kind of care which can be applied to all. At the end of the day, you need to be sure that they are being treated as an individual, otherwise they are unlikely to be happy with the end result.

Trying to Get Pregnant? Do These Things

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If you’re trying to get pregnant, apart from doing lots of the obvious, there are a number of things, which although they’re fairly simple, might just help you to accomplish your mission and get that positive result a little quicker. They may also help you have a happier, healthy birth too….

Get Checked Out

Both you and your spouse, when you decide that the time is right to start trying for a baby, would do well to head off to your doctor, or even better a fertility specialist, to have yourselves checked out. This is particularly important if you have existing medical issues because knowing how they could affect the process will help you to do things the right way and maximize your chances. It’ll also give you a good opportunity to ask a professional any questions you might have about pregnancy and fertility in general.

Monitor Your Cycle

Did you know there’s a brief window each month when you are way more fertile? Surprisingly, a lot of women don’t realize that this is the case, and that means that they don’t focus their efforts on trying for a baby during their most fertile period, resulting in another month of disappointment.

If you want to get pregnant fast, then it makes sense to monitor your cycle, so that you know exactly when you’re ovulating and should get to work trying to make that baby! Remember, you’ll be super fertile for 36 hours after you start ovulating, so make the most of that time!

Start Taking Supplements

Taking supplements, specifically folic acid, but a multivitamin couldn’t hurt, is a must for any woman who wants to get pregnant in the near future because it can actually increase your body’s chance of conceiving. Not only that but if you do get pregnant, it will help to protect your unborn baby from birth defects.

Eat a Healthy Diet

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If you’re a junk food queen or you tend to avoid eating too many vegetables. Now is the time to make some positive changes to your diet. The healthier you eat now, the better equipped your body will be to deal with a pregnancy, and the more likely things will happen to you. So, start stocking your cupboards with lean meats, fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains, and keep the junk to a minimum. It’ll make a huge difference.


If there’s one thing that will stop an otherwise healthy woman from getting pregnant when she really wants to more than anything else, it’s stressing about the situation. If you stress when you don’t get pregnant, and you stress about your life, in general, more than necessary, you are only going to hurt your chances. Why?When you’re stressed your body releases cortisol, which fights off progesterone, preventing any eggs that do get fertilized from progressing into a pregnancy. So, take it easy, try some relaxing acupuncture for fertility or learn to meditate. It will not only increase your chances, but it’ll help you stay happy while you try to conceive.

Give Up Smoking

If you’re a smoker, you know that it’s bad for you and you know that it will be extremely bad for any baby that comes along, but if you’re thinking you can wait to give up until you actually get pregnant, it’s time to think again. Why? Because smoking is not only an unhealthy habit, but it really hurts your chances of getting pregnant. Many of the toxins found in cigarettes; the ones that cause cancer and heart disease, can also have a negative impact on fertility, in some cases damaging the fallopian tubes and decreasing the mobility of sperm to such an extent that you might have to try for years before having any success. Luckily, if you give up smoking, things can improve pretty fast, so do it now. There are lots of organizations and health professionals who will help you quit, so don’t be scared. Also, don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon occasionally – quitting isn’t easy, but if you do your very best to try, it will help you to get pregnant more quickly.

Lose Weight

We all know that being more than a few pounds overweight is really bad for us, but many of us don’t realize that being overweight can make it pretty difficult to conceive. There are a few reasons why this is the case, but the main one os that being overweight is more likely to lead to female menstrual problems because of the excess level of estrogen released into the body by fat cells. This can make tracking your cycle and getting pregnant much more difficult. When you’re overweight, the cervix often tends to be deeper-set, and that can make it more difficult for sperm to get where they need to be for conception to take place.

Although, if you need to, you should definitely make a real effort to lose weight, you shouldn’t start starving yourself or exercising excessively because that can cause problems i the fertility department all of its own. What you’re looking to do is strike a balance.

Sleep More

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If you aren’t getting your full quota of sleep each night, then you’re more likely to have irregularities with your periods, which again could make it more difficult for you to get pregnant. Not only that, but the pineal gland can be detrimentally affected by a lack of sleep and since it is responsible for producing several hormones that are involved in fertility, this can be quite damaging to your chances. Then, there’s the fact that if you’re fatigued, you’re less likely to want to have lots of sex, which is kind of vital for making a baby.

Getting pregnant is one of those things where it’s so easy for some people and seems to take forever for others, but as long as you’re both healthy, if you relax, take your time and tray as many of the things above as possible, chances are it will happen for you sooner or later (hopefully sooner).

Empty Nest Syndrome: 5 Ways To Live Your Life When The Kids Have Gone

Goodbye for now (source)

It’s the moment many parents dread: the day when the kids leave home and start a new life of their own elsewhere. They have flown the nest, and the poor parents are left behind to pick up the pieces. Either that or they finally breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to having the house to themselves again.

If you are suffering from empty nest syndrome, there is helpful advice online on how to deal with the grieving process. You may also benefit from speaking to a counsellor if you are particularly struggling with the loneliness you feel now that the kids have gone. Of course, life isn’t over for you, and you are more than just a parent. Rather than dwell in sorrow for too long, take the time to start living your life for yourself again.

Here are five ways to live your life after the kids have flown the nest.

1. Go back to work

You may have given up work to have children, so consider getting back into the career you started years ago. Alternatively, think about something where you can use your parenting skills, such as a career in nursing. Going back to school can be scary if you have been out of education, but courses such as the master’s in nursing education can be done online and at home.

2. Reconnect with your partner

Having kids takes its toll on any relationship, so now is the time to fall back in love with your partner all over again. You probably sat at home and stressed about the kids together when they were still at home, and you are likely to do this now they’ve left. Stop it! Spend time with your partner doing the things you both enjoy doing, and create new experiences together that are all about the two of you, and nothing to do with the children.

3. Meet new people

Whether you go it alone, or bring your partner with you, find ways to meet other people. Sites such as will direct you to groups and places where you can make new friends of any age. Not only that, but you can take part in some fantastic new hobbies that will distract you from any empty nest feelings you are suffering from.

4. Do something with the house

What you do with your house is up to you, but you may want to empty your kid’s room and use it for something new. You might want to convert it into a study, guest bedroom, or a den, as possible examples. Redecorate it as you want, and you may find the change of decor helps you to deal with your happy but grief-stricken memories of time at home with the kids. You will never forget your children, but constant reminders are bound to trigger your tear ducts for a while.

5. Look after yourself

You won’t feel good about yourself if you are stuck in empty nest syndrome. Sitting at home on the couch all day, with a box of chocolates in one hand and a handkerchief in the other, is not going to do much to help your mood. Instead, focus on a healthy lifestyle, such as joining a gym or a dance class to get your body into shape. Not only will you benefit your body, but the ‘feel good’ chemicals released during exercise will be good for your mind, as well.

Thanks for reading!






The Kiddy Hub- One Stop Shop for all your kids related shopping!

Choosing right products for our little ones always comes across as a challenging task. Whether you are buying things for your own children or you wanna gift it to someone, there is a constant tussle on what kind of product to buy, should we opt for clothes, or do we gift some educational product, do we buy some home decor stuff exclusively for kids or settle for some toys. Most of the times taking this decision means checking out number of shops, or number of websites in case of online shopping, and then comparing and going crazy on what exactly to buy.
But no more, leave your children’s shopping woes at bay, and log on to www.thekiddyhub for all your children related gifting solutions.
The site offers almost everything you can think of under one roof and thus saves the hassle of checking out numerous shops or websites. They offer everything from customised gifts and home decor options, to great educational products, toys and even clothes. The site also offers wide range of items you may need to plan a party for kids.
I was recently in a dilemma when I had to gift something to a 5 year old kiddo for his birthday and this site came as a rescue for me. I actually had in mind to give him something useful, which is both engaging and interactive. I was inclined to give story books and then while searching for books i stumbled upon this amazing thing called as a STORY BOX. The story box is a great combination of a story book along with perfectly curated activities for your little one to enjoy and understand the nuances of the story and almost live the story in real.
I chose two story boxes, MAGICIAN and RED RIDING HOOD. First things first, the packaging was very neat and carefully done. Before gifting it, I wanted to personally check the contents and everything and hence I opened the boxes to take a look. Each item was separately packed and the box also comes with a small bag in order to put all your contents in one place post opening the box. I would also like to highlight, that I found the boxes very reasonable. Priced at just Rs 499 for each story box, and the number of contents it has, its totally worth it.

The Little Story Box makes boxes of carefully created and curated stories, supported by activities that bring them alive for children
Each box is built around our 4R approach : Read , Reflect , Retell, Reinvent
Designed to stimulate Creativity, Curiosity and Communication skills
Like the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood is brought to  life with the Little Red Riding Hood box! Read the Little Red Riding Hood Story with your little one , let them retell the story with DIY stick puppets , strengthen their fine motor skills as they enjoy the activity sheets , and let them reinvent their own version as they dress up in a Little Red Riding Hood cape!
Use this as an opportunity to reflect , together with your child , on the important topic of strangers and safety.

And the people behind this magnificent product are doing a fab job too. 

Smile multiplier creates children gifts that support a cause , so that you multiply happiness every time you shop for your child. . The cape in the box is made by the benificieries of the Animedh Charitable charitable trust , where less privileged women are given vocational training , to help them transform their lives.

Isn’t it a fantastic thing, I mean while you spread joys to your near and dear ones, it also reaches someone far away and make his/her life a little more meaningful.

I am totally hooked to this site and I know that whenever I have to buy something for kids, this is my go to place not just because of the products but also because I believe in the cause they are supporting.

The Dangers Of Introducing Young Children To Tech

These days, children can be extremely technologically advanced. Whenever you are out and about, you will often see some very young children, toddlers even, playing on their parent’s smartphone. Some may even have their very own smartphone or tablet device themselves. Lots of people think that introducing children to technology in this way at an early age is good for them. It gives them the chance to develop some useful tech skills that will help them in later lives and getting to know tech from an early stage can keep them safe when online.

But is it really such a good idea to introduce young children to technology at such an early age? It is important to remember that there are some dangers associated with it.


One of the main worries about letting your kids loose on smartphones and tablet devices is that they might damage the expensive appliances. Kids can be very clumsy, and your phone or tablet might easily slip out of their hands and smash on a hard floor. Or, your kids might press something they shouldn’t and they could delete a lot of important data. But there are ways to protect your devices. Firstly, invest in a good quality cover that can protect it against physical damage. Secondly, make sure everything is backed up. In this video, Casey explains exactly how to back up your iPhone, and this process isn’t too different for Android phones. Once backed up, all your data and information is safe and secure.



There is a growing problem with obesity currently in a number of Western countries. And the problem is becoming increasingly serious with children. A few parents are wary about letting their children spend a lot of time with technology because it encourages a sedentary way of life. When they aren’t exposed to technology, they will be much more inclined to play outside and lead an active lifestyle. So, if you are already worried about your child’s weight, it might be a good idea to wait a few years to introduce them to these technologies.

Sleep Deprivation

Another health issue that many parents associate with children and technology is sleep deprivation. The screens on all laptops, smartphones, and tablet devices emit a soft blue light that isn’t visible when you are looking at the screen. However, even though you can’t see it, the light is definitely there and can play havoc with melatonin, the hormone that helps us sleep. As a result, if a child is on a device too close to their bedtime, they will find it much harder to fall asleep. Plus, they won’t sleep as deeply as they should do, and will suffer from broken sleep through the night. So, if you do introduce your child to tech, be sure that you have a cut off point in the early evening. That way, they aren’t playing on games right up to bedtime.

Whether or not you do introduce your child to tech at an early age is up to you. But it’s good to weigh up both sides of the argument!



What Any Parent Needs To Consider When They Have A Family

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting, exhausting but amazing journeys you will embark on in your life. From the moment you get that positive pregnancy test it no longer is just about yourself, you have someone to be responsible for, and that can be an overwhelming feeling. But as time moves on you sink into your new role, and life carries on developing new routines as each day passes. However, there are certain things we can put to one side that is important once you have a family to think of. I thought I would share with you what some of them are.


Consider taking out life insurance

Life insurance is important when it comes to your family. None of us truly knows what the future holds, but right now, we could be invested in mortgages and debts. Not to mention being reliant on your wages. This is why life insurance should be a vital part of your outgoings. It can then take care of anything that is outstanding, and even help towards living expenses for the future. Thankfully, a little research online should be able to determine the best policy for you.

Make decisions on health care

The health care of yourself and your family is a high priority, so you should have procedures in place for when you need daily or urgent medical care. Thankfully, in some areas, you can gain access to an urgent care clinic to deal with any of those emergencies that can arise when you least expect them to. It’s important for you to remain vigilant with your families healthcare, so encourage a healthy diet, regular exercise, and keep on top of common illnesses and issues that arise.

Think about the future with a will

Every one of us have some form of assets. It might just be the jewelry we have on, the clothes we are wearing, or even houses and cars, etc. However, on the same lines of not knowing what the future holds, it’s a good idea to have a will in place. This ensures that there is no confusion on different matters and finances.


Make sure you value your time

Time is by far one of the best and most important things you can give your children. While I appreciate that many of us have busy jobs and lifestyles, it is still important to invest in time rather than material things with your kids. Take your annual leave when you can, leave the office when you should do. No one ever regrets not spending more time in the office, do they?

Saving as often as you can

Finally, it is always worth considering saving for your children’s future at your earliest convenience, even if it is a small amount each month. At some point, your child will grow up and need help with higher education, maybe getting a car, or even help on the property ladder. Having saved up, you could be in a position to help them.

I hope this helps you get ahead when it comes to your families needs.

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Goa, India