Tag: Positive Lifestyle

The Dangers Of Introducing Young Children To Tech


These days, children can be extremely technologically advanced. Whenever you are out and about, you will often see some very young children, toddlers even, playing on their parent’s smartphone. Some may even have their very own smartphone or tablet device themselves. Lots of people think that introducing children to technology in this way at an early age is good for them. It gives them the chance to develop some useful tech skills that will help them in later lives and getting to know tech from an early stage can keep them safe when online.

But is it really such a good idea to introduce young children to technology at such an early age? It is important to remember that there are some dangers associated with it.


One of the main worries about letting your kids loose on smartphones and tablet devices is that they might damage the expensive appliances. Kids can be very clumsy, and your phone or tablet might easily slip out of their hands and smash on a hard floor. Or, your kids might press something they shouldn’t and they could delete a lot of important data. But there are ways to protect your devices. Firstly, invest in a good quality cover that can protect it against physical damage. Secondly, make sure everything is backed up. In this video, Casey explains exactly how to back up your iPhone, and this process isn’t too different for Android phones. Once backed up, all your data and information is safe and secure.



There is a growing problem with obesity currently in a number of Western countries. And the problem is becoming increasingly serious with children. A few parents are wary about letting their children spend a lot of time with technology because it encourages a sedentary way of life. When they aren’t exposed to technology, they will be much more inclined to play outside and lead an active lifestyle. So, if you are already worried about your child’s weight, it might be a good idea to wait a few years to introduce them to these technologies.


Sleep Deprivation

Another health issue that many parents associate with children and technology is sleep deprivation. The screens on all laptops, smartphones, and tablet devices emit a soft blue light that isn’t visible when you are looking at the screen. However, even though you can’t see it, the light is definitely there and can play havoc with melatonin, the hormone that helps us sleep. As a result, if a child is on a device too close to their bedtime, they will find it much harder to fall asleep. Plus, they won’t sleep as deeply as they should do, and will suffer from broken sleep through the night. So, if you do introduce your child to tech, be sure that you have a cut off point in the early evening. That way, they aren’t playing on games right up to bedtime.

Whether or not you do introduce your child to tech at an early age is up to you. But it’s good to weigh up both sides of the argument!



It’s Time to Start Feeling Comfortable in Your Own Skin!

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We live in a world that thrives on perfection. Everyone wants the perfect hair, the perfect skin, the perfect smile and the perfect wardrobe to top it all off. It’s easy to get drawn into this culture that idealises the flawless. Sometimes, it makes us overly self-critical. We begin to doubt our own beauty and start to feel blue. It’s about time that we free ourselves from these stresses and start feeling comfortable in our own skin. Remember, nobody is really perfect, and our imperfections are what make us unique and who we are. So, if you’re feeling a little down about your appearance, here are a few tips and tricks that can help you along on your journey to self-acceptance.

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Note Down Your Insecurities

Take a few moments to sit down and make a note of all of the things that make you feel insecure. Once you’ve gathered a list and have identified the root causes of your worries, you’ll realise that most of them are easy to change. All it takes is a little dedication and hard work. If your self-confidence issues are weight orientated, start to make a plan. A healthy balanced diet and the correct amount of exercise can help you to reach a healthier BMI, whether that involves losing a few pounds or putting a little weight on. If you are concerned about blemished skin, visit your doctor. They will be able to recommend creams and lotions that can help to reduce spots and they will also be able to give you an idea of the correct skin care routine for your type of skin. If you don’t like your hair, it can be easily cut, dyed or grown. Alternatively, there are endless types of weave, extensions and wigs out there too! If your hair is constantly getting in the way, you might like to shave it or have a shorter, cropped cut. If there are issues on the list that are a little more stubborn, don’t worry. There is always an expert plastic surgeon on hand who may be able to help. Remember, your body is your own! You can do what you want with its appearance.

Don’t Believe Everything You See

First things first, let’s tackle the media and social media. Every day we are exposed to seemingly endless images of models and celebrities looking the image of perfection. But prevent yourself from comparing your own looks to theirs. After all, these images are highly edited using airbrushing software. Many celebrities will admit themselves that the photographs of them plastered over posters and advertisements don’t actually look anything like them in real life. Now, your friends and colleagues’ social media feeds. Remember that people only post images of themselves when they’re looking good. It’s unlikely that you’ll find anyone who will post a picture of themselves as they wake up in the morning without a filter applied. It’s important that you recognise the power of angles, lighting and filters in other people’s projections of themselves and essential that you don’t compare yourself in real life to others’ altered pictures.

Self-confidence is massively important, as your confidence can greatly affect your lifestyle and composure. So, it’s time to start building it today. Don’t wait around. It’s time to start feeling comfortable in your own skin!

4 Things Your Morning Routine Needs More Of

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Every day starts with a morning. There is no escaping that fact. That’s what makes or break moment that sets you up for a great day or one you’d rather forget in a flash. With that in mind, finding the perfect morning routine should be a priority on everyone’s list because the right routine can sprinkle positivity over the rest of your day. It is a magic formula that will probably require tweaking but, once you have perfected it, well it becomes a matter of wake up, smile, live, sleep, repeat. What’s more even the most morning-loathing people on the planet can learn to love dawn with the right routine in place.

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Save The Coffee For Later

What you drink first thing in the morning is so important when it comes to getting the rest of your day right. So while coffee may be the go to drink of choice, it isn’t a preferable option going, more just a habit you can’t kick. Instead, we recommend you try caffeinated water. If you want to get that shock-factor that coffee gives you, then store a bottle of this in the fridge overnight, otherwise just drink it warm. Not only will the caffeine work wonders, the infused fruit will get your digestive system working while your body will get the rehydration process underway; pretty important after eight hours of nothing.

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Always Eat Breakfast

Not only is this the most important and most tasty meal of the day, it is one of the most important ingredients in a healthy morning routine. This is the fuel that will kick start your day, the very substance that will urge positivity to build from your belly, jump starting your metabolism and giving you that energy you so desperately want. Of course, in order to get the most out of this, you’ll want to have something healthy but long-lasting, which is why you should mix fresh fruit with something like muesli, adding a splash of yoghurt and honey into the mix because, well, why wouldn’t you? It is delicious and a surefire way to stop you from always feeling hungry. Oh, and by eating brekky every day, your body won’t feel such a need to hang onto your fat deposits, which means your metabolism is way better too.

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Stretch It Out Now

If you are worried that a morning routine will mean you have to get up a ton of minutes (possibly even hours) earlier than you are used to, then you can safely eradicate that thought now. Even just the addition of a stretching routine can be done and dusted within five minutes. What this does, though, is wake up your muscles and prepare them for the big day you have ahead. Try not to just stick with one stretching routine and use that every morning, however. Instead, try and listen to what your body is saying and tweak your stretches to meet your body’s wants and needs. That will give it a much more beneficial role in your day.

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Always Talk To Someone

It doesn’t matter whether you talk to your gorgeous partner or your housemates, or whether you pick up the phone and call your mum or your best friend, talking is a great addition to anyone’s morning routine. This is because human contact can seriously alleviate any feelings of stress or anxiety, two things that are awesome at ruining your day. The reason this works is that, when we talk to people, serotonin gets released into our body’s and that whips stress’ butt while also boosting your creativity, positive energy and just plain awesomeness.